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Tag: labour party

Avoid duplicitous behaviour and stop resorting to violence against protesters! –...

IRAN’S Foreign Ministry spokesman has condemned the violence by the French police against anti-government demonstrators in the European country as demonstrating France’s non-adherence to...

Argentina – year-on-year inflation reaches 102.5% in February

ARGENTINA’S National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) said on Tuesday that inflation in February was 6.6 per cent, while the cumulative year-on-year figure...

Massive London marches call to kick out the Tories – Three...

NEARLY three-quarters of a million public sector workers from eight unions went on strike against the Tory government on Budget Day, Wednesday 15th March,...

Hunt pledges sanctions against benefit claimants

‘A CONSERVATIVE government believes those who can work should work, so sanctions will be applied more rigorously to those who fail to meet strict...


A HUGE CROWD rallied in Whitehall, opposite 10 Downing Street on Monday afternoon, the first day of the British Medical Association’s three-day strike of...

‘The only way forward is a general strike’ – insists Newcastle...

MORE than 10,000 NHS workers, other trade unionists and members of the public marched from UCLH hospital in Euston, central London, to a mass...

Time For The TUC To Call A General Strike –...

THE TUC, the Equality Trust, the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) and Runnymede Trust on Tuesday warned that the Strikes Bill,...

Defend right to asylum – defend right to strike – general...

YESTERDAY the Tories unveiled their ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ along with the admission that the bill itself is illegal under international law, not that this...

‘The most draconian anti-refugee legislation yet’ – Unions must smash the...

‘THIS is the most draconian anti-refugee legalisation yet, as Rishi Sunak bids to make the UK off-limits to any refugees other than those his...

Starbucks illegally monitored, disciplined and sacked workers – US court rules...

A judge in New York ruled on Friday that Starbucks had violated federal labour law dozens of times in responding to a union campaign...

Labour leader Starmer and the TUC General Council remain silent as...

A DELEGATION from the European Union along with representatives of about 20 countries visited yesterday the Palestinian town of Huwwara, south of Nablus, and...

Sunak ‘deal’ dumps Brexit – now is time for working class...

ON MONDAY night, Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission president Ursula Von der Leyen announced that, after a high level meeting, Britain...

Unions prepare to bring France to a standstill on March 7

‘THE CONFEDERATION has brought together all of its federations in order to continue the mobilisation against the pension reform and to prepare for “France...

Starmer’s ‘national mission’ is to save capitalism and to make workers...

YESTERDAY, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer delivered what was billed as a keynote speech that would outline once and for all the policies Labour...

Tory government imploding – time for unions to call a general...

THE ECONOMIC crisis engulfing British capitalism is causing a seismic split in the Tory government, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces a rebellion from...

Undercover police targeted ‘subversives and left-wing activists’

COINCIDING with a rare public hearing of the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) this week, ten women who were deceived into relationships with ‘spycops’ have...

2,000 students & teachers march in Athens

THOUSANDS of determined drama and arts schools’ students along with primary and secondary teachers marched through the Athens city centre last Wednesday in a...

A First For The Labour Party – A Leader Who Was...

SIR KEIR Starmer, the ex-Director of Public Prosecutions, and currently the leader of the Labour Party, has just engaged in a second key mission...

Nationalise British Gas! Bosses Are Making Billions Out Of The Crisis...

BRITISH Gas’ owner Centrica has posted huge profits after oil and gas prices soared last year as the US and the UK stoked up...

Backstabber Starmer Is Splitting Labour. He Wants To Be Part...

JEREMY Corbyn will not be a Labour candidate at the next general election, Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has said. Corbyn the former...

LABOUR NOW ‘PARTY OF PATRIOTISM!’ – says witch-hunting Keir Starmer

SIR KEIR Starmer announced the institution of a witch-hunting regime in the Labour Party at a 30-minute press conference in East London yesterday. He insisted...

‘Free Julian Assange’ demands 2,000-strong Night Carnival

Campaigners fighting for the freedom of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, attended a ‘Night Carnival’ in London on Saturday. Approximately 2,000 people gathered at...

