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May wants to rip up the basic rights of the working...

IN the seven short weeks since Tory Prime Minister Theresa May announced out of the blue that she was calling a snap general election,...

MAY RIPS UP MANIFESTO! After workers reject attack on pensioners

IN A DRAMATIC forced retreat prime minister Theresa May yesterday dumped her key policy on social care in the Tory election manifesto. The anger of...

May declares war on the pensioners!

TORY PM Theresa May yesterday declared war on pensioners and their children yesterday with the launch of her party’s election manifesto. This includes means testing...

May Attacks The Pensioners And Pursues Them Into The Grave!

PM MAY unveiled the Tory election manifesto yesterday in Halifax as she dumped Cameron’s policy towards the elderly and instead gave them a good...

‘Today we set out to transform Britain’ says Corbyn

AT THE party’s manifesto launch in Bradford yesterday Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: ‘Today we set out a vision to transform Britain for the...

Left Fabianism cannot beat the bosses! Forward to the British socialist...

LABOUR Leader Corbyn, launching Labour’s manifesto at Bradford University yesterday, sought to launch a gradual Fabian ‘revolution’, at a snail’s pace, to begin to...

Labour leaks its Fabian draft programme for keeping capitalism...

THE leaked draft of Labour’s election manifesto yesterday brought out the predictable headlines in the press warning of the dangerous ‘socialist’ Jeremy Corbyn. But a...

Labour tinkers with capitalism – won’t break with EU & won’t...

LABOUR’S leaked General Election Manifesto starts with a declaration that ‘Labour understands that wealth creation is a collective endeavour – between investors, workers, public...

Manchester Met University To Strike Over Closure Of Crewe Campus!

MEMBERS of the University and College Union (UCU) at Manchester Metropolitan University will be on strike later this month after they overwhelmingly backed industrial...

Corbyn sets out to unrig and transform the ‘rigged’ capitalist system

LABOUR Leader Corbyn opened the Labour Party general election campaign yesterday by stating: ‘We have four weeks. Four weeks to take our message to...

‘SYSTEM RIGGED FOR RICH!’ – says Labour leader Corbyn

‘WE HAVE four weeks. Four weeks to take our message to voters to convince them Britain can be better,’ Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the...

WRP GENERAL ELECTION MANIFESTO – vote WRP in the five constituencies...

THE working class must kick out the Tories on June 8th and return Labour to government to set the scene for the struggle for...

May Day meeting ‘Forward to the World October!’

‘WE WERE marching with our banner “100 years of the Russian Revolution, for the World October”,’ WRP candidate for Hackney South Jonty Leff told...

Blair launches anti-Brexit plot as Starmer raises remaining in Single...

THE wiping out of the Socialist Party and the Republican Party in France, the ruination of the Fifth Republic and the elevation of the...

A UK G-Bay & more armed police as Tories seek big...

NEW Guantanamo Bay-style jails-within-jails are being opened for the first time in the UK to incarcerate ‘extremists of all kinds’, while police are being...

Bring down the Tories on June 8th to save the NHS,...

ON JUNE 23 2016 the adventurers Cameron and Osborne, the then PM and Chancellor, came unstuck when they lost their EU referendum and were...

Telegraph appoints spin doctor Coulson

THE decision of the Telegraph Media Group (TMG) to appoint former Cameron spin doctor Andy Coulson to provide PR advice to the company has...

After Brexit, Forward To The European Socialist Revolution!

PRIME Minister May in her letter to EU President Tusk has described the invoking of Article 50 to begin the UK’s withdrawal from the...

NHS workers furious over 7th year of pay cuts!

NHS WORKERS are furious that they are to receive a measly 1% pay increase in 2017-18 – in reality another massive pay cut –...

Right wing Labour puts Corbyn and McDonnell on a very short...

SIR Keir Starmer, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary speaking at a Chatham House conference, has said that Labour will not support any Brexit deal negotiated...

Labour Right Wing Moves To Split Lp On Behalf Of The...

WITH his tale that Unite leader McCluskey (currently up for re-election) intends to pay the union’s political cash over to the pro-Corbyn grass roots...

Bring down the crisis-ridden Tories – forward to a workers government...

GOVERNMENT plans to increase National Insurance levels for self-employed people – announced in the Budget last week – have been dropped by the Tory...

