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Tag: foodbanks

400 Birmingham binmen on all-out strike against £8,000 pay cut!

BIRMINGHAM binworkers began indefinite strike action yesterday, Tuesday 11 March, determined to defeat the ‘commissioners’, who were handed control of the council by the...

Football fans united to defend communities!

Far-right violence erupted across the UK in early August, prompting an alliance of football fans to rally in defence of threatened communities. In Liverpool, supporters...

‘Pay up now!’ striking London lecturers demand

UCU UNION lecturers at the CONEL (College of North East London) and City and Islington College, Blackstock Road, started eight days of strike action...

‘Unite against hunger!’ – Bakers union leader Woolley

‘BELFAST, Liverpool and London must unite against hunger during the Right To Food Week 2023’ says Sarah Wooley the general secretary of the Bakers...

‘100,000 PCS MEMBERS TO STRIKE IN JANUARY!’ says Union leader Serwotka

‘COORDINATED’ public sector strike action will escalate significantly in January and continue right up until May, PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka warned yesterday in...

PCS strikes across the UK against ‘pathetic’ pay increases

PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union members on Tuesday began a series of strikes across England, Scotland and Wales which the Tory government intends...

‘A generalised attack on working people’ – RMT leader Lynch

THE RMT rail union announced yesterday that it is to put a new offer from Network Rail to members in an electronic referendum with...

FBU strike ballot opens on December 5th!

LAST week the FBU  said it would formally issue notice of ballot if ‘a substantial pay increase that takes into account the current level of inflation...

Massive strike wave as wages fall and prices soar – time...

On the eve of Tory chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn budget tomorrow, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published figures revealing that the number of...

CWU pickets call for a general strike

‘I’m 100 per cent for a general strike,’ Communication Workers Union (CWU) Capital Branch Assistant Secretary and BT Tower rep Darren Weller said yesterday...

Labour MPs to attend CWU pickets today!

LARGE numbers of Labour MPs will attend Communication Workers Union (CWU) picket lines again today, in defiance of the anti-union stance taken by party...

Strike wave intensifies this week – now is the time to...

Today, over 40,000 workers across Network Rail and 14 train operating companies are continuing national strike action called by the RMT union over pay,...

Railworkers Are Fighting For All Workers! TUC Must Be Made To...

THE RCN (Royal College of Nursing) has responded to the rocketing inflation rate. RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said: ‘Inflation reaching...

An inflation-busting pay rise is needed to keep key NHS staff...

FOUR out of five NHS staff say pay is the main reason they would quit their jobs. An exclusive poll of NHS staff yesterday revealed...

Strike ballots will open at UK universities on October 18th

The University and College Union (UCU) has confirmed that strike ballots will open at UK universities on Monday 18 October in rows over USS...

Doctors, NHS staff & nurses are gearing up for pay strike...

MONDAY is the anniversary of the founding of the National Health Service (July 5th 1948) and Johnson’s Tories have marked the event by refusing...

The trade unions must sack Starmer and dump Labour’s right wing!...

THE HARTLEPOOL by-election result and the council by-election results mean that Starmer and Labour’s right wing must be dumped by the trade unions at...

All Out Strike To Defend NHS! Nurses Must Get 15%!

NURSES, midwives and NHS workers around the country take to the streets again today to demand a 15% pay rise and they are extremely...

Answer Johnson’s war on the right to strike with a general...

HOURS after winning the December 12 election, Tory leader Johnson at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in central London announced that ‘We now speak...

Casualisation is shattering the mental and physical health of university staff

Staff in UK universities working on insecure contracts say the lack of security is damaging their mental and physical health. A report released yesterday says...

Universal Credit Cancels Christmas

‘PREMEDITATED cruelty,’ is how Norfolk campaigners have described Universal Credit, which they call to be immediately scrapped. They have organised a meeting at City...

Universal Credit– Claimants Suffering

THE PUBLIC and Commercial Services Union (PCS) yesterday accused the government of being ‘complicit in the suffering’ of Universal Credit claimants, labelling the system...

Academy bosses siphoning off millions! General strike to take all schools...

MILLIONS of pounds of taxpayers’ money being stuffed into privately-run academy schools are being siphoned off to line the pockets of the academy bosses....

