Tag: nursing
Murdoch’s Man, Hunt Savages The NHS With A View To Privatise
Local AFL-CIO leaders and trade unionists from across the United States were in Washington on Tuesday and Wednesday to ask members of Congress to...
15,000 MARCH THROUGH LEWISHAM! – determined to stop the closure of...
LEWISHAM reverberated, last Saturday to a 15,000 strong demonstration of opposition to the closure of the Accident and Emergency, and Maternity Services at Lewisham...
61,000 nursing posts at risk – says RCN nurses leader Carter
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) warned yesterday that the NHS is ‘sleepwalking into a crisis’, and demanded immediate action to stop trusts cutting...
NHS Direct 24 Closures
UNISON said yesterday that it was truly shocked by the scale of job losses and call centre closures announced by NHS Direct, warning that...
Treasury ‘stole’ £3bn from NHS – while hospitals close and services...
THE British Medical Association (BMA) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday angrily condemned the news that the Treasury has clawed back nearly...
Health workers fight local pay-cutting plan!
HEALTH trade union members in Bristol will be protesting outside the Bristol Royal Infirmary on Tuesday, 30 October against plans by the South West...
Hunt signals more NHS cuts
THE British Medical Association yesterday expressed concern for the future of the NHS, after Health Secretary Hunt signalled more savage cuts. A BMA spokesperson said:...
30 Years Since The Sabra And Shatila Massacre
Thirty years ago this week, up to 3,500 Palestinian civilians were systematically slaughtered in Sabra and the Shatila refugee camp in south Beirut. The brutal...
‘DEFEND Ealing Hospital – Occupy Now!’ and ‘No Cuts, No Closures – Kick this Government Out!’, were the slogans that dominated the march of...
33% Fewer Hospital Beds!
‘WE ARE concerned that the implementation of the Health & Social Care Act risks the fragmentation of patient care highlighted in this report,’ Paul...
Nurses Union Slams Low Pay Plan!
THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday warned that local pay will harm patient care. It did so as it slammed the plan by 20...
£20bn of NHS cuts are – Turning nurses into cleaners
THE Tory-LibDem Coalition’s £20 billion NHS budget cuts are leading to nurses having to clean toilets and mop hospital floors it emerged yesterday. A survey...
Ward Closure Storm At Sidcup Hospital
HEALTH workers have angrily condemned the decision by administrators now running the bankrupt South London Healthcare Trust to close the gynaecology ward at...
Huge Clashes Between Swazi Workers And Feudal Regime!
RELATIONS between the workers and trade unions of Swaziland and the rule of the feudal monarchy has almost reached the point of civil...
Sack the government not doctors and nurses
A REPORT leaked this weekend spells out exactly how the Tory-led coalition means to destroy completely the National Health Service and is preparing to...
End Eurozone Austerity!
UNEMPLOYMENT in the eurozone will rise by another 4.5 million in the next four years under the current austerity programme, the International Labour Organization...
UNISON has responded to the Institute for Fiscal Studies review into NHS funding, and warnings that in future, patients may have to pay for...
‘The attack on pensions is an attack on the NHS!’
Over 50 doctors and their supporters organised a demonstration outside the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, East London yesterday during their strike over major...
Nurses furious over pay cut!
NURSES in South West England are furious over leaked plans to sack and re-hire them on lower pay and worse conditions. The government is...
Massive doctors vote for strike action over pensions!
THE BMA LEADERSHIP has now called a 24-hour day of action on Thursday 21 June, during which only emergency or urgent care will be...
Hands off our training budgets – say UCU
The University and College Union (UCU) on Wednesday called on the government to urgently protect healthcare education funding after MPs warned that delays in...
Nurses Heckle Lansley
Nurses at the RCN Annual Conference in Harrogate yesterday heckled and poured scorn on claims by Health Secretary Lansley that clinical staffing levels in...
