Tag: civil servants
‘We need the TUC to organise a general strike’
CIVIL servants called for more action during their national Budget Day strike on Wednesday. PCS members at a lively picket outside the National Portrait...
POA call for general strike outside parliament
STRIKING civil servants clapped and cheered a call for a general strike at a rally outside parliament yesterday. A message of support and solidarity was...
£11.5bn of cuts & wage cuts – at the centre of...
CHANCELLOR Osborne delivered a massive onslaught on public services and public sector pay in his budget yesterday, imposing billions more in cuts as well...
MICHAEL GOVE MUST GO! – say 600 teachers, pupils and parents
‘MICHAEL Gove has got to go!’ chanted over 600 teachers, parents and pupils as they marched along Victoria Street to the Department for Education...
Disabled defend Independent Living Fund!
Over 50 disabled people demonstrated outside the High Court in London yesterday demanding the government maintain the Independent Living Fund (ILF). Mary Laver from Newcastle...
Irish Trade Unions Split Over Croke Park
THE Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and the Civil, Public and Services Union have decided they will urge members to reject the Croke Park...
BUDGET DAY STRIKE VOTE! – PCS votes 61% in favour
CIVIL Servants have voted by a massive 61% majority in favour of strike action in their fight for a pay rise of £1,200, or...
IRISH Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Chief Economist Paul Sweeney has told a high level global economic summit involving the IMF, World Bank and...
KENYA STRIKE WAVE – Lecturers, Council Workers and Nurses fight for...
AN attempt to stop a strike by lecturers in public universities continuing in Kenya failed on Monday, after a university employers organisation failed...
NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO STRIKE! – at Dunston School Chesterfield
CIVIL servants’ union PCS yesterday joined the National Union of Teachers in raising serious concerns about the politicisation of education. Commenting on concerns raised by...
‘ALL EUROPE IS FIGHTING’ say Greek workers
GREEK local government along with college and university administrative workers are continuing with occupations, strikes and demonstrations against the government’s mass sackings plans. On...
Bankrupt Tories cook the books while TU leaders do nothing
THE dust had barely settled on Tory chancellor George Osborne’s Autumn Statement on the state of the British economy before the gaping holes in...
Osborne decrees huge wage and benefit cuts for the public sector...
CHANCELLOR George Osborne in his Autumn statement was forced to admit failure, that his policies were not working and that he had been forced...
Chancellor Is Slashing Jobs, Wages And Benefits!
CHANCELLOR Osborne’s Autumn Statement to the House of Commons yesterday afternoon was a savage attack on the working class and the poor. Early in his...
Money No Object For Privatising Schools
A REPORT published yesterday by the public spending watchdog the National Audit Office reveals the massive amount of money the Tory-led coalition is prepared...
Murdoch Gang Face Charges
EX-DOWNING Street communications chief Andy Coulson and ex-News International executive Rebekah Brooks have been charged in connection with payments to police and public officials....
Capitalism is ‘At War’ – answer Cameron with general strike
BRITISH capitalism is ‘at war’ Cameron told the bosses yesterday, an ‘economic war’ which requires the state to rip up the rule book, strip off...
50,000 Greek Workers March For Palestine
OVER 50,000 students, youth and workers marched through the Athens city centre last Saturday to the American Embassy and then to the Israeli Embassy. They...
ETUC Day of Action against Austerity tomorrow
THE TUC has sent letters to the Spanish and Greek governments urging them to abandon their austerity programmes and to ‘change course now’. The letters...
Workers & youth determined to smash the Greek government
250,000 workers, youth and professionals demonstrated outside the Vouli (Greek parliament) in central Athens last Wednesday evening against the Austerities Measures Bill. They were demanding...
‘CUTS WILL COST LIVES!’ – FBU leader Wrack warns
‘CUTS will cost lives,’ Fire Brigades Union (FBU) general secretary Matt Wrack insisted yesterday. He was addressing a 500-strong rally in Westminster of FBU delegations...
STRIKE BALLOT – by Scottish doctors
SCOTLAND'S hospital doctors began balloting for strike action yesterday, against the Scottish government’s attacks on the NHS pension scheme. If the ballot gives the go-ahead,...
TUC supports Heseltine – the Tory who closed down the mining...
