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Capitalism cannot be reformed – it must be overthrown with Socialist...

IN HIS speech on Saturday to the Labour Party Policy Forum Jeremy Corbyn proved that left reformism has absolutely no answers to the crisis...

Revolution – New Art For A New World

REVOLUTION - NEW ART FOR A NEW WORLD A Margy Kinmonth Film Director: Margy Kinmonth Created with the support of Alisher Usmanov, Founder of the Art, Science...


PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to RTP TV channel on 16 November 2016. Question 1: Mr. President, let’s start with Aleppo if you don’t...

28th anniversary of declaration of Palestinian independence!

SECRETARY General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Saed Erekat said yesterday that the international community has failed in its responsibility to correct the...

Syrian Army poised for victory in Aleppo

THE news at the weekend that the Syrian army had successfully driven Jaysh al-Fateh out of the western areas around Aleppo marks another decisive...

The fight to free Palestine is inseparable from the British socialist...

IN response to a pledge by US President-elect Donald Trump to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Palestinian ambassador to the United...

‘Working class must follow example of October 1917’

A POWERFUL News Line 47th Anniversary and 76th Anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s Assassination Rally, with 200 workers, students and youth in attendance, was held...

Trump victory shatters the Democratic Party and shows the US...

THE Democrats lost the presidential election some time ago, when the party nominated Hillary Clinton for the presidency and pushed Bernie Sanders aside using...

May welcomes Trump victory

EARLY on Wednesday morning Donald Trump’s Republican Party reached the all-important 270 electoral college votes, meaning that he had won the election to become...

Battles Rage In Iraq, Syria & Yemen

IRAQI paramilitary forces battled the Islamic State group southwest of Mosul on Sunday, the second day of an operation to cut jihadist supply lines...

End imperialist war through world socialist revolution

EIGHT hundred British troops, with tanks, armoured vehicles and drones are to be sent to Estonia in the Spring, on the border with Russia. The...

Amnesty exposes deadly US air attacks on Syria!

AS IS well known, the Clinton-led Democratic Party has pledged that if and when she is elected as President of the USA, she will...

BATTLE FOR ALEPPO DECISIVE FOR REGION says Hezbollah leader Nasrallah

HEZBOLLAH Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah affirmed on Sunday that the battle against terrorist organisations in Aleppo is decisive for the entire region just...

Economic Crisis Deepening! More Austerity And A Banking Crash On The...

A LEAKED document obtained by the Labour Party has revealed that the Treasury faces a black hole of up to £16bn in its finances...

Five Years Since The Murder Of Gadaffi!

FIVE years after Libya’s long time leader Muammar Gadaffi was cold-bloodedly murdered right in front of mobile phone cameras and with the full backing...

Ecuador pulls the plug on Assange to help out Clinton!

ECUADOR has admitted that it ‘partly restricted’ the internet access for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is taking refuge at its London embassy...

Hands Off Rt! Defend Democratic Rights! Russia Is Not The...

THE decision by the UK state-owned NatWest Bank to cancel RT’s (Russia Today) UK bank accounts is a crude attempt by...

Tories pushing health insurance to smash NHS! Organise general strike...

THE SPECTRE of health insurance to ‘top-up’ the NHS has raised its ugly head. It is part of the arsenal of weapons turned on...

Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Supports The Third Intifada

SAYYED Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, says a new Intifada (uprising) is the right choice for Palestinians to fight the...

Tories and Labour right-wing call for war with Russia

WAR hysteria dominated the Parliamentary debate on Tuesday, with both Tory and Labour MPs pushing for a full-scale war against Russia over unproven accusations...

Parliament pushes to bomb Syrian troops

PUSHING for the UK to begin openly bombing Syrian army positions and to consider taking action against Russian aircraft, Tory MP for Sutton Coldfield,...


PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the United States doesn’t have the will to reach any agreement about Syria, and that Syria knew in advance...

US Airstrikes Kill 9 Aleppo Civilians

US-led coalition airstrikes on Syria killed nine civilians in the east of the town of Mare, approximately 25 kilometres north of Aleppo yesterday. Meanwhile, the...

