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PUT AN END TO CAPITALISM! – Only way to defend jobs,...

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings on this 2013 May Day to the workers and the oppressed nations fighting imperialism throughout...

Wmd Lies Being Used Against Syria

USING the Bush-Blair WMD tactic, manufactured for use as the cause of war with Iraq, the imperialist powers and Israel were yesterday insisting that...

US must prove that Manning knowingly helped Al-Qaeda – rules US...

THE US government must prove that army private Bradley Manning knowingly helped Al-Qaeda and other ‘American foes’ by handing over secret documents to WikiLeaks,...

IRISH TEACHERS CALL TO BOYCOTT ISRAEL – and will fight property...

The Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) last Thursday agreed to oppose and campaign against the incoming property tax. On the final day of their ...

NATO massacres Afghan civilians

TWELVE Afghan civilians – ten children and two women – and one NATO soldier have been killed in an operation carried out by US-led...

France Determined To Arm The ‘Syrian National Coalition’

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday that the composition of a UN group to be assembled to investigate the alleged use of...

DAMN THIS DEAL! – says Cyprus Speaker

‘THIS decision is painful for Cypriot people. This decision was a defeat,’ Cyprus Parliamentary Speaker Yiannakis Omirou said yesterday. He was referring to the deal...

World capitalism is in its death agony – forward with the...

YESTERDAY’S ‘solution’ to the economic crisis of Cyprus is simply the decision of the EU bankers and the IMF to completely bankrupt the country...

Berezovskiy goes bust as capitalist crisis deepens!

POLICE were yesterday searching the home of Boris Berezovskiy. They were desperately looking for chemical, biological or nuclear material, so that they could...

Agree to robbery with violence or face eviction – Troika warns...

MPs in Cyprus have been told to agree, by Monday, on a series of bills to raise 6bn euros off the backs of the...

‘President Assad is not going to leave’ – says Russian Foreign...

RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an interview to the BBC on 7 March, ahead of his visit to London to take part in...

SAVE THE HUNGER STRIKERS –end arbitrary detentions and jailings, Palestinian Mission...

TODAY, hundreds of Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli jails are refusing food for one day in solidarity with the four leading Palestinian Prisoners – Samer...

Please help us – Hague appeals to Russia & China!

SPEAKING at the Royal United Services Institute on Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Hague reported that: ‘On January 16th, a terrorist group linked to Al...

Nato-Israeli-Backed Gang Assassinates An Iranian Commander

ASSAILANTS shot dead an Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander in Syria while he was travelling by road from Damascus towards the Lebanese capital Beirut, the...

Victory To Syria – Down With The US, UK And Israel

THE unprovoked air strike by Israeli forces on a scientific research centre on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus is the opening shot...

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! – Foreign Office tells UK nationals in...

THE UK Foreign Office yesterday urged British nationals to leave Benghazi at once in response to ‘a specific and imminent threat’ to Westerners from...

Obama’s Second Coming – Full Of Empty Words

OBAMA began his second term on Monday, after four years of office which saw GM and other motor car giants go bust, Lehman Brothers...

Bring Down The UK-French-US War Lords

BRITISH IMPERIALISM was run out of Basra and Iraq, and is about to be run out of Afghanistan. However, it is still organising new...

‘WE ARE IN A STATE OF WAR – repelling a fierce...

SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday gave a defiant address to the nation, broadcast on national TV. Delivering a speech on the latest developments in...

BRING DOWN COALITION IN 2013 – victory to World Socialist Revolution

2013 Manifesto – STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the year 2013 to the...


‘WHAT Are the Real Reasons of the Western Positions Vis-A-Vis President Al-Assad? Or Why Has President Al-Assad Become an Obsession for the United States?’...

Imperialist Vultures Gather Over Syria

HAVING failed to overthrow President Assad of Syria by force of arms, the imperialist powers are now turning to Russia, and are seeking the...

Bush, Cheney and Rice were personally told that Iraq had no...

THE US Think-Progress website has published the text of the ‘60 Minutes’ TV interview with former CIA official Tyler Drumheller who revealed that in...

