Tag: nursing
US and Canada cut off aid to new Hamas government
TRYING to divide the Palestinian leadership, the United States and Canada on Wednesday suspended contacts with and aid to the new Palestinian 24-member Hamas-formed...
rail union RMT warned on Tuesday that the new Integrated Kent Franchise that begins on April 1, 2006 could result in the removal of...
The blind Chancellor who cannot see the crisis
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown yesterday could not see and would not even hear of a crisis in the British capitalist economy that he has presided...
PAY CUTS & JOB CUTS! – Civil servants and nurses condemn...
Chancellor Gordon Brown delivered his 10th Budget yesterday featuring more tax cuts for the rich and pay cuts for the working class. Opening his speech...
OVER half a million high school youth, unemployed youth, university students and workers demonstrated across France on Thursday, March 16. Millions of workers...
All Out For Gate Gourmet Demonstration
‘WE want all trade unionists and everyone who supports the working class to come to our march next Saturday,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Raksha...
‘We’Ll Fight Until We Win Our Jobs Back’
LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers have vowed to ‘fight until we win our jobs back’ and defeat attempts by their union leadership to sell-out their...
‘WE CAN’T GET JUSTICE!’ – Jean de Menezes’ cousin
‘The whole thing is a mess,’ Alex Pereira, the cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes told News Line yesterday. He was responding to reports that...
‘RESTORE OUR HARDSHIP PAYMENTS’ – demand Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
Gate Gourmet locked out workers are calling on all trade unionists to act in their support. The TGWU members are fighting for reinstatement on their...
Workers Of The World Unite Against Imperialism
THE sight of Danish embassies burning in Beirut and Damascus leaves no doubt as to the depth of anger of Muslim people at the...
Russian & Chinese Stalinists support US threats against Iran
THE Chinese and Russian representatives at a meeting of the five permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council and Germany on...
DELIGHTED! – with caravan say locked-out Gate Gourmet workers
LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers are delighted at last to have a shelter for their picketing. The TGWU ceased sending a tent as shelter for the...
Ahern Attacks Irish Unions
IRISH Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Bertie Ahern has told the trade unions it would be ‘reckless’ of them to seek a 10 per cent pay...
‘Summary Powers!’
Prime Minister Blair yesterday unveiled his viciously anti-working class ‘Respect Action Plan’ at a press conference. Announcing his ‘ActionPlan’ Blair said: ‘Anti-Social Behaviour law imposed...
Blair’s ‘summary power’ for war on the working class
PRIME Minister Tony Blair launched the Labour government’s new ‘Respect Action Plan’ yesterday, declaring that he was setting out to overthrow basic democratic rights...
NHS Being Cut To Aid Private Sector!
The British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday expressed concern over the cancellation by an Oxford hospital of a routine heart procedure because of lack of...
GREEK GENERAL STRIKE – for workers’ rights against privatisation
A massive strike wave is taking place against the Greek right-wing government this week as workers are staging national strikes, including a general strike...
GMB trade union yesterday said it rejects the Turner report proposal to extend the pension age. Turner recommends extending the retirement age to ‘between 67...
PEMBROKE RALLY – called by Welsh TUC
The Welsh TUC is supporting a rally at 1.30 pm tomorrow at Pembroke Dock in solidarity with the Irish Ferries workers fighting attempts...
US Torture Flights – Questions Go Unanswered
LIBERTY has written letters to the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and to British police chiefs about the US’ ‘extraordinary rendition’ programme and the use...
Bush loses US Congress votes
THE Senate of the United States Congress, which has a Republican majority, fired a shot across the bows of President George Bush’s administration over...
TGWU leaders still pushing ‘compromise agreement’
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were very angry on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday when letters from the TGWU solicitor advising them...
Strong Picket By Gate Gourmet Workers
WELL over 100 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday near to Heathrow airport. TGWU member Manny Odedra told News Line: ‘The people the...
Amsterdam Horror!
THE European Group for the Rights of Prisoners (EORG) was demanding answers yesterday after at least 11 people were ...
‘Compromise deal collapsing’ say Gate Gourmet workers
HUNDREDS of locked out Gate Gourmet workers went to the TGWU regional office in Hillingdon yesterday to receive their ‘hardship’ payments and to question...
BLAIR MUST ANSWER FOR WAR LIES say Military families against war
Rose Gentle, Susan Smith, Peter Brierley and Karla Hewett, whose sons and brother died in the Iraq war, set up a 24-hour Peace Camp...
‘Gate Gourmet Can’t Get Away With This!’
Yesterday was the beginning of the third month since the more than 700 Gate Gourmet workers were locked out at Heathrow Airport. Speaking on the...
FOREIGNERS shot on the border, asylum-seekers detained in metal containers, Roma forcibly evicted from their homes in Athens – these are some of the...
Sharon unleashes bombing raids and assassinations on the Palestinians
THE Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has launched a new war on Palestinians living in territories under Zionist occupation less than three...
NO ‘COMPROMISE AGREEMENT!’ say Gate Gourmet workers
SHOP Stewards representing the 670 locked out Gate Gourmet workers are meeting Transport and General Workers Union General Secretary Tony Woodley at the union’s...
BUSH TOLD ‘STOP TAX CUTS’ – as over 200,000 refugees...
LOUISIANA authorities say they now have control over the capital New Orleans and have restored law and order, almost a week after the chaos...
NHS A&E departmentsto be shut in scores
THE policy of the Labour government, as far as the NHS is concerned, is to hand over more and more of the NHS budget...
‘Did you ever discuss or approve a change in the rules of engagement for British police to shoot to kill, shoot in the head...
US Must Quit Iraq At Once! Says Ex-CIA Chief
THE US state is beginning to split over the war in Iraq, so severe is the pounding that US troops and the US leadership...
Get out of Iraq and Afghanistan to end terrorism
NEWS LINE sends its condolences to the families of those who were killed in Thursday’s terrorist attacks on London, and its best wishes for...
Live8 won’t comment on ‘don’t attack Bush’ line
YESTERDAY the PR company representing Live8, LD Publicity, refused to deny media allegations that Bob Geldof, the Live8 movement’s leader, had a soft spot...
‘TERRORIST AND CRIMINAL’ – Karabilah bombings condemned by Sunni authority
On Sunday RAF G4 Tornado warplanes attacked the Iraqi town of Karabilah, near the Syrian border. The British were called to assist US Air Force...
US casualties in Iraq ‘unacceptable’ – say 75 per cent of...
A US Humvee was destroyed when an explosive charge went off on Wednesday near a US forces convoy in the Al-Rustamiyah area, southeast of...