The working class will not accept permanent austerity! Call a general...

IN THE wake of Tory Chancellor Hammond’s budget – a budget in which he declared war on the working class, war on pensioners, war...

NHS bed & staffing crisis is a ‘Grenfell Tower waiting to...

THE NUMBER of NHS beds has halved in the last 30 years and proposals to slash bed numbers even further will make the ‘NHS a...

Trade unions must bring down crisis-ridden Tories, break with the EU...

THE TORY leadership is now in complete disarray, with PM May repeatedly refusing on Tuesday to say how she would vote if there was...

‘NO MORE PRESSING ISSUE THAN PAY’ says Prentis – Unite, Unison...

OPENING the public sector pay debate at the 149th Trades Union Congress in Brighton on Monday afternoon, Unison general secretary Dave Prentis moved composite...

High levels of homelessness and destitution among refugees!

A NEW SURVEY, Refugees without refuge, published by the Refugee Council on Friday, has found high levels of homelessness and destitution among refugees shortly...

Join the YS lobby of the TUC on September 11 to...

THE GRENFELL Tower disaster was a turning point for the working class where the callous and ruthless nature of the ruling class was exposed...

‘COLOSSAL BA PROFITS!’ – while mixed fleet cabin crew fight for...

‘COLOSSAL profits confirm British Airways can easily afford to end the obscenity of cabin crew poverty,’ Unite said yesterday responding to BA’s announcement yesterday...

Nurses Cost Of Living Crisis

EIGHT nurses every day seek urgent help from a support line to cope with the cost of living, new figures released by the RCN...

NHS workers furious over 7th year of pay cuts!

NHS WORKERS are furious that they are to receive a measly 1% pay increase in 2017-18 – in reality another massive pay cut –...

The 1% NHS pay award is a slap in the face...

THE trade unions are unanimous in their condemnation of the 1% pay award for NHS workers. Even the TUC, which considers PM May to be...

Homelessness, fuel poverty & debt! Time to assign capitalism to the...

AS TEMPERATURES plummet and the cold weather sets in, homeless charity Shelter calculated that over a quarter of a million people will wake up...

FOODBANK USE ROCKETS! – huge demand for emergency food supplies

THE number of emergency food supplies given out by Farnborough Foodbank has risen by 5.27% in the last year. Farnborough Foodbank is part of The...

Sanctions Linked To Foodbanks!

NEW University of Oxford research confirms there is a strong link between increased benefit sanctions and higher foodbank use. The University of Oxford researchers analysed...

NHS unions demand pay rise!

THE RCN and other unions representing health service employees in the UK yesterday called on the NHS pay review body to recommend an above-inflation...

‘Don’t cut our bursaries!’ say student nurses

‘BURSARIES or bust! Jeremy bite the dust!’ chanted over a thousand student nurses as they marched to Downing Street on Saturday in their campaign...

‘Malnutrition is a big part of the everyday experience of children!’

CHILDREN are starting school underweight, hungry and anaemic, a committee of MPs warned yesterday, and teachers’ union NUT blamed Tory cuts as responsible for...


TRADE union leaders on Wednesday reacted angrily to the Tories’ planned anti-union legislation and welfare cuts announced in the Queen’s Speech. Paul Kenny, GMB General...

‘Open season on workers rights’ says TUC

‘WORKING people will be worried by a Queen’s Speech that declares open season on so many of their rights and protections,’ said TUC General...

‘Welfare Reform Kills!’

UP TO one hundred trade unionists, disabled campaigners and their supporters demonstrated yesterday outside Maximus, the company who have taken over the work-capability assessment,...

Poor being hit hardest!

BRITAIN’s Tax system ‘hits the poorest families hardest’. They are paying a staggering 47 per cent of their gross income in taxes, the TaxPayers...

Wages Fell In Year To June

WAGES fell by 0.2% in the year to June was the shock news released by the ONS yesterday. Britain is now a nation of the...

The rich are much richer and the poor are much poorer...

BRITAIN’S richest people have never been richer having cornered £520bn between them, says the Sunday Times Rich List. The 26th annual Sunday Times Rich...