Tag: protest
2,000 students & teachers march in Athens
THOUSANDS of determined drama and arts schools’ students along with primary and secondary teachers marched through the Athens city centre last Wednesday in a...
Postal Workers Will Not Accept Their Livelihoods Being Destroyed!
THOUSANDS of postal workers have voted in favour of more strikes in the long-running dispute over pay. More than 95% of staff who voted in...
Nationalise British Gas! Bosses Are Making Billions Out Of The Crisis...
BRITISH Gas’ owner Centrica has posted huge profits after oil and gas prices soared last year as the US and the UK stoked up...
Palestinian prisoners plan open-ended hunger strike for March 24th
BY KHALED TAYEH EVER since Israeli Jewish supremacist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, became officially a part of the new Israeli far-right government, he...
Aslef supports PCS strikers at British Museum
‘YOU are the finest workers in the UK. You deserve fair pay, job security and not threats,’ PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka told strikers...
France will be ‘brought to a standstill’ as workers and youth...
FRANCE was in flames on Saturday as hundreds of thousands of workers and youth took to the streets in mass demonstrations across the country...
‘Free Julian Assange’ demands 2,000-strong Night Carnival
Campaigners fighting for the freedom of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, attended a ‘Night Carnival’ in London on Saturday. Approximately 2,000 people gathered at...
Working Class Is On The March – It Is Refusing To...
THE UK working class is on the march, spurred forward by the worldwide crisis of the capitalist system, with Britain very much the weakest...
In Iraq ‘so many sacrifices were ultimately made in the service...
FORMER acting Pentagon chief Christopher C. Miller said the United States must hold senior American military leadership accountable for the failed wars in Iraq...
Tuc Must Defend Palestinians And Call A General Strike To...
THE Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has just announced in a statement that Ahmed Badr Abdullah Abu Ali, a resident of Yatta city in the...
Millions turn out for Tuesday’s pension strike in France
MILLIONS of workers and youth took part in the first of two new mass strikes and demonstrations in France on Tuesday in opposition to...
Two Years Since Myanmar Military Coup
On the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, the Global Unions – which represents 200 million workers worldwide – has called for...
Republicans throw pro-Palestinian Congresswoman off Foreign Affairs Committee
NEWLY empowered Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted to oust Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from the chamber’s Foreign Affairs Committee, because of her...
‘Greetings to this fantastic show of strength’ says Mark Serwotka
THERE were more than 40,000 teachers and other striking workers on the NEU demonstration on Wednesday 1st February – with the front of the...
A BIG demonstration of more than 5,000 teachers, UCU university lecturers, PCS members members marched through Liverpool on the TUC Day of Action yesterday. They...
TUC National Day of Action on March 15!
There will be a National Day of Action on Budget Day, Wednesday 15th March, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak announced yesterday, as hundreds of...
Iran has a strong military deterrent and will defeat any attack...
THE commander of Iran’s armed forces Brigadier General Alireza Sabahifard said on Tuesday that Iran has a strong military deterrent and will defeat any...
HUNDREDS of thousands of teachers, university workers, civil servants and transport workers are striking in the biggest strike day in more than a decade...
Demand recall of the TUC to sack current leaders replacing them...
Today will be the biggest day of strike action across the country in over a decade, with hundreds of thousands of workers from nearly...
Bank of England trapped by inflation crisis – socialism the only...
THE BANK of England is due to meet this week to announce an increase in interest rates, with ‘experts’ predicting an increase of 0.5%...
Netanyahu arming illegal settlers – ‘escalating attacks and terrorism against Palestinians...
Israel has announced plans to provide illegal settlers with firearms and weapons in response to the recent retaliatory operations by Palestinians, which killed at least...
Call a general strike or resign – UCU CONEL demands of...
UCU lecturers at their emergency branch meeting yesterday demanded that the TUC organise a national demonstration and march to parliament on its 1st February ‘Day...
South African health unions demonstrate in Pretoria for more hospital doctors
SOUTH African health unions demonstrated outside the Health Ministry in Pretoria on Friday demanding that the ANC government increase the health care budget and...
