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Tag: britain

Blair And Brown Crippling African Health Care!

THE current Blair drive to have Gordon Brown and himself depicted in the media as the saviours of the African continent has hit the...

World Crisis Blowing US Trade Union Leaders Apart

THE American workers are facing major problems, caused by the deepening crisis of the world capitalist system. Among these problems are the export of millions...

MPs defend council housing – report condemns government plans

The House of Commons Council Housing Group of MPs from all parties yesterday launched its report Support for the Fourth Option for Council Housing. This...

House nuisance neighbours in containers says Field

LABOUR’S war against the working class and the poor continues, with Birkenhead MP Frank Field advocating that nuisance neighbours should be evicted and ‘housed’...

5 WARDS AND 300 STAFF FACE THE AXE – in Lincolnshire...

Staff at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have been shocked by the sudden announcement on Monday of plans to close five hospital wards and...

GOLD AND DOLLARS SMUGGLED OUT OF IRAQ – as insurgency escalates

The Islamic Army in Iraq last Sunday, in a videotape, claimed responsibility for an attack with an explosive device against a US foot patrol...

Russian Ambassador In Talks With Al-Sadr

The Russian ambassador to Iraq yesterday flew to Najaf and started talks with leading Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who led the uprising against US...

Blair demands end of EU farm subsidies

THE knives are out between the British ruling class and its Franco-German opposite numbers. The press conference at the end of Blair’s visit to Moscow,...

UK citizen must be freed – being held illegally in Iraq...

Today, the case of a British citizen detained without charge in Basra by UK Forces since 10 October 2004 will be heard in the...

Ten-hour day for schoolkids!

AT ONE time it used to be said that British workers were working such long hours that they did not have an opportunity to...

US casualties in Iraq ‘unacceptable’ – say 75 per cent of...

A US Humvee was destroyed when an explosive charge went off on Wednesday near a US forces convoy in the Al-Rustamiyah area, southeast of...

Labour Set To Drive Workers Off The Roads

ALISTAIR Darling, the Labour government transport minister, yesterday unveiled the government’s plan to drive millions of working class drivers off the roads with a...

BMA leader lashes private treatment centres

YESTERDAY Paul Miller, chair of the British Medical Association (BMA) Consultants Committee launched an unprecedented attack on the government over the introduction of private...

UK ‘control orders’ are illegal says EU rights body

EVEN the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Alvaro Gil-Robles has condemned the issuing of control orders by the British Home Secretary as...

Greek bank workers strike over pensions

Yesterday tens of thousands of bank workers were on strike throughout Greece for the second day of a two-day strike called by their union...

Glasgow Unemployment Crisis

Targets set by ministers for agencies trying to get Scotland’s long-term unemployed off benefits are making the problem worse, not better. That is the finding...

Stop Child Deportations

‘A Rochdale head teacher, Jed Morgan, and the families of refugee children, travelled to London yesterday in a bid to stop the deportation of...


Alun Pugh, Minister for Culture, the Welsh Language and Sport, last Friday faced tough questions about the future of BBC Wales and stated that...

Charge Harry Stanley’s Killers!

THE uncovering of ‘new’ forensic evidence by the Surrey constabulary has led to the arrest of the two police officers who shot dead Harry...

NHS PRIVATISATION BY STEALTH – BMA accuses Blair government

The Blair government is trawling Europe for health privateers to carry out elective operations in the NHS, the British Medical Association yesterday revealed in...

Security Council extends Iraq occupation mandate

THE imperialists and their Chinese and Russian stooges on the UN Security Council have extended the mandate of the US-led occupation armies in Iraq,...

French revolution stuns EU bosses and political leaders

THE 55 per cent vote, by the working class and the rural population of France against the European Constitution, is a body blow to...

Dutch To Follow French Example

Dutch workers are ready to deal another blow to the bosses and bankers’ EU by following the example of the French and voting ‘NO’...

MORE PALESTINIANS KILLED – as America and Israel pressure PNA to...

