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Tag: labour party

DELIGHTED! – with caravan say locked-out Gate Gourmet workers

LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers are delighted at last to have a shelter for their picketing. The TGWU ceased sending a tent as shelter for the...

Hounslow Campaign Goes Well For Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers

THE campaign team of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers was in Hounslow yesterday working for their mass picket this Sunday and their conference in London...

‘Nations have awakened today, and they will determine their future’ says...

LAST Saturday the Iranian TV, IRINN, broadcast a live news conference by Iran’s President Ahmadinejad with domestic and foreign journalists. In the...

US unions take action on Martin Luther King Day

Teamsters union sanitation worker members in the US capital are launching a campaign against Waste Management on Martin Luther King Day, today. Nearly 100 Washington,...

No Military Action Against Iran – At This Point Says...

BRITAIN’S Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, has just revealed the policy of the British government on Iraq – or has he? He said that Iran...

Far Reaching Changes To Be Imposed On The NHS

THE Blair government is trying to impose ‘far-reaching changes’ to the NHS – without any real consultation with the public. That is the finding...

£5.96bn TRADE GAP

The Bank of England kept interest rates on hold at 4.5 per cent yesterday, as latest official figures showed Britain suffered a new record...

‘Summary Powers!’

Prime Minister Blair yesterday unveiled his viciously anti-working class ‘Respect Action Plan’ at a press conference. Announcing his ‘ActionPlan’ Blair said: ‘Anti-Social Behaviour law imposed...

SAFETY RULES BROKEN says RMT leader Bob Crow

‘There was chaos on the Underground this morning,’ rail union RMT general secretary Bob Crow said yesterday. Commenting on the 24-hour strike by 4,000 RMT...

SAVAGE CUTS – coming to Norfolk County Fire Service

Norfolk County Fire Service faces savage cuts as a result of the County Council being starved of cash in the Blair government’s ...

‘The Christians of Palestine are partners in the one homeland’ says...

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, launched its campaign for the Palestinian elections on Tuesday, in defiance of Israeli attempts to bar the movement from...

Blair And Cameron – Tweedleedum And Tweedledee!

YESTERDAY the new leader of the Tory Party, David Cameron publicly disowned the Tory Party manifesto, written for the last general election, just seven...

‘We continue to picket, despite the cold!’

Locked Out Gate Gourmet workers are calling on all trade unionists to attend their Conference in London on Sunday the 29th of January. More than...


Palestinian Islamic liberation movement Hamas has declared: ‘No to killing, banditry, and the policy of kidnapping foreigners’. In a statement posted on the Palestinian Information...

Come to our conference on January 29TH

THERE was a determined picket of locked out Gate Gourmet workers on the Beacon Hill near Heathrow Airport yesterday. It is now nearly five months...

Israel systematically squeezing Palestinians out of Jordan Valley – says PMC

Without fanfare, but with determination, Israel is systematically, militarily and economically squeezing Palestinians out of the Jordan Valley, expanding colonial Jewish settlement in the...

NHS Being Cut To Aid Private Sector!

The British Medical Association (BMA) yesterday expressed concern over the cancellation by an Oxford hospital of a routine heart procedure because of lack of...

WE WILL WIN IN NEW YEAR! – say Gate Gourmet locked-out...

LOCKED-OUT Gate Gourmet workers are calling on the whole trade union movement to support their conference in London on January 29th. On the picket line...

BLAIR’S POLICE STATE POWERS – come in on Sunday January 1

‘These powers constitute a serious erosion of civil liberties in this country. They will change the relationship between the police and the individual fundamentally,’...

‘WE WILL WIN OUR FIGHT’ say Gate Gourmet workers

PASSING cars hooted in support as locked out Gate Gourmet workers picketed on the hill near Heathrow Airport yesterday. Avtar told News Line: ‘We will...

January 1– police to get blanket arrest and covert op powers

POLICE are to have blanket arrest and covert operations powers of a type that will make tinpot dictatorships throughout the world green with envy,...

‘If America Should Go Communist’ by Leon Trotsky (Part two)

LEON TROTSKY wrote ‘If America Should Go Communist’ on August 17, 1934, over a year after President Roosevelt brought in his ‘New Deal’, ...

