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US and South Korea ‘pour gasoline onto the fire’ says North...

THE US and South Korea have begun conducting annual military drills, ignoring North Korean appeals to halt the exercises. Last week North Korea appeared to...

US Crisis Explodes On The Streets As Trump Threatens War With...

US PRESIDENT Trump, dedicated to ‘making America great again’, to further enrich the bosses and the bankers at the expense of the US workers...

Flammable insulation & cladding, tower blocks built to collapse & fire...

LONDON Mayor Sadiq Khan says Londoners have been let down after the Tory government rejected his request for new firefighting equipment.  Tory Home Secretary Amber...

Advance Notification: 100 Years Of Russian Revolution Rally

Sunday November 12, 2-8pm The Camden Centre, Bidborough Street,WC1H 9AU Rally • Films • theatre • art exhibition

Passchendaele – where imperialism murdered hundreds of thousands of British &...

THE BATTLE of Passchendaele saw 275,000 British soldiers, workers in uniform, killed or wounded alongside 220,000 German workers in uniform. This was a great imperialist...

US jets bomb Syria hospital

WARPLANES of the US-led international coalition shelled a hospital and perpetrated a new massacre in Syria on Saturday, claiming the lives of six civilians...

EU and US fall out over oil, gas and Russian sanctions!

THE INCREASINGLY fractious relationship between the US and its rival capitalist bloc the European Union, is on the point of erupting into a full...

UK government must answer war crimes charges in both Iraq and...

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL has condemned UK war crimes in both the Yemen and in Iraq. In the Yemen UK-supplied weaponry to Saudi Arabia has been...

Trump-Putin To Discuss Crisis In Syria

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have met for the first time, shaking hands at the start of a G20 summit in...

Trump stokes up Polish nationalism!

US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test will have ‘consequences’, while launching into a tirade against Russia...

Defend North Korea! Prevent nuclear war by a revolutionary disarming...

IN AN OPEN declaration that it is prepared to plunge the world into a nuclear war US imperialism has threatened that it ‘is prepared...

British imperialism’s major ally, Saudi Arabia is up to its neck...

A REPORT by the Henry Jackson Society, published yesterday, named Saudi Arabia as the main foreign promoter of Islamic extremism in Britain, stating that...

Carney Says Time Is Not Right For Interest Rate Rise!

THE TIME is not right for an interest rate rise, Bank of England governor Mark Carney said at the Mansion House. In his speech, Carney...

Syria Condemns ‘Decades Of Violating The Rights Of Palestinians And Golan...

SYRIA’S Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, affirmed on Monday that the Israeli violations of international humanitarian law and...

US shoots down Syrian warplane

US MILITARY shot down a Syrian military plane last Sunday. Up until yesterday, all sides had agreed to the framework of the Memorandum on...

Gadaffi’s son Saif al-Islam freed!

SAIF al-Islam, the second son and heir apparent of the late deposed Libyan Leader Muammar Gadaffi, is said to have been freed in Libya...


PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad has affirmed that the situation in Syria has improved dramatically because the terrorist groups, mainly ISIS, al-Nusra and like-minded groups who...


THE TORY and Labour parties yesterday suspended national campaigning in the general election for the day in the wake of Saturday night’s terror attack...

May threatens internment, more secret police powers, plus Syrian intervention to...

ON SUNDAY morning, not long after the latest terrorist attack, PM May, in her statement following the Cobra Security Committee meeting, expressed her indignation...

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Visits North Western Iraq As Syrian Troops...

THE COMMANDER of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Qassem Soleimani has been pictured with the pro-government...

MAY SUSPENDS ELECTION! – after Manchester terror attack

THE main political parties all suspended general election campaigning yesterday in line with PM May’s edict after Monday evening’s suicide terror bombing...

Workers and youth say vote Athow in Hornsey and Wood Green!

WORKERS and youth signed up to join the Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) and Young Socialists on Saturday, saying they will vote for Hornsey and...

US-UK strikes at Syrian army on eve of Trump’s visit to...

LAST Monday, the US-led coalition airforce in the Middle East, that includes the UK, attacked and bombed Al-Bukamal near the Syrian border with Iraq...

NHS held to ransom by Cyber terrorists – Hunt must...

ON FRIDAY afternoon a terrorist cyber attack was launched on the NHS in England and Scotland that brought it to a standstill in many...

UNIONS MARCH AGAINST MACRON – day after French election

TRADE unions, students and youth marched through the streets of Paris yesterday against Emmanuel Macron’s proposed ‘Labour Reforms’ on the very next day...

Tories planning post election war vote on Syria

THE TORIES plan to call a snap vote in parliament to authorise British airstrikes against the legitimate Syrian government forces of President Assad should...

Syria Hails Iran’s Support For The Struggle Against The UK...

CHIEF of the General Staff of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces, Lt. Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub on Tuesday held a session of talks...

May Day meeting ‘Forward to the World October!’

‘WE WERE marching with our banner “100 years of the Russian Revolution, for the World October”,’ WRP candidate for Hackney South Jonty Leff told...

Get the Tories out! Victory to Palestinian hunger strikers! say London...

UP to 10,000 workers, trade unionists, students and youth marched on May Day in London from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square, carrying banners and...

EU leaders took one minute to agree measures to discipline...

THE leaders of the EU took just one minute of discussion last Saturday to agree on imposing measures designed to beat the Tory government...

MAY DAY MANIFESTO – Russian Revolution Centenary – Forward to world-wide...

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working class and the youth of the world. This year’s May Day is...

Iran, Russia & Syria defence chiefs meet

THE DEFENCE chiefs of Iran, Russia and Syria have called for closer trilateral co-operation in the battle against terrorism, emphasising the need to keep...

Save the NHS by bringing down the Tories and expropriating the...

THE NHS is the greatest of the gains that the working class made in the period immediately after the Second World War. It was brought...

‘The West supports the terrorists and does not have the will...

IN an interview given to Russia’s RIA Novosti and Sputnik news agencies, Syria’s President al-Assad said that we always announce that we are ready...

70 children blown to pieces by terror gangs in Syria and...

IN SYRIA a massive car bomb deliberately targeting people awaiting evacuation from Syrian towns being besieged by the so-called ‘rebel’ forces, in reality a...

Workers in UK and US must dismantle the imperialist war machine...

AFTER Tuesday’s talks with the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, President Putin spoke about the situation after the US’s 59 cruise missile...

Murderous US airstrike on Shayrat air base crossed red lines –...

THE MURDEROUS US strike on the Shayrat Syrian air base last Friday crossed ‘red lines’ and any new aggression will be met by a...

Only socialist revolution can stop imperialist war

LAST Friday’s attack by US planes on the Syrian airfield of al-Shayrat was not a one-off military exercise to teach the Syrians a lesson,...

UK leaders back US war drive!

BRITISH Tory and Labour leaders fell in with their US masters’ drive to war yesterday. US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in...