NHS Being Driven Backwards
The Royal College of Nursing yesterday called for a halt to the closure of hospital beds until trusts can clearly demonstrate that alternative, tried...
Hundreds of thousands strike to defend pensions
ACROSS the UK, hundreds of thousands of public sector workers were on strike yesterday against government plans to make them work longer and pay...
Circle to take £2m profit! –as it cuts and slashes Hinchingbrooke...
Public sector union Unison yesterday said that some of its worst fears are coming true over NHS privatisation. This came after it was revealed that...
NHS Trusts Making Huge Multi-Million Cuts
More than 400 posts are at risk at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust as part of proposals to save £30 million in the...
15% cut in public sector pensions – Court upholds switch from...
THE GMB is ‘dismayed’ by the court decision to uphold the government’s switch to CPI indexation from the RPI, cutting public sector pensions by...
NHS trade unions ‘strongly oppose local pay’
On Thursday, NHS trade unions declared they ‘strongly oppose’ local pay. NHS trade unions warned that a move to local pay for NHS staff would...
Care homes are increasingly struggling to provide high quality care for residents with complex medical conditions, amid a backdrop of a severe lack of...
Defend occupied Jerusalem against Israeli attacks!
An international conference on Al-Quds, last Sunday, highlighted criminal operations perpetrated by the Zionists, concerning Israel’s annexation policy in Jerusalem. The conference organised under...
Nurses at Chase Farm hospital facing eviction!
Eight mental health workers and their families, who live in the Chase Farm hospital residences, face eviction. The trust has issued eviction notices for these...
Government rides roughshod! – Cameron excludes health professionals
‘DON’T you dare lie to me!’ angry pensioner June Hautot shouted at Health Secretary Lansley as she confronted him at the entrance to Downing...
Government war on health unions
David Cameron has convened a summit at Downing Street this afternoon to discuss the ‘implementation of NHS reforms’ with a ‘range of national healthcare...
Smash The Health Bill!
‘HEALTH unions must now do what their members want and organise industrial action to defeat this bill,’ leading BMA member Anna Athow demanded yesterday. She...
SCRAP THE HEALTH BILL SAY GPs – No to a two-tier...
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), the UK’s largest medical Royal College, yesterday wrote to Prime Minister Cameron calling for the complete withdrawal...
Lansley leans on Royal Colleges
After a joint meeting on Thursday hosted by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, British Medical Association and Royal College of Nursing, the following...
CHASE FARM WILL NOT CLOSE! say residents and nurses
ON DAY 13 of the daily picket of Chase Farm Hospital, which has been called to prepare for occupation to stop its closure,...
Time For Action To Smash The Health Bill!
DOCTOR Peter Carter, general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), has admitted that despite every attempt to co-operate with the coalition government,...
NHS ‘Reforms’ Condemned!
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday moved to oppose the Health and Social Care Bill, arguing that serious concerns have not been addressed...
Daily Picket Starts At Chase Farm
The daily picket of Chase Farm Hospital to stop its closure kicked off last Monday with an extremely lively mass picket. From the moment the...
Chase Farm Daily Picket
MONDAY’S launch of the daily picket of Chase Farm Hospital, in preparation to occupy the departments threatened with closure, was a roaring success. The...
St Paul’s occupiers support Chase Farm NHS occupation
Anti-capitalist occupiers camped outside St Paul’s Cathedral yesterday made it crystal clear that not only are they determined to stay indefinitely but will also...
‘stop This Chase Farm Eviction!’
A nurse working at Chase Farm hospital is facing an eviction notice that would leave her homeless by the new year. Gloria Ankrah is being...
OCCUPY CHASE FARM! – it’s the only way to save the...
EVERY Doctor, nurse, patient and staff member that joined the Xmas mass picket outside Chase Farm Hospital last Wednesday agreed that the only way...
OCCUPY CHASE FARM say Enfield residents, patients and workers
THE North East London Council of Action organised a mass Xmas Picket outside the Chase Farm Hospital yesterday to step up the fight to...