‘If America Should Go Communist’ by Leon Trotsky (Part one)

LEON TROTSKY wrote ‘If America Should Go Communist’ on August 17, 1934, over a year after President Roosevelt brought in his ‘New Deal’, ...

Ford Workers In Uproar Over Healthcare Vote

UAW US motor workers trade union members have very narrowly ratified the health care agreement that the UAW has made with the Ford Motor...

Labour Failing Homeless

Homelessness charity Crisis yesterday called on the government to make public services more accessible to homeless people. Crisis said: ‘Public services are failing homeless people. ‘Public...

Get British troops out of Iraq now!

PRIME Minister Tony Blair told troops in Basra on Thursday: ‘We want to draw down our forces. We don’t want to keep people here...

US Class Struggle Sharpens

THE TWU Local 100, the New York transit union, is on strike and has picked up the gauntlet flung down by Mayor Bloomberg, the...


At his continuing show trial in Baghdad yesterday, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein accused Bush of lying about Iraq’s non-existent stockpiles of chemical weapons as...

‘Great democracies’ rule out free Palestinian elections

EVERY time Bush and Blair speak, they trumpet their championing of democracy against the corrupt dictatorships that they say exist everywhere outside their...

Pna Being Bullied To Prevent Hamas Standing

The Palestinian National Authority is being bullied into choosing between democracy or empty coffers, the Palestine Media Center (PMC) says. The PMC said on Tuesday:...

Morales pledges to rule for the oppressed

EVO MORALES is the first Indian to become the President of Bolivia ending decades of rule by a white ruling class elite which presided...

More cuts planned – despite Buncefield fire!

RESIDENTS whose lives were put at risk, and even the management of devastated businesses near the Buncefield oil storage depot in Hertfordshire have been...

Israel breaks Gaza-West Bank access deal

ISRAEL on Wednesday defied the United States and the Middle East Quartet and decided to delay, reportedly until next week, the start of the...

‘WE WILL NOT RENEW THE TRUCE’ say Hamas and Islamic Jihad

The ongoing Israeli violations and extra-judicial killings have put the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and the anti-occupation groups on opposite sides of the argument...

Blair Defies Labour Over Education Privatisation

LABOUR Prime Minister Blair has ruled out changes to his education reform (privatisation) plans despite a challenge by more than 50 Labour MPs,...

BLAIR IS DESTROYING THE NHS – Part One – The privatisation...

ANYONE who has made a careful reading of Department of Health documents (see footnote) and considered the implication of the legislation can only come...

‘WE ARE STRONG AND WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers

‘NOW that Eric Born (managing director Gate Gourmet UK and Ireland) has admitted that only 137 have signed the Compromise Agreement, it shows that...

General Strike in Ireland

OVER 100,000 workers turned out for a massive demonstration through Dublin yesterday, as the country was brought to a halt in a general strike...

Hundreds of us are fighting for reinstatement

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were on the picket line yesterday determined to take their struggle forward to victory. Shop steward Gurdip Heer told News...

Gate Gourmet hardship payments – ‘No way will people be allowed...

MORE than 20 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday at Heathrow Airport determined to win their fight. Their lobby of the TGWU ...

Migrant Workers Paid £1.30 An Hour

The TGWU trade union and the author of the Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004, Labour MP Jim Sheridan, last Wednesday organised a briefing in the...

NATO expands Afghan war – Britain to take the lead

NATO foreign ministers, meeting in Brussels, have endorsed a plan to expand the alliance’s role in Afghanistan with Britain taking the lead. It will...

Don’t stop our hardship payments demand locked-out GG workers

Locked out Gate Gourmet workers were on the picket line in the open air at Heathrow Airport yesterday. They were angry that the leaders of...

US Forming New Military Alliance

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice arrived in the Ukraine yesterday, and immediately interfered in Russia’s internal affairs, condemning Russian legislation that will restrict...


Amnesty International revealed on Monday that six planes used by the CIA for renditions have made some 800 flights in European airspace including 50...