Food Prices Rocket, With Energy Price Rises To Come!

UK CPI consumer price inflation remained unchanged at 2.7% in November, according to official data, despite the fact that there were big rises in...

Obama Ready To Step Up Intervention Into Syria

THE just re-elected US President, Barack Obama, yesterday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons against the NATO-supported opposition forces, saying...

UKRAINE – from the general election to the barricades

AT the present time, the main events in the Ukrainian political life are concentrated in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. After the finishing of vote...

NATO Patriot missiles–‘harbingers of a war on Syria’

THE Turkish privately-owned, mass-circulation daily Hurriyet, on 23 November, discussed the issue ‘Are the Patriots Harbingers of a War in Syria?’ It stated: ‘Turkey first...

Mursi follows on from Mubarak as the US’ man in Cairo

PRESIDENT MURSI of Egypt has followed up his successful negotiation of the end of the current round of Israel’s war with Gaza – which...

US no longer recognises the Syrian National Council as leader of...

US SECRETARY of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Washington wanted to help the Syrian opposition unite against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime but...

‘Revolution the only answer!’ Trotsky – News Line Anniversary rally told

UP TO 200 WRP and YS members and supporters marched through East London yesterday on the 43rd anniversary of the News Line daily newspaper...

US, UK, Turkey Make Sure Syrian Truce Collapses

A POWERFUL car bomb exploded in Damascus on Friday, on the first day of the Syrian cease-fire, killing five people and injuring 32. Thus was...

Israeli Navy Boards Finnish Ship & Tasers Passengers

ISRAELI naval forces used stun guns when they boarded a Finnish ship which was attempting to break the sea blockade of Gaza on Saturday,...

NO TO TROIKA-DICTATED AUSTERITY MEASURES! – says the International Trade Union...

THE ITUC global union federation has urged the IMF not to let the EC-ECB-IMF troika dictate destructive austerity policies. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the...

Peace Prize for the ‘Fourth Reich’

The European Union has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for ‘six decades of work in advancing peace in Europe’, according to Thorbjoern Jagland...

Syria condemns Turkish piracy!

SYRIAN transport minister Mahmoud Saeed yesterday accused Turkey of ‘air piracy’ over its forcing down of a Syria-bound passenger aircraft travelling from Russia. Turkish jet...

Huge food price rises!

ALREADY soaring food prices are set to rocket as winter approaches, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) warned yesterday, saying wheat yields in England are...

Putin Accuses West Over Syria ‘Chaos’

PRESIDENT Putin has accused the West of pursuing policies that had destabilised states in the Arab world and now risked creating chaos...

The EU crisis is threatening catastrophe

THE UN’S International Labour Organisation has issued a dire warning of the disaster that will follow on from Greece being evicted from the EU...

Food Prices Leap By 10%

AVERAGE global food prices leapt by ten per cent in the month of July, raising fears of soaring prices for the planet’s poorest, the...

New Axis Of Evil Threatens War With Syria!

THE new axis of evil, the leaders of the US, France and the UK, have come together to threaten Syria with war, with US...

‘The situation… provides a historic opportunity to break free from the...

SYRIAN deputy Premier Qadri Jamil, and Syrian Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haydar have spoken on Damascus TV following their meeting...

Neither savage deflation or massive inflation but socialism!

LABOUR’S last Chancellor, Alistair Darling, has urged the Tories to set about printing or borrowing even more money to finance growth. It must be remembered...

Hague hands £5m to the Syrian counter-revolution

THE British government has responded to the success of the Syrian government in driving the Al Qaeda-supported Free Syrian Army out of Damascus, and...

Obama, Cameron Sign Up For War In Syria

US President Barack Obama has signed a covert, secret order authorising the CIA and other US state agencies to support the Syrian counter-revolutionaries, the...

Syrian army deals blows at US/UK stooges

THE Syrian Army killed tens of insurgents yesterday during clashes in the Syrian city of Aleppo in the northwest of the country. The government...