Tag: christmas
McCluskey must meet with Gate Gourmet sacked workers!
LEN McCluskey, winner of the election for the post of Unite general secretary, said on Wednesday that ‘I have a huge agenda in front...
A CHRISTMAS truce in the Tube dispute was offered today as millions of travellers faced another day of strike action. Speaking at...
BA strike ballot cancelled – BASSA website is blacked out
UNITE has cancelled its strike ballot of BA cabin crew stating that a new deal is now on the table, and the dispute could...
CBI calls for more anti-union laws!
YESTERDAY the employers’ organisation, the CBI, was joined by Tory London mayor, Boris Johnson, in demanding further laws to outlaw strike action against the...
‘WE WILL NOT GIVE UP UNTIL WE WIN!’ –Lakhinder Saran tells...
TWO HUNDRED youth and workers took part in a rally and celebration of five years of the sacked Gate Gourmet workers’ struggle in...
Unite leaders on their knees in front of Walsh!
BRENDAN Gold, Unite’s national secretary for civil air transport, said, after emerging from Monday’s BA Cabin crew rally in Kempton Park, that there would...
Unite Goes For New Peace Talks With Walsh
UP to 2,000 British Airways cabin crew attended a BASSA meeting at Kempton Park near Heathrow Airport yesterday, which heard that the leadership of...
Rajapakse Bids For Permanent Dictatorship
THE 18th Constitutional Amendment Bill will be debated and put to the vote on September 8th in the Sri Lankan parliament, following a decision...
BA Cabin Crew Want Indefinite Strike Action!
‘I WANT an immediate ballot and indefinite strike action now. Let’s see them cope with that! I don’t want to wait until Christmas’, a...
Alive! Rescue By Xmas
‘ALL 33 of us are fine in the shelter’. This was the message read out by the President of Chile, Sebastian Pinera, on...
Simpson refuses to fight the Coalition
DEREK Simpson, the Unite co-leader, was brought onto the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday to deliberately attempt to undermine the struggle in the trade...
‘Walsh will never crush BASSA’
‘THE rest of the British Airways workforce must be called out on strike to join us in our fight to beat Walsh,’ said striking...
BA sack BASSA branch secretary – Unite condemns bullying and intimidation
The Unite union yesterday condemned the sacking by British Airways of a senior Unite official, BASSA branch secretary Duncan Holley, as ‘another act of...
HUGE WAGE AND PENSION CUTS – hundreds of thousands to lose...
IN a press conference on Sunday afternoon, May 2nd the Greek Finance Minister Yiorghos Papakonstantinou announced yet another set of austerity measures verified later...
HEYGATE ESTATE–Heating and hot water system ‘permanently switched off’!
ANGRY tenants still living on the Heygate Estate in south-east London say the shutdown of the hot water and heating system last Friday is...
NHS NOT FOR SALE! – defend the Welfare State
‘NHS NOT FOR SALE – Keep Our NHS Public!’ declared the banner which led the Defend the Welfare State march on Saturday, alongside that...
RMT STRIKE BANNED! –Ruling class justice at work
THE High Court yesterday followed up its decision to ban strike action at British Airways at Christmas by banning strike action at Network Rail...
AFL-CIO launches ‘Make Wall St Pay’ campaign
THE American trade union federation, the AFL-CIO, is this week launching a ‘Make Wall Street Pay’ national campaign in protest at soaring unemployment in...
Postal Workers are to be balloted soon on the new deal negotiated by their Union leaders. This Agreement called Business Transformation 2010 and Beyond, has...
CWU leaders agree surrender terms!
AFTER calling off last winter’s national strike by their members in Royal Mail without the members’ agreement – and without their members’ demands to...
BA struggle coming to a head
EXTENSIVE talks have been taking place over the last seven weeks under the Chairmanship of TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber between Unite and BA,...
Greek Workers Fight Moves To New Stage
TENS of thousands of Greek workers, students and youth took part in strike rallies last Friday throughout Greece against the ‘socialist’ government’s austerity measures....
GET READY TO STOP THE AIRPORTS – Walsh mobilises 6000 strikebreakers
British Airways boss Walsh boasted at a meeting of selected staff at BA headquarters yesterday that he has 6,000 staff signed up to break...
