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Imf Gives Its Full Support To The Tories

AT its Spring Meeting in Washington this week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made a direct intervention in the general election with an undisguised...

A&E Waiting Times Crisis!

WEEKLY national figures from NHS England yesterday showed it has missed the four-hour A&E waiting time target for the 28th consecutive week. The proportion...

Nicholson warns huge debt crisis facing NHS after May 7

JUST retired NHS chief Sir David Nicholson CBE has left the NHS with a pension pot worth almost £1.9 million, after earning a basic...

‘Staff freeze’ and £22bn of cuts for NHS

THE NHS is facing a ‘substantial financial problem’ which politicians are ignoring in the election campaign, its former head, David Nicholson warned yesterday. Warning of...

The Trade Unions Slam Tory Plans To Ban Strike Action And...

THE TUC on Tuesday rubbished Cameron’s claim of good news in the economy and slammed Tory plans to outlaw strikes. It was commenting on the...

‘Don’t ignore GPs crisis!’ BMA warns political leaders

A THIRD of GPs are considering retiring from general practice within the next five years according to the latest figures from the BMA’s survey...

Ludicrous Cameron claims Tories are the workers’ party

CAMERON began his election manifesto speech yesterday morning by insulting the intelligence of the listeners by stating ‘We are the party of working people,...

Massive French Anti-Austerity Strikes!

FRANCE was hit with a massive national strike last Thursday against spending cuts and austerity measures imposed by the socialist government of Francois...

Labour Pledges More Austerity!

POLITICAL ‘role reversal’ is the phrase being bandied about by bourgeois political commentators as they scratch their heads trying to make comparisons between the...

Miliband Pledges 5 Years Of Cuts For Workers!

ED Miliband yesterday assured the bankers that a Labour government would cut the current account deficit in each year of its office. Launching his party’s...

Russia And China Support Greek Privatisation

THE Greek working class and the youth are suffering under the ‘Iron Heel’ of the Troika (the European Union the European Central Bank and...

‘Fewer Nurses Providing More Care’– Rcn

‘WHOEVER forms the next government must grow the nursing workforce,’ Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Chief Executive & General Secretary Dr Peter Carter warned...

Wrp Election Office Opens

WALTHAMSTOW’S WRP election premises were opened on Thursday evening to a loud cheer from campaigners and supporters who had gathered outside the shop. Workers Revolutionary...

Greek workers fighting while Russia & China queue up to buy!

THE Greek National Federation of Railworkers (POS) has expressed its ‘disappointment’ at the government’s intention to privatise TRAINOSE (Greek Railways). In a statement issued on...

Labour will not reverse hospital closures!

THE Health Services Journal (HSJ) has just revealed that the NHS Trust Development Authority (TDA) officials are keeping confidential (that is well hidden) until...

Labour refuses to commit to stop hospital closures!

‘EALING Hospital A&E and Maternity must not close and it’s a disgrace that the Labour candidate refuses to commit to this,’ Scott Dore, Workers...

COSATU VOTES TO EXPEL GEN SEC. VAVI! – as black masses...

ON March 30th the Central Executive Committee of the South African trade union federation, COSATU, voted to expel its democratically elected General Secretary, Zwelinzima...

Bankrupt Miliband brings back Butcher Blair!

LABOUR leader Miliband’s refusal to fight for socialist policies and answer massive austerity with a campaign to replace bankrupt capitalism with socialism has seen...

Bosses predict massive shocks after UK general election!

TO say that the international banking system and the world stock markets are in a state described as ‘nervous’ is to do great injustice...

Riot police attack villagers! – under orders from Syriza

HUNDREDS of mineworkers armed with wooden sticks, employed at the Skouries gold mine in the Khalkidiki area of northern Greece, on Sunday morning supported...

Nationalise the drug companies and end agency staffing to save NHS

THE NHS is today fighting for its life, with even more savage cuts to come after the election. The Tories are actively planning to regionalise...