WHILE the US was piling the pressure on Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to force the Palestine National Authority to disarm all the anti-occupation groups,...

BBC strikes ‘suspended’ but mass sackings to continue

IN a major climbdown the BBC trade union leaders have suspended, ie cancelled, next week’s 48-hour BBC strike and will be holding a meeting...

US-UK attack basic rights – says Amnesty Report

Amnesty International has accused the United States of effectively giving governments a licence to torture. In its annual report covering 2004, the human rights organisation...


Over 11,000 BBC journalists and technicians took strike action last Monday over savage job cuts and privatisation announced unilaterally by Director-General Mark Thompson in...

Thousands join BBC unions to take strike action!

The BBC was gripped by the biggest strike in ten years yesterday, as over 11,000 journalists and technicians from all three BBC unions –...

Capitalism can’t afford common retirement age or decent pensions

CAPITALIST Britain is being driven backwards, not forwards by the deepening crisis of capitalism and the policies of the Blair-Brown Labour government, dedicated to...

‘We’re fighting for the future of the BBC’

Picket lines are out at BBC sites across the country today as 10,000 workers from all three BBC unions – BECTU, NUJ and Amicus...

BOYCOTT ISRAEL! – demands Free Palestine rally

Over 5,000 members and supporters of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign last Saturday marched and rallied in central London under the banner of Free Palestine. The...

War of words between puppet Karzai and US

THE Afghan puppet president, Karzai, has gone to Washington and been forced, by rising Afghan anger, to publicly complain about the actions of the...

The US is being humiliated in Iraq – not Saddam

IT IS the United States of America that is being humiliated in Iraq and not Saddam Hussein. The idea that putting pictures – provided by...


A LONDON postal workers’ leader yesterday warned the government they will face massive opposition, if they go ahead and try to break Labour’s election...

US-UK’s man in Uzbekistan ‘slaughtering protesters like rabbits’

YESTERDAY the British Foreign Secretary Straw condemned the repressions by the Karimov regime in Uzbekistan. It has already killed 500 Uzbeks and is getting...

‘THE DESTRUCTION OF THE NHS’ – Professor Marks condemns Blair/Hewitt plans

‘This is really the destruction of the NHS,’ Vincent Marks, professor of clinical biochemistry at the University of Surrey and a long-standing supporter of...

Defend the NHS and the Welfare State!

YESTERDAY key Blairite cabinet ministers, Blunkett and Hewitt, launched a massive attack on the Welfare State. Hewitt promised to use the NHS budget to...

Blair fans anti-youth hysteria – while capitalist state gunmen return to...

YESTERDAY the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, joined in the hysterical attack that the state and bosses are launching on Britain’s youth. Millions of young people...

Britain Heads For Revolutionary Situation

BRITAIN is now being run by a weakened and discredited Blair government, which is however determined to speed up its right wing course and...

Blair listens only to the bosses

PRIME Minister Blair, despite all his vows about listening to the people – made outside 10 Downing Street on the day after the general...

Stop Treating University Staff As Second-Class Citizens

AUT general secretary Sally Hunt is launching a manifesto for academic-related staff in Manchester on 12 May calling for more pay, reduced hours and...

Blair is to blame for Iraq war and occupation deaths

THE widow of Guardsman Anthony Wakefield, Ann Toward, is 100 per cent correct – Tony Blair is to blame for the death of her...

‘BLAIR MUST BE PUNISHED’ – Military families serve notice on Downing...

‘I HOPE this gets Tony Blair punished for all his war crimes, for the death of our sons and all those Iraqis,’ Rose Gentle...

May Day manifesto! Keep the Tories out! The working class will...

THE Editorial Board of the News Line, the daily socialist paper of the WRP, sends its greetings to the workers and youth of the...

Postmasters Convictions Quashed!

JUDGES have quashed the convictions of 39 former postmasters after the most widespread miscarriage of ruling class justice in the history of UK capitalism. The...