Royal Mail Wants To Sell Mail Centres
ROYAL Mail is about to break its truce with the CWU that has lasted since before Christmas through January and February. Latest reports suggest that...
‘OCCUPY TO KEEP CHASE FARM OPEN!’ – Bill Rogers tells Council...
OVER 100 workers and youth voted unanimously on Saturday for occupying hospitals against closure and to stop the smashing up and privatisation of the...
‘All military families have the right to hear Blair give evidence’...
TONY BLAIR is to give evidence to the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War in the second half of this month, or early February,...
US launched cruise missile strikes in Yemen
RECENT attacks on Al-Qaeda positions in Yemen, including cruise missile strikes, were led by the United States according to a CBS television report Saturday. The...
Thirty per cent funding cuts will force universities to axe thousands of courses, lecturers and students, university bosses’ most senior representative has warned. In...
A ‘Christmas kick in the teeth’ for both staff and students is how the University and College Union (UCU) described yesterday’s slashing £398m...
‘We will do everything to keep our hospital open!’
CARS hooted and people waved to Santa Claus on the Chase Farm Christmas picket, organised by the North-East London Council of Action yesterday. There was...
‘Tony Blair and Gordon Brown should be tried as war criminals,’ Peter Brierley, whose son Shaun was killed in Iraq in 2003, told a...
EUROSTAR NIGHTMARE CONTINUES! – passengers told to stay away
Eurotunnel closed its shuttle car service to new arrivals yesterday, saying it was at ‘saturation point’, as travellers struggled to find alternative ways of...
Capitalist state gives support to Walsh’s diktat!
THE decision by a Judge in chambers to rule the BA strike action illegal is a major blow at the legal right to strike. It...
952,000 16-24 year olds out of work!
COMMENTING on the rise in unemployment figures, Dave Prentis, General Secretary of Unison said: ‘Being out of work at Christmas is particularly tough, especially...
952,000 18-24’s OUT OF WORK
‘AFTER falling for two successive months, today’s rise in youth unemployment is disappointing,’ said TUC leader Brendan Barber. Paul Kenny GMB General Secretary commented:...
BA Cabin Crews Vote For A 12-Day Strike
British Airways cabin crew have voted by a massive 92.5 per cent, in an over 80 per cent turnout, in favour of strike action...
Lifeline Convoy Sets Out For Gaza
British Member of Parliament George Galloway left the UK on Sunday, December 6th with a convoy of humanitarian aid and will arrive in the...
Occupy Corus! No Sackings! Renationalise Now!
THERE were oceans of tears yesterday for the 1,700 workers who are to be sacked when Corus mothballs the greater part of its plant...
PAISLEY RECALL POSSIBLE – to ‘save the Assembly’
BY JOHN COULTER AT STORMONT DUBLIN – Ian Paisley senior may be hauled out of semi-political retirement to save the rapidly crumbling Northern Assembly, a...
‘WE DEMAND A FULL INVESTIGATION!’ – says Ian Tomlinson’s widow
‘we are holding this special vigil because it has been a long eight months,’ Julia Tomlinson, the widow of Ian Tomlinson told over 200...
British banks hit by Dubai collapse
AFTER the Abu Dhabi stockmarket experienced a record one-day fall of 8.3 per cent, and Dubai’s Financial Market Index fell 7.3 per cent yesterday,...
‘we Won’t Let Chase Farm Close!’
‘WE’RE not going to let Chase Farm close,’ Bill Rogers, North East London Council of Action Secretary told News Line yesterday at a lively...
Labour holds seat – Tories just beat BNP and are as...
THE working class saw the Tories, and the Scottish Tories of the SNP, off in Thursday’s by-election in Glasgow North East. On...
No Jobs For 943,000 Youth
Youth unemployment continued to rise from July to September, with the number of 16 to 24-year-olds out of work up by 15,000 to 943,000,...
Busworkers Fight Zero Pay Rise Deal!
Nearly 2,500 members working for the East London Bus Group took part in a 24-hour strike from 3am yesterday in a dispute over the...