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‘We continue to picket, despite the cold!’

Locked Out Gate Gourmet workers are calling on all trade unionists to attend their Conference in London on Sunday the 29th of January. More than...


Palestinian Islamic liberation movement Hamas has declared: ‘No to killing, banditry, and the policy of kidnapping foreigners’. In a statement posted on the Palestinian Information...

BLAIR’S POLICE STATE POWERS – come in on Sunday January 1

‘These powers constitute a serious erosion of civil liberties in this country. They will change the relationship between the police and the individual fundamentally,’...

January 1– police to get blanket arrest and covert op powers

POLICE are to have blanket arrest and covert operations powers of a type that will make tinpot dictatorships throughout the world green with envy,...

Pensions are now a revolutionary question

TUC leader, Brendan Barber, said yesterday in his gloom and doom-ridden New Year’s message that the Lord Adair Turner pensions report created ‘tough decisions’,...

Gate Gourmet locked-out workers are aiming for a New Year victory!

‘OUR fight is continuing and so is our picket,’ locked out Gate Gourmet worker Parmjit Bains told News Line yesterday. ‘We have rejected the Compromise...

US Class Struggle Sharpens

THE TWU Local 100, the New York transit union, is on strike and has picked up the gauntlet flung down by Mayor Bloomberg, the...


At his continuing show trial in Baghdad yesterday, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein accused Bush of lying about Iraq’s non-existent stockpiles of chemical weapons as...

Mass Picket For Victory For Gate Gourmet Workers

‘WELCOME to all of you. We are very proud of all of you,’ Parmjit Bains told a rally on the hill near the Gate...

Blair Defies Labour Over Education Privatisation

LABOUR Prime Minister Blair has ruled out changes to his education reform (privatisation) plans despite a challenge by more than 50 Labour MPs,...

‘ON OUR WAY TO VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet workers

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were yesterday campaigning outside the Transport and General Workers Union regional office in Hillingdon, near Heathrow Airport. On Saturday the...

BLAIR IS DESTROYING THE NHS – Part One – The privatisation...

ANYONE who has made a careful reading of Department of Health documents (see footnote) and considered the implication of the legislation can only come...

ISRAEL BLOCKADES GAZA – and steps up assaults in the West...

The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) last Saturday condemned as ‘unacceptable’ Israel’s threat to turn the ‘economic siege’ it is imposing on the Gaza Strip...

Trade unions must take action to defend the NHS

AS far as the NHS is concerned the vultures are now gathering for the kill. On Monday, News Line publicised a leaked e-mail ...

GREEK GENERAL STRIKE – for workers’ rights against privatisation

A massive strike wave is taking place against the Greek right-wing government this week as workers are staging national strikes, including a general strike...

General Strike in Ireland

OVER 100,000 workers turned out for a massive demonstration through Dublin yesterday, as the country was brought to a halt in a general strike...

Crisis Pre-Budget

Britain has had to face ‘the toughest and most challenging year for the economy’ in which it has seen predicted economic growth halved to...

‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...

‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...

US Torture Flights – Questions Go Unanswered

LIBERTY has written letters to the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and to British police chiefs about the US’ ‘extraordinary rendition’ programme and the use...

Full support for the Gate Gourmet sacked workers demonstration

THIS Sunday December 4th the Gate Gourmet sacked workers will be marching through Southall to demand that every one of the 700 locked out...

‘We fight on till we win’

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers are furious that the TGWU’s head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, has gone back on his promise to provide...

John McDonnell to speak at Gate Gourmet locked-out workers rally

‘THEY can’t be allowed to do this,’ locked out Gate Gourmet worker Parminder Brar said yesterday after hearing that the TGWU leadership plans to...

PNA illusions in Sharon move

THE Palestinian National Authority (PNA) immediately reacted to the latest Israeli political upheaval on Monday, describing it sceptically but hopefully as a ‘volcano’ that...

French Workers Fight To Stop Privatisation

AROUND 100,000 workers employed by the SNCF (French national railway) are taking strike action this week, following Saturday’s mass demonstration of more than 40,000...

MAKE OUR DISPUTE OFFICIAL say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers

A DELEGATION of Gate Gourmet locked out workers is due to meet the TGWU head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, at the union’s head...

Disband The Police Death Squads!

THE fact that armed police used internationally banned dum dum bullets, seven of which splintered, expanded and exploded inside the head of Jean Charles...

Another mass picket at Gate Gourmet

THE mass picket of over 100 Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow Airport yesterday were angry at capitalist press revelations that at least two of...

‘Continue The March To Raise The Palestinian Flag Over Jerusalem’

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last Friday pledged to continue Yasser Arafat’s struggle to establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, as thousands...

TGWU leaders still pushing ‘compromise agreement’

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were very angry on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday when letters from the TGWU solicitor advising them...

Capitalist Crisis Is Driving Forward World Revolution

THIS Sunday’s 65th Anniversary rally of the assassination of Leon Trotsky by an agent of the Stalinist bureaucracy in 1940 is taking place at...

Blair the leader of the Party of Order

PRIME Minister Blair held a meeting of his Cabinet yesterday morning and, true to form, the Cabinet, filled with his lackeys, found that he...

TGWU register 735 tribunal cases

THERE was a mass picket of over 200 locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow airport yesterday. Senior shop steward Mr Dhillon told News...

Leon Trotsky’s CLASS AND ART – PART ONE Culture under the...

THIS speech was delivered on May 9, 1924 during discussions at the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on Party Policy...

Government By Police Chiefs

AT his monthly press conference last Monday, the Prime Minister admitted that the source of his proposal, that the police should be allowed to...

The army and police – a law unto themselves

The Surrey Police re-investigation into the deaths of four teenage recruits at the Deepcut army barracks has been called a ‘farce’ by Geoff Gray,...

Gate Gourmet Workers Confront Woodley And Barber

GATE Gourmet workers lobbied the TUC General Council in central London yesterday. They brought their banner: ‘Justice for the Sacked Gate Gourmet Workers’ and...

Sharon Aims For Zionist ‘Greater Jerusalem’

THE PALESTINE Media Centre reports that ‘The Israeli Knesset on Monday approved a speech by the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that vindicated his “defense”...

ADULT EDUCATION UNDER ATTACK– funding crisis means sackings and course closures,...

Lower than expected college funding poses a severe threat to adult education and those who provide it, warns the latest edition of public sector...

Strong Picket By Gate Gourmet Workers

WELL over 100 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday near to Heathrow airport. TGWU member Manny Odedra told News Line: ‘The people the...

Economic Crisis Set To Wreak Havoc To Jobs And Homes

THE bosses organisation, the CBI, yesterday warned that thousands of manufacturing jobs are about to be slashed by employers seeking to reduce their costs,...

DEFIANT SADDAM – refuses to recognise stooge court

Saddam Hussein yesterday insisted he was the president of Iraq, and refused to recognise the US appointed court, declining to give his name or...

BRING OUT THE AIRPORT – urge Gate Gourmet workers

‘We are calling for the whole airport to come out, not just to support us but to defend themselves,’ Jaswinder Phal told News Line...

US slaughters Iraqis during the referendum on a constitution

WHILE US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their quislings in Baghdad were pumping out propaganda about ‘freedom and democracy’,...

Unions must act NOW to reinstate Gate Gourmet workers!

TODAY scores of T&G members will be picketing the Gate Gourmet plant at Heathrow Airport, as they have every day since they were locked...

NO MORE WAITING – demand Gate Gourmet workers

GATE Gourmet pickets said yesterday they were fed up with waiting. They poured scorn on a Transport and General Workers Union plea to British Airways...