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Tory Split Deepens!

THE Tory government risks dividing society, Iain Duncan Smith warned yesterday in his first interview since resigning as Work and Pensions Secretary. He attacked the...

Putin’s withdrawal from Syria sends message to Assad and Obama!

THE decision of President Putin to begin withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria, after giving President Assad just a few hours notice, constitutes a...

More Budget Cuts!

TORY Chancellor Osborne warned yesterday that the deepening world crisis of capitalism means he must ‘act now rather than pay later’ and include...

McCluskey and TUC determined to rescue Cameron from EU crisis

WITH the Tory party split and divided, the ruling class in the UK – Cameron, big business and the bankers – are relying on...

TURKISH DICTATORSHIP SEIZES ZAMAN Journalists work with armed police standing over...

EMPLOYEES working for Turkey’s Feza Media Group were allowed to enter the Zaman newspaper building in Istanbul at 8am Saturday after an ID check...

Tory Party tearing itself apart – Now finish it off!

THE spectacle of the Tory party tearing itself apart over the EU referendum will most certainly gladden the hearts of workers across the country. Last...

Labour support group props up Cameron

THE Cameron-led debate in the House of Commons on Monday disclosed a Tory Party split down the middle, with Boris Johnson leading a revolt...

60 Canadian workers face trial for storming City Hall

MORE than 60 Montreal municipal employees will be tried together on charges related to a 2014 protest that saw hundreds of union members storm...

Bell Tolls For UK Capitalism On June 23 Referendum Day!

THE Tory government is now split over its EU referendum, with six cabinet ministers, and over 100 MPs advocating a vote to leave the...

TUC must call general strike in support of the junior doctors!

‘JUNIOR doctors cannot and will not accept a contract that is bad for the future of patient care, the profession and the NHS as...

Irish Bus Drivers Vote 94% Yes To Take Strike Action!

1,300 IRISH bus drivers working for Bus Éireann have returned a massive 94% ‘YES’ vote for strike action to defend their pay and conditions,...

Mass Sackings For NHS!

LABOUR and the RCN have reacted angrily to instruction from NHS bosses and regulators to impose a ‘headcount reduction’ to reduce their deficits...

Employment Minister Boles Threatens The Trade Unions!

EMPLOYMENT Minister Nick Boles announced on Wednesday evening that the new anti-union legislation will govern industrial action in the fire, health, education, transport,...

Tory Cuts & Closures –A ‘Lethal Cocktail’

‘I HAVE a very clear warning: last year was the worst for global growth since the crash and this year opens with a dangerous...

BMA new Year message surveys the battleground – on the eve...

‘WHAT is the NHS? To those who run it, a vast endeavour employing 1.4m people, consuming one pound in every six of public spending....

2016–Year For Revolution!

NEW YEAR’S MANIFESTO by the News Line Editorial Board THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2016 to...

Tory Party Breaking Apart Over Eu Referendum

LEAVING the EU could lead to the break up of the UK, said former Tory leader and former Foreign Secretary, William Hague yesterday. Since the...

Defend the Fire Service, the Ambulance Service and the Welfare State!...

THE general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), Matt Wrack, has warned that proposals from Home Secretary Theresa May, to bring fire and...

Stop Bombing Syria! 10,000 March In Central London!

‘STOP bombing Syria! Welfare not warfare! David Cameron shame on you! Hilary Benn shame on you!’ shouted crowds at the end of a 10,000-strong...

The government refuses to release the Shrewsbury 24 trial secret papers

THE ruling class state machinations that secured the jailing of a number of Shrewsbury pickets after the first national building workers strike in...

US Volkswagen workers win union recognition

UNITED AUTOWORKERS (UAW) officials on Saturday applauded workers’ ‘courage and persistence’ after a vote on union recognition at VW’s Chattanooga plant and...

Oldham stuns Tories as workers reject ruling class invitation to destroy...

THE Oldham by-election did not go according to the ruling class-Tory script. There was no collapse in the Labour vote. Corbyn was not sacked...

Labour landslide victory in Oldham West

PARTY leader Jeremy Corbyn has said Labour’s win in the Oldham West and Royton by-election shows its ‘strength and the appeal of its anti-austerity...

