Tag: parliament
Workers must overthrow the Syriza government and capitalism!
EU bankers plunder Greece!
USING fast-track procedures, the Greek government SYRIZA (Coalition of Radical Left) leader Alexis Tsipras is pushing through the Vouli (Greek parliament) today the...
Special Unit Set Up By Netanyahu To Force Feed Palestinians
PALESTINIAN hunger striker Mohammad Allan was forcibly removed from Soroka hospital in Beersheba and taken to the Barzilai Medical Centre in Ashdod, by Israeli...
UN Concerned Over Force-Feeding Of Palestinian Hunger Strikers!
THE United Nations has voiced concern over a recently adopted Israeli law allowing the force-feeding of detainees and prisoners on hunger strikes in Israeli...
Tunisia Slams UK Over Its Role In Libya
TUNISIAN Prime Minister Habib Essid has stated that Libya’s current turmoil has largely come about as a result of the foreign military intervention in...
Australian companies spend millions spying on workers!
DISCLOSURES by New South Wales (NSW) Government-owned electricity network companies have revealed almost five million dollars was spent in just four years to hire...
Fighting Words Must Be Matched By Fighting Deeds!
LAST Wednesday, Dave Prentis, general secretary of the country’s second largest union, Unison, made a speech urging a ‘popular uprising in defence of the...
‘Fast Track’ deportations illegal
The Court of Appeal has upheld a ruling declaring the ‘Detained Fast Track’ system for asylum seekers to be unlawful and ‘potentially disastrous’. In...
Ruthless Troika has Syriza in its grip
THE Greek Industry, Environment and Industry Minister Panos Skourletis stated on Tuesday that a general election could be called this autumn once the new...
NATO backs Turkish attack on Syria and the Kurds
NATO held an emergency meeting in Brussels yesterday to support Turkey’s military campaign, nominally against the IS, but in fact against the Kurds and...
194,941 sign ‘Sack Hunt’ petition
PATIENTS and doctors still need answers on seven-day hospital services, Dr Mark Porter, the chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA), said yesterday. This follows...
Workers Battle Syriza Austerity Measures
AT 4.30 am on Thursday the Greek Vouli (parliament) approved by 230 to 63 votes, with seven deputies abstaining or absent, a government austerity...
Cameron gets his EU marching orders!
US president Barak Obama has issued his sternest warning yet to the Tory government of the dangers of Britain leaving the European Union. In an...
SACK HUNT! –80,000 sign petition for action
A PETITION to remove Tory Health Secretary Hunt from his post is already heading towards the 100,000 mark. Some 80,000 people have signed a petition...
Labour right wing propping up the Tories!
ACTING Labour Party leader Harriet Harman yesterday betrayed working people when she led over 100 Labour MPs in abstaining over the Welfare Bill which...
Answer Cameron’s war on two fronts with a General Strike
DAVID Cameron’s speech outlining his ‘five-year plan to fight extremism’ was in reality an outline of the Tory government’s war plans for both the...
Stop Tories’ Syria War Drive!
‘PUBLIC opinion and anti-war mobilisation stopped Cameron’s last push to war on Syria and we need to stop the Tories again,’ a Stop the...
Tsipras sacks ”lefts” as prices soar
THE Greek government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is presenting to the Vouli (Greek parliament) another austerity measures Bill. The vote is to be...
Israeli Forces Raid West Bank
ISRAELI forces early on Friday detained three Palestinians, including a minor, from multiple West Bank districts, said security sources. Israeli forces raided Rummana, a...
Parliament undermined – after British pilots bomb Syria
BRITISH personnel have already conducted air strikes in Syria, despite the government’s assurance that there would be a vote in Parliament before any such...
Cosatu Congress ‘a ticking time-bomb’ says NUMSA
THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is a ‘ticking bomb’ waiting to explode, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) deputy...
Tories and military show contempt for Parliament
THE ‘sovereign will’ of parliament was shown to be a complete fiction with the exposure of the participation of British pilots in bombing raids...
Athens Clashes!
IN THE early hours of Thursday the Vouli (Greek parliament) voted by 229 to 64 with six abstentions on the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government’s Bill...
