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Vote Wrp – Keep The Tories Out– Forward To The Socialist...

100,000 trade unionists and youth marched in Athens yesterday against the EU-IMF savage cuts programme being carried out by the Papandreou ‘socialist’ government. Today millions...

WRP campaign steps up a gear

THE campaign for Jonty Leff, the WRP candidate for Manchester Central, has stepped up a gear on the eve of Thursday’s general election. While canvassing...

Vote WRP, restore free state education, and abolish student fees

AN official review into government funding of universities led by Lord Browne, the former chief executive of BP, will not be published until after...


SATs tests are being used as a ‘big stick’ to beat state schools with, says the president of the National Association of Head Teachers...

‘This is the generation that is going to end capitalism!’

THE WRP held a 150 strong rally at the end of the London Sertuc (TUC) May Day march from Clarkenwell Green to Trafalgar...

UCU Fights Mass Sackings

The University and College Union (UCU) has slammed Manchester College after it was revealed that it is paying its top earner almost £200,000, while...

MAY DAY MANIFESTO – ‘Permanent state of Revolution!’ says Greek...

THE Editorial Board of the News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the workers of the world at a time of the greatest ever...

Keep Whittington Open!

Over 300 people rallied outside the Whittington Hospital, north London, yesterday lunchtime, against the closure of the hospital’s A&E and maternity departments. Organisers ‘Defend the...

WRP candidates defending health and education

A LIVELY North East London Council of Action monthly picket of Chase Farm Hospital won big support yesterday for its determination to keep the...


‘We always said that Blair had been killed by a policeman. I feel that we’ve really been vindicated,’ Celia Stubbs, the partner of Blair...

Smash the capitalist state – the only way to get justice...

THE Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) today released the report of Commander Cass into the events surrounding the death of Blair Peach in Southall, west...

Sheltered Housing In Danger

THE future of Sheltered Housing Schemes is in danger, unless the government acts to stop their funding being cut, the UK Pensioners Strategy Committee...

OUR HOSPITALS MUST NOT CLOSE! – Voters tell Enfield WRP candidate...

Enfield North WRP election candidate Anna Athow and her campaign team received a big response on the High Street yesterday. Anna, a consultant surgeon, has...

HEYGATE ESTATE–Heating and hot water system ‘permanently switched off’!

ANGRY tenants still living on the Heygate Estate in south-east London say the shutdown of the hot water and heating system last Friday is...

Support Growing For Wrp Candidates

SUPPORT is growing for the Workers Revolutionary Party candidates standing in the general election. In south London on Saturday, many new recruits were made, especially...

Form public sector alliance to defend the NHS – Forward to...

THE just published survey of the NHS, carried out for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) trade union, found that 90 per cent of...

Keep Tories Out – Forward To Socialism!

THE UK capitalist economy is staggering along the bottom with a three month ‘growth’ to show, from January to March, of 0.2 per cent. The...

WRP candidate excluded

GABRIEL Polley, WRP candidate for Norwich South was prevented from speaking at the Election hustings at the University of East Anglia last Thursday. Gabriel...

‘WE ARE DEFENDING OUR JOBS!’ – PCS pickets the High Court

‘GORDON BROWN hear us say – our contracts are here to stay! shouted eighty Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) members and officials outside...

Unemployment and inflation rising, as British capitalism crumbles!

THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 43,000 to 2.5 million during the three months to February, the highest figure since...

Workers hit by inflation leap and huge jobs crisis

THE UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation rate rose sharply to 3.4% in March from 3% the month before, official figures show. The Retail...

Gabriel Polley Speaks Out For Workers

‘THE working class is tired of listening to the lies put forward by the ruling class politicians,’ said Workers Revolutionary Party candidate Gabriel Polley,...

Brown Remains The Bankers’ Man!

GORDON Brown was putting on a show of humbleness last night when he admitted on TV that he was not perfect but had made...

A Privateers Manifesto!

Prime Minister Gordon Brown yesterday launched the Labour Party’s election manifesto – which pledged to cut billions from public spending, whilst ‘securing the recovery’. Brown...

Set The Strike Dates Now! Demand Cabin Crew

‘We want the next strike dates set now,’ a female British Airways cabin crew member at Heathrow told News Line yesterday. She was responding ...

Labour manifesto – a recipe for selling off the NHS and...

THEY say that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and Gordon Brown proved the point yesterday when he began his forward to...

Build the WRP!

AT SATURDAY’S march to defend the Welfare State, workers from across the country were clear that action will have to be taken to defend...

NHS NOT FOR SALE! – defend the Welfare State

‘NHS NOT FOR SALE – Keep Our NHS Public!’ declared the banner which led the Defend the Welfare State march on Saturday, alongside that...

Harassment, Intimidation And Violence Produces A Record Low Sri Lankan...

TAMILNET reports that voting at Thursday’s Sri Lanka’s Parliamentary Elections ended on schedule at 4.00 pm local time as independent monitors placed the voter...

Defend the Welfare State! Keep the Tories out! Forward to a...

THOUSANDS of workers, students and youth will be marching today to defend the ‘Welfare State’ from the attacks of the current Labour government, and...

Welfare State ‘Not For Sale!’

thousands of workers, trade unionists, students and youth are marching through London this afternoon, against 13 years of Labour attacks on public services and...

Vote Wrp! Vote For Socialism!

The WRP is standing seven candidates in the May 6 parliamentary elections and below is the party’s election manifesto. VOTE WRP ON MAY 6th! VOTE FOR...

Karzai talks with the Taleban as US policy comes unstuck

THE situation in Afghanistan has gone from bad to worse as far as the imperialist powers and their plans for the region are concerned. Last...

Brown Calls May Election

Prime Minister Brown confirmed yesterday that the general election will be held on Thursday 6th May. Flanked by the cabinet outside 10 Downing Street, following...

NUT delegates hear Serwotka condemn ‘worst ever government’

NATIONAL Union of Teachers leader Christine Blower has reacted to the remarks of Education Secretary Ed Balls, who addressed the NUT’s conference in...

Vote WRP, forward to the socialist revolution!

PM Brown yesterday announced that the general election will be held on 6 May and told voters Labour will take the ‘big decisions’ that...

4.5m ON WAITING LISTS – privatisation creates housing disaster

THE privatisation of housing has been a complete disaster. Completely inadequate numbers of new homes have been built in every region in England since...

Only 400 Attend Rajapakse’s Jaffna Rally

PRESIDENT Mahinda Rajapakse was displeased with the tiny crowd that was assembled to ‘greet the leader’ at his election rally in Jaffna on Wednesday,...

RMT STRIKE BANNED! –Ruling class justice at work

THE High Court yesterday followed up its decision to ban strike action at British Airways at Christmas by banning strike action at Network Rail...

Capitalist State Prefers Brown Over Cameron

LABOUR Prime Minister Brown is the choice of the capitalist state should there be a hung parliament on May 7, even if the...

Resistance has Obama on the run in the Middle East

UNITED States President Barack Obama made his first trip to Afghanistan on Sunday since he took office 14 months ago. The visit was aimed...

Behind Brown’s pre-election Budget

THE Budget, presented by Chancellor Alistair Darling last Wednesday, was clearly part of Brown’s re-election campaign. In three months time, after the general election,...


Up to a quarter of a million civil servants were out on strike on Wednesday, expressing their anger at the threat to thousands of...

Budget Signals Countdown To The General Election

CHANCELLOR Alastair Darling yesterday delivered his Budget speech in the middle of the civil servants’ strike action, starting it by claiming that the UK...