IT says something about the depth of the capitalist crisis, and the lack of ability in the Cameron government, that Lord Heseltine, who in...
Workhouse Master Duncan Smith Attacks Poor
PCS civil servants union general secretary Mark Serwotka yesterday slammed Work and Pensions secretary Duncan Smith’s speech attacking youth, families and the unemployed. Serwotka said:...
‘The solution is uprising’– say 120,000 Athens workers!
CHANTING ‘It’s their crisis – the solution is uprising!’; ‘Down with the government and the troika of the EC-IMF-ECB. The time has come...
RENATIONALISE! – ‘end privatisation chaos once and for all’ says Crow
‘RENATIONALISE West Coast and all the other franchises under one single umbrella, and end the profiteering and chaos of rail privatisation once and for...
Greek Finance Ministry occupied
WORKERS at the Greek Finance Ministry early on Tuesday morning occupied the Finance Ministry building in central Athens. They are protesting against huge wage cuts...
RISE UP! – shout Greek workers!
HUNDREDS of thousands of workers, youth, self-employed and small shopkeepers took part last Wednesday in the mass and militant demonstrations throughout Greece as part...
Defend national pay rates! –TUC must call a general strike
‘ANY attempt to break national pay rates must be met by the TUC calling an indefinite general strike to bring down this Tory-LibDem Coalition...
German bosses want Greece to be a giant Economic Zone –as...
THE President of the German bosses association ASSON has called for Greece to be turned into a huge ‘Special Economic Zone’. Hans-Peter Keitel, President...
TUC delegates at their Congress 2012 in Brighton on Monday voted unanimously for motions calling for coordinated strike action against cuts in jobs and...
IRELAND’S BANKS ARE REFUSING TO LEND –as Greece is urged to...
EUROGROUP President Jean-Claude Juncker is in Athens for talks with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on whether the debt-laden country has the will to...
Right To Strike Under Attack
The announcement by the Tory media, culture and sport secretary, Jeremy Hunt, that cabinet ministers are actively discussing the introduction of Ronald Reagan style...
Huge Clashes Between Swazi Workers And Feudal Regime!
RELATIONS between the workers and trade unions of Swaziland and the rule of the feudal monarchy has almost reached the point of civil...
Samaras Puts Up ‘Greece For Sale’ Sign
GREEK Prime Minister elect Antonis Samaras has declared a massive privatisation plan for the entire transport and energy sectors as well as dozens of...
Remploy Workers Vote Overwhelmingly For Strike Action
‘WE now have the prospect of Remploy workers taking strike action to defend their jobs to avoid their certain destiny of being chucked on...
Doctors Strike Today!
DOCTORS are on strike in defence of their pensions all over the country today. Dr Hamish Meldrum, chair of the BMA’s council, said: ‘Doctors are...
Maude threatens 120,000 civil service jobs!
CABINET Office Minister Francis Maude launched a vicious onslaught on civil servants, their jobs and their trade union yesterday. He pledged to scrap up...
Narrow New Democracy Win – A Minor Breathing Space For Bosses!
IN CONDITIONS of polarisation, the conservative New Democracy party won Sunday’s crucial and vastly internationally significant Greek general election gaining 29.6 per cent of...
THE Eurozone has agreed to lend the Spanish banks up to 100bn euros without demanding any austerity measures after Spanish Economy Minister...
Tsipras Says ‘No’ To Mass Sackings Of Civil Servants
LEFTIST SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras addressed a crowd of party supporters in Sparti, in the Peloponnese, on Thursday night. Tsipras said that his party would...
400,000 Stop Work In Massive Pensions Strike!
THE government’s claims about numbers of civil servants on strike over pensions are wildly inaccurate, the Public and Commercial Services union has insisted. Nearly...
Hundreds of thousands strike to defend pensions
ACROSS the UK, hundreds of thousands of public sector workers were on strike yesterday against government plans to make them work longer and pay...
United In Support Of Fellow Prisoners On Hunger Strike
Jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi said on Sunday that Palestinian prisoners would remain united in their support for fellow prisoners on hunger-strike. Prisoners affiliated to...
Tories Are Down – Now They Must Be Put Out!
THE Tories are down but they are not out! The trade unions must mobilise for action at once to deliver a knock-out blow to...