SNP 2nd Scottish Referendum

‘I WILL now take the steps necessary to make sure that Scotland will have the choice at the end of this process,’ Scottish Nationalist...

Reject the SNP attempt to split the working class! Forward to...

THE LEADER of the Scottish Nationalist Party, Nicola Sturgeon, dropped a bombshell yesterday with her announcement that she intends to push through a vote...

Parliament has no veto right over British people says Davis

TORY Brexit Secretary David Davis yesterday urged MPs to reject the two House of Lords amendments to the EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill....

MPs must vote to quit the EU – forward to the...

THE Brexit Secretary Davis yesterday urged MPs not to ‘tie the prime minister’s hands’ and to defeat the two House of Lords amendments to...

Tory Budget: war on NHS, education & pay

IN REFUSING to lift the 1% public sector pay cap, chancellor Philip Hammond is condemning ‘just managing’ civil servants to wage cuts of up...

Heseltine joins Blair’s campaign for an anti-Brexit uprising!

LORD Heseltine is notorious for his closure of the mining industry in 1993, as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry in the Major...

Lesson from by-elections: Labour Party’s finished! Build the revolutionary party!

JEREMY Corbyn MP, leader of the Labour Party, said yesterday on the Stoke-on-Trent Central and Copeland by-elections results that ‘Labour’s victory in Stoke is...

Don’t stop at the House of Lords! Abolish Parliament and go...

ON Wednesday night, a spokesman for the Tory government delivered a blunt message to the House of Lords that they either accepted Brexit or...

Greek debt is on an ‘explosive path’ says the IMF

THE International Monetary Fund has warned that Greece’s debts are on an ‘explosive path’ in its first annual review of the country’s economy since...

It’s Bercow v Trump as the British ruling class splits between...

SPEAKER Bercow, with his condemnation of any invitation to US President Trump to address both Houses of Parliament, has shown just how split and...

Crisis of European capitalism deepens – Down with the EU! Forward...

THE Bank of England delivered its first announcement of 2017 on the economy yesterday, claiming that British capitalism had defied all expectations of a...

Corbyn-Watson differ over Trump and Brexit

LABOUR Party deputy leader Tom Watson yesterday claimed that right wing shadow ministers who quit Labour’s front bench in a row over the...

US raid on the Yemen kills 57 as Trump prepares for...

US FORCES at dawn yesterday carried out a series of ground and air raids against a village in the Yemeni province of Bayda, killing...

Right-wing Labour wants to force workers to remain in EU!

LABOUR leader Jeremy Corbyn finally bit the bullet yesterday afternoon when he announced he would issue a three-line whip to Labour MPs instructing them...

Labour Right Wing To Vote Against Brexit!

LABOUR Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has ordered Labour MPs to back the Bill that allows the government to trigger the Brexit process. The Bill asks...

Supreme Court votes for EU again, as Labour demands a ‘meaningful...

AS EXPECTED, the Supreme Court has ruled against the government’s appeal, challenging its previous verdict that Parliament must vote on whether the government can...

May To Meet Trump On Friday – Trump To Meet The...

IT’S BEEN a lightning courtship. PM May is to meet Trump on Friday. May opposed the Brexit pre-referendum and was appointed PM by the 1922...

Right wing threaten to split Labour Party to try to halt...

RIGHT-WING Labour MPs, with the enthusiastic support of the Tory press, are manoeuvring once again to split the Labour Party so that they can...


‘TO provide certainty,’ Tory PM Theresa May said yesterday, ‘I can confirm today that the government will put the final deal which is agreed...

‘Remainer’ May gives the UK parliament the final say!

PM MAY yesterday told a Lancaster House press conference of her government’s plan to quit the dictatorial EU and its Single Market. Harkening back to...

Take action to smash the ‘rigged’ capitalist system!

ON Saturday the Daily Telegraph disclosed to the world – ‘that moderate Labour MPs are plotting to undermine Mr Corbyn by staging resignations...

May reveals Tories fear of revolution

YESTERDAY’S speech to the Charity Commission by Tory prime minister, Theresa May, attracted much comment on her proposals on raising the profile of mental health...

Bankers’ forecasts wrong again! New banking crash will ignite revolution!

THE BANK of England has admitted what it calls a ‘Michael Fish’ moment over its failure to predict the 2007-8 banking crash and its...