Hunt Reveals A Bankrupt Britain
CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt has warned it is ‘unlikely’ that there will be room for any ‘significant’ tax cuts in the Budget. But Hunt said that...
TUC organises a day of inaction against Tory union-busting laws!
IT was with much fanfare that the TUC announced on the 10th January that it would hold a national ‘protect the right to strike’...
Minister seeking to ban NEU teachers strike!
TORY education secretary Gillian Keegan is trying to get next week’s strike action by 100,000 members of the National Education Union (NEU) outlawed, claiming...
TUC attempting to dump the fight against Tory anti-union laws!
IN advance of the national ‘protect the right to strike’ day of demonstrations on Wednesday 1st February the TUC has published a statement headed...
Tuc Refusing To Smash Tories Anti-Union Law!
TIM SHARP, the TUC senior policy officer for employment rights, has published an article entitled ‘Fighting the Anti-Strike Law’. He states: ‘The government is attempting...
Youth organisations lead 150,000-strong march in Paris
A dozen youth organisations marched through Paris on Saturday afternoon against the government’s pension age hike from 62 to 64, following last Thursday’s mass demonstrations...
UK And French Workers Are Taking Action Against The Bosses And...
THE head of the UK’s Unite trade union has accused the government of having a ‘sinister reason’ for ‘not doing a deal’ with nurses...
‘We’re heading for a general strike’ say UCLH nurses
THE HUGE picket of around 400 nurses on the steps of University College Hospital (UCH) on the Euston Road in central London was featured...
South African trade unions battle inflation as food prices rise by...
SAFTU – the South African Federation of Trade Unions – notes the stubborn inflation which remains high above 7%, and averaged 7,2% in December...
Unite will fight brutal Tory school cuts
UNITE General Secretary Sharon Graham pledged her union would stand against the Westminster government’s ‘scorched earth’ approach in imposing brutal cuts on schools and...
France gripped by nationwide strike against Macron government!
FRANCE was gripped by a nationwide strike yesterday with schools closed and trains grinding to a halt as workers walked out in anger at...
Deaths and injuries continue in Bangladesh’s shipbreaking yards
WORKERS’ lives continue to be in danger due to the unsafe working conditions at Bangladesh’s shipbreaking yards. Two accidents occurred on 12 January in two...
‘We are striking because people are dying!’ – says RCN’s Cullen!
‘PEOPLE aren’t dying because nurses are striking, nurses are striking because people are dying,’ RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said yesterday. ‘Today’s record number...
‘March with UCLH nurses to Downing Street today’ – urges Homerton...
OVER 2,000 trade unionists, workers and youth joined an emergency 6.00pm demonstration called by the trade unions in Whitehall opposite Downing Street on Monday...
Striking Nurses To March On Downing Street!
STRIKING nurses are marching on Downing Street today, leaving UCLH (University College London Hospital) at 2.30pm, as nursing staff go on strike in what...
Peru protesters demand resignation of President Boluarte
PROTESTS are continuing throughout Peru demanding the resignation of President-designate Dina Boluarte, the closing of the Congress, the advancement of elections in 2023, and...
Tories want more powers for police to crush the trade unions...
TORY prime minister Rishi Sunak announced yesterday that the government will be tabling fresh amendments to the Public Order Bill, being debated in the...
Teachers 90.44% Strike Vote!
NEU (National Education Union) members in England and Wales and support staff in Wales have voted overwhelmingly for strike action and the ballot has...
ON SATURDAY, the BMA held a rally to launch its campaign for Pay Restoration. Balloting opened for strike action on 9th January and votes...
Workers Of The World Unite To Smash Capitalism And Imperialism!
THE MURDER of Keenan Anderson, the cousin of a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, Patrisse Cullors, after he was repeatedly tasered by police officers...
Weapons supplied by the UK and USA have killed 839 civilians...
WEAPONS supplied by the United Kingdom and the United States to the Saudi-led coalition in war-torn Yemen killed at least 839 civilians and wounded 1,775...
Unions decide to intervene on Second Reading of Strikes Bill!
PCS president Fran Heathcote will be speaking at the demo on 16 January to coincide with the second reading of the government’s Strikes Bill. The...