No Tory Dictatorship Smash Anti-Union Laws!
THE publication of the newly proposed Tory strike-ban laws have brought a response from all trade unions. Some union leaders call for action but the...
Greece 24hr national strike
GREEK public sector workers launched a 24-hour national strike yesterday against the SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left)- ANEL coalition government’s new austerity accord...
Greek Public Sector Strike Today
AT A STORMY packed meeting of some 300 delegates on Monday the Greek Public Workers Confederation ADEDY decided to call a national 24-hour strike...
Monstrous Greek Betrayal!
EARLIER on Monday the Greek Prime Minister and SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) leader Alexis Tsipras fully submitted to the Eurozone leaders’ diktats...
Defend right to strike!
THE TRADE Union Bill, to be outlined tomorrow in parliament by the Tory government, is designed to railroad through legislation which will make it...
Bankers ‘don’t trust’ Greece
A EUROGROUP (eurozone’s finance ministers) marathon meeting on Greece ended on midnight Saturday without a decision as the French and German ministers fell out. The...
Greece applies for a ‘Third Austerity Accord’
Statement by the Revolutionary Marxist League Greek section of the International Committee of the 4th International TODAY, Wednesday 8 July, the Greek Finance Minister Efklides...
Syriza Surrenders To Troika!
THE GREEK government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in a treacherous U-turn has turned the landslide ‘NO’ to austerity vote in last Sunday’s referendum,...
Greece mass rallies on Sunday!
THE Greek government’s spokesperson Gavriil Sakelarides stated yesterday morning that ‘he was optimistic of a deal’ with the European Commission by this Sunday. He said...
Tsipras Pleads With Eu Bankers
THE Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spoke at the European Parliament on Wednesday morning stating that he was seeking an ‘honourable compromise’ with the...
Osborne hammers the workers, the welfare state, youth and the poor!
CHANCELLOR Osborne’s first Tory government budget hammers the poor, the youth and the working class while lowering Corporation Tax and pledging to NATO an...
Osborne hammers poor!
CHANCELLOR Osborne launched his vicious class war budget yesterday, signalling massive Tory attacks on the working class, with the young and the poor his...
Tsipras organising Greek regime change!
AFTER a request by Prime Minister Tsipras, the Greek President Prokopios Pavlopoulos convened, Monday afternoon 6th of July, a meeting of the Political Leaders...
137,000 Migrants Flee War
A RECORD 137,000 people made the perilous journey across the Mediterranean to Europe in the first half of 2015, most of them fleeing war,...
Tories Want To Bomb Syria!
TORY Defence Minister, Michael Fallon, with the full support of Cameron and leading members of the Labour Party, is calling for Britain to start...
Greek Workers Voting ‘No!’
SOME 3,000 mostly young people marched to the European Commission offices in Athens on Thursday evening calling for a ‘NO’-‘OXI’ vote in Sunday’s referendum. A...
Reopen Ealing Maternity – demands 500 strong march
‘DEFEND Ealing Hospital! Don’t let it close!’ rang out through the streets of Southall on Wednesday afternoon, as up to 500 workers and youth...
Greek Revolution Statement
STATEMENT BY THE REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST LEAGUE Athens, Saturday 27/6/15 For a strong class ‘NO’ vote in the referendum! No to the austerity accords! Out of EU, IMF and...
Vote ‘NO’ and organise Greek Socialist Revolution!
THE Syriza party won the last Greek general election with its declarations that once elected it would put an end to the austerity dictatorship...
Disabled Occupy Parliament
Disabled people occupied the Central Lobby of Parliament yesterday against the abolition of their Independent Living Fund (ILP). They attempted to storm parliament itself,...
Israeli police raid Jerusalem
ISRAELI police arrested two Palestinians early on Sunday during a police raid on the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiya, while the Israeli army arrested...
Hundreds of thousands march against austerity! – WHILE LEADERS LIMIT DEMANDS...
OVER 250,000 people took part in a huge anti-austerity demonstration in London on Saturday, organised by the People’s Assembly. They took part in a rally...