Labour right wing gives Corbyn a lesson in ruthlessness!

MPs on Wednesday overwhelmingly backed UK air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria, by 397 votes to 223, with a total of 66...

Tory Bullying Scandal

LEADING Tory Grant Shapps on Saturday quit as international development minister amid claims he failed to act on allegations of bullying. Claims have engulfed the...

Eurozone on top of revolutionary volcano

JUST when the eurozone bankers and capitalist class were congratulating themselves on beating the  reformist Syriza government of Greece into submission, an even bigger...

Follow Holby City Equity Take Strike Action With Junior Doctors

THE Equity trade union members who play the doctors and medical staff in the BBC medical drama Holby City have offered their full support...

Striking Sa Parliamentary Staff Demand Removal Of Parliament Secretary

STRIKING South African parliamentary staff on Friday said they would no longer negotiate with the unpopular secretary of the legislature Gengezi Mgidlana and demanded...

Sanders secures US postal union endorsement –boycot Wendy’s demands Fair Food...

VERMONT Senator Bernie Sanders secured the 200,000-member American Postal Workers Union endorsement to be the Democratic Party presidential candidate on Thursday. The union’s decision gives...

EU economy at the end of the road

THE economy of the Eurozone countries is sinking even deeper into crisis making a mockery of all the talk about an economic ‘recovery’. This was...

Millions Strike For $15 An Hour In The Usa

MORE than 1,000 low-wage workers from the fast food, retail, healthcare and delivery industries marched to McDonald’s at 82 Court Street in Downtown Brooklyn...

Support the junior doctors with a general strike!

THE Cameron government is being driven forward by the intensifying crisis of the capitalist system to have it out with the working class and...

REVOLUTION – the only future for youth!

SINCE the election of the Tory-led coalition government in 2010, young people have been hammered into the ground to the extent that they face...

Labour votes against Manzoor motion to scrap tax credits bill!

THE government has been dealt a blow in the House of Lords after the Lords voted to delay tax credit cuts, until an independent...

McDonnell offers cooperation if Osborne drops Credits Bill

AHEAD of today’s debate in the House of Lords, shadow chancellor John McDonnell said that Labour would ‘co-operate’ in future efforts to review the...

Assad ‘ready for dialogue’ – says President Putin in Sochi

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi on Thursday that he is convinced that Syrian...

Tax Credit Revolt Threatens Tories!

‘TORY MPs could lose their seats at the next General Election if they support George Osborne’s tax credit cuts,’ said Seema Malhotra MP, Labour’s...

Make Turkey general strike indefinite to kick Erdogan out

THE Turkish trade unions called a two-day general strike for yesterday and today to express their outrage at the bombing on Saturday of the...

Cameron abuses Corbyn, pledges to end social housing and announces an...

AFTER Theresa May’s vintage Tory beat-and-beat-again speech on Tuesday to the Tory Party conference, treating migrants as the enemy and rating their contribution...

Australian Mass Rallies To Condemn Refugee Detention Centres!

AUSTRALIANS will be hitting the streets in their thousands in cities and towns across the country on Sunday, 11th October in opposition to the...

‘Labour will end austerity’ – claims McDonnell

‘AT THE heart of Jeremy’s campaign on which he has received such a huge mandate, was the rejection of austerity politics’, Labour shadow chancellor...

All Trade Unions Must Support The Junior Doctors!

THE decision by the Junior Doctors Committee (JDC) of the BMA to ballot for industrial action is a courageous stand against the government’s imposition...

Forward to the Greek Socialist revolution

SUNDAY’S general election in Greece saw the working class voting for Syriza, because of the lack of any revolutionary alternative, to keep the New...

Rescue us from Syrian quagmire! US–UK call out to Putin!

THE US and UK are stuck deep into the Syrian quagmire – a quagmire of their own making. They have achieved a situation where millions...

Afl-Cio Supports Wage Act!

ON THURSDAY, members of Congress, led by Senator Patty Murray (Democrat-Washington) and Representative Bobby Scott (Democrat-Virginia), proposed the Workplace Action for a Growing Economy...