Crisis-Ridden Bosses And Tories Fear The Election

THE Tory Party, its media wing and the boss class as a whole are getting very worried about the election, and what is to...

Syriza Declaring War On Seafarers!

THE Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) and Independent Greeks party (ANEL) coalition government, has confirmed that it is to implement a privatisation programme. This...

KPMG paid £10m to recommend NHS closures

LABOUR has demanded the publication of reports costing £10 million, paid by the NHS to management consultants KPMG, which recommended closing hospitals and axing...

Osborne’s regime of pay freezes and wage cuts

IN his last budget speech before the general election, Tory chancellor, George Osborne, made the astounding claim that living standards will ‘grow strongly every...

Reject Devo Manc To Defend The NHS!

GREATER Manchester Association of Trades Union Councils (GMATUC ) has called a mass NHS emergency protest rally for Sunday to protest against the plan...

ELECTION MANIFESTO of Young Socialists – Workers Revolutionary Party

General Election – Thursday 7 May 2015 ALL over Europe the anti-austerity revolution is raging and on May 7 workers in the UK will deliver...

Bring Down The Tories – Forward To A Workers Government!

THE general election campaign by both Tories and Labour kicked off on Thursday night with separate television interviews of Cameron and Miliband. While Miliband was...

Cameron Touches Off Tory Leadership Dog Fight!

CAMERON is now going into the May 7th general election with a declaration that he does not intend to serve a third term, that...

Egypt Arrests Gaza Fishermen

EGYPTIAN naval forces detained nine Palestinian fishermen off the coast of southern Gaza on Friday, a local union official said. Nizar Ayash, head of Gaza’s...

Kiev coupist Nuland visits Syriza leaders!

LAST Tuesday, in a visit that was kept quiet, the American Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland (she oversaw...

Stop the closure of Ealing maternity!

‘ONCE we know we are ready it will take just six weeks to close the maternity at Ealing,’ Pippa Nightingale, Head of Midwifery, Imperial...

Victoria Nuland – The Organiser Of Ukraine Coup Visits Athens!

IN Greece, the Syriza government, which was elected to break with the Troika of the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank,...

US ready to negotiate with Assad says Kerry

AS the devastating war in Syria entered its fifth year on Sunday, the US said it would have to negotiate with Syrian President Bashar...

TUC begs for partnership

TOMORROW the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, will be presenting before parliament his last budget before the general election on May 7 – a budget...

Syriza Willing To Suspend Election Pledges

THE Italian state TV and radio reported on Friday that according to the Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek government was prepared to...

Investigate undercover police role in blacklisting – GMB calls for home...

THE GMB union has called for a just-announced Home Office inquiry into undercover police to cover blacklisting. This came during a protest outside Parkside police...

Major Clashes Throughout Palestine!

CLASHES with Israeli forces left dozens of Palestinians injured in Kafr Aqab in northern Jerusalem on Tuesday, medics said. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that...

‘ECB STILL HOLDING ROPE AROUND OUR NECKS!’ says the Syriza leadership

THE Eurogroup’s President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said on Tuesday that unless the Greek government implements immediately the promised ‘reforms’ – that is austerity measures –...

Scandalous Free School Expansion

TEACHERS unions yesterday opposed the ‘scandalous’ proposal to pour millions of pounds into hundreds of new privately run free schools. They were responding to PM...

Demoralised Tory leaders are demanding a national government

THE prospects for the 2015 May 7 general election – taking place after more than five years of savage austerity measures that have...

Staff And Parents Say ‘No’ To Forced Academy!

STAFF and parents have said ‘No’ to a Brent, north west London, primary school being forced to become an academy school. At a well attended...

Over 100,000 could die because of fuel poverty in capitalist Britain

OVER 100,000 people in Britain could literally freeze to death over the next 25 years because they are too poor to afford to adequately...