University Fees £9,500 and rising! Socialist revolution will end all fees!

NOT one, but two tuition fee hikes have been announced by the Tory government in the last two weeks: first to £9,250 and then...

‘Syrian Government Is Resolved To Restore Sovereignty Over The Whole National...

PRESIDENTIAL Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban asserted in Damascus yesterday that the Syrian Arab Army will strike wherever there is terrorism in...

Imperialist lies over Aleppo – a cover for their own war...

SUNDAY’S emergency meeting of the UN Security Council witnessed the orchestrated attack on the Syrian people and Russia by the imperialist powers. The meeting was...

US-UK air attack on Syrian army ‘definitely intentional’ says Assad

SANA, the Syrian state news agency, is showing an interview with President Assad by Associated Press and the current ceasefire crisis. We are very...

Victory to Syria – US and UK imperialism out of the...

‘THE hope that the ceasefire in Syria will be reinstated is very little now,’ Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov admitted on Tuesday. ‘We are expressing serious...

US-UK attack on Syrian army is support for ISIS terrorists

‘THE cowardly US aggression against positions of the Syrian Arab army in the surroundings of Deir Ezzor Airport is evidence of the support provided...

Bank for International Settlements warns of full-blown banking crash

THE Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of central bankers, in its latest quarterly review of the world banking system has just issued...

RAF joins US in Syrian air strike – 62 Syrian army...

THE BRITISH airforce has admitted its involvement in the US-led airstrikes which killed over 60 Syrian Army troops and injured over 100 more. It has...

US has lost all control in Syria says Churkin

THE UNITED States air strike on Deir Ez-zor on Saturday, which killed 62 Syrian soldiers, means the US has lost control over the situation...

US-UK imperialist forces must be driven out of Syria and the...

THE United States might have lost control over the situation in Syria and cannot fulfill their pledge to separate the opposition from the terrorists,...

MPs damn Cameron for Libya but support ‘organised’ regime change in...

FIVE years after US imperialism, aided by their stooges in Britain and France, launched their bombing campaign against Libya and its leader Colonel Muammar...

UK and US have lost the war and now they want...

AFTER a tortuous series of talks in Geneva the Russian Foreign minister Lavrov has announced the signing of five documents which include agreements reached...

Boris Johnson & UK Are ‘Delusional’–Syria

SYRIA says the UK is ‘detached from reality and delusional’ after the British Foreign Minister backed a proposal by President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents calling...

Syria rejects rebel ‘peace plan!’

THE Syrian government has dismissed a peace proposal from the umbrella group representing Syria’s US and UK backed political and armed opposition. The opposition’s High...

G20 talks dominated by world crisis, and the fear of world...

THE initial stages of the G20 talks in China were yesterday dominated by the world crisis of capitalism, the sharpening antagonisms that this crisis...

Build The Revolutionary Leadership In South Africa!

IN recent editions of the News Line we have reproduced in full a speech delivered by Zwelinzima Vavi, former general secretary of the Confederation...

Turkish Bombardment Kills Dozens In Northern Syria

DOZENS of people have been killed in Turkish bombardments in Syria since Sunday, as Ankara ramps up its unprecedented offensive against Kurdish fighters and...

Obama-Erdogan To Meet Over Syria At G20

THE Turkish government warned on Monday that it would carry out more strikes on the previously US-backed Kurdish militia in Syria if it fails...

Syria, the Kurdish people and the Turkish workers must stand together...

THIRTY-FIVE Syrian civilians have reportedly been killed and 75 others wounded by fresh Turkish artillery and tank fire plus air strikes on Jubb al...

Capitalist leaders have lost confidence in the system and are preparing...

THESE are fearful times for the leaders of EU capitalism. The fear factor is not just present in Brussels. Admiral Alan West, who...

Bankers dump the dollar and shares and crave for gold!

THE current heir to the Rothschild banking dynasty, Lord Jacob Rothschild, has pronounced that the game is up, the world’s central banks have shot...

Fire cuts endanger public

UP TO 18 fire engines are unavailable to respond to emergencies each day in North Yorkshire because of chronic staff shortages, the Fire Brigades...