DON’T EXTRADITE JULIAN ASSANGE! – demands 2,000-strong Night Carnival

OVER 2,000 campaigners fighting for the freedom of Julian Assange attended a Night Carnival in London on Saturday. The carnival organised by the Don’t Extradite...

Haitian workers will decide their own future!

A SOLIDARITY gathering with Haitian unions has reinforced the need to respect the right of the Haitian people to decide their own future, and...

Power cuts and 43% unemployment dominate SA State of the Nation...

THE following is a statement by COSATU: ‘DESPITE three vacancies in the executive and a deputy president who wants out, South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa...

Millions turn out for Tuesday’s pension strike in France

MILLIONS of workers and youth took part in the first of two new mass strikes and demonstrations in France on Tuesday in opposition to...

Labour pledges limitless billions to arm Ukraine while refusing to support...

IN A speech yesterday at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Labour’s shadow defence secretary, John Healey, pledged that any future Labour government would...

Two Years Since Myanmar Military Coup

On the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, the Global Unions – which represents 200 million workers worldwide – has called for...

Striking nurses support general strike call!

Nurses were in a determined mood on the picket lines outside King’s College Hospital (KCH), roundly condemning Prime Minister Sunak’s refusal to even speak...

Republicans throw pro-Palestinian Congresswoman off Foreign Affairs Committee

NEWLY empowered Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted to oust Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from the chamber’s Foreign Affairs Committee, because of her...

Oil giants make huge profits – nationalise oil and energy industries...

WHILE workers face skyrocketing energy bills forcing millions to go without heat this winter the giant oil and gas company Shell has announced annual...

B of E raises its Bank Rate to 4%

THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting ending on 1 February 2023, voted by a majority of 7-2 to increase...

Tories Breaking Apart Along With Their Bankrupt Economy While The Tuc...

UK capitalism is now the sick man of the capitalist world. Its economy is going broke while the Tories openly discuss knifing the NHS,...

South African health unions demonstrate in Pretoria for more hospital doctors

SOUTH African health unions demonstrated outside the Health Ministry in Pretoria on Friday demanding that the ANC government increase the health care budget and...

Hunt Reveals A Bankrupt Britain

CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt has warned it is ‘unlikely’ that there will be room for any ‘significant’ tax cuts in the Budget. But Hunt said that...

TUC organises a day of inaction against Tory union-busting laws!

IT was with much fanfare that the TUC announced on the 10th January that it would hold a national ‘protect the right to strike’...

‘Return retirement age to 60’ says French CGT union

‘WHILE more than 2 million of us took to the streets on January 19th, a new day of inter-union mobilisation is scheduled for Tuesday...

Tuc Refusing To Smash Tories Anti-Union Law!

TIM SHARP, the TUC senior policy officer for employment rights, has published an article entitled ‘Fighting the Anti-Strike Law’. He states: ‘The government is attempting...

Ambulance Workers Call For A General Strike!

PICKET lines outside ambulance stations around the country received a cacophony of support from passing vehicles as 23,000 ambulance worker members of Unison, the...

Tory sleaze again – boot them out with a general strike!

NADHIM Zahawi, the Tory Party Chairman and ex Chancellor of the Exchequer, has for months been avoiding questions about his tax affairs, but on...

UK And French Workers Are Taking Action Against The Bosses And...

THE head of the UK’s Unite trade union has accused the government of having a ‘sinister reason’ for ‘not doing a deal’ with nurses...

‘We’re heading for a general strike’ say UCLH nurses

THE HUGE picket of around 400 nurses on the steps of University College Hospital (UCH) on the Euston Road in central London was featured...


YESTERDAY’S mass picket lines outside NHS hospitals are a direct result of the fact that the Tory government is insulting workers and will not...

Deaths and injuries continue in Bangladesh’s shipbreaking yards

WORKERS’ lives continue to be in danger due to the unsafe working conditions at Bangladesh’s shipbreaking yards. Two accidents occurred on 12 January in two...

‘March with UCLH nurses to Downing Street today’ – urges Homerton...

OVER 2,000 trade unionists, workers and youth joined an emergency 6.00pm demonstration called by the trade unions in Whitehall opposite Downing Street on Monday...