Tag: bma
Bma Will Discuss Strike Action!
The British Medical Association will put ‘absolutely everything’ on the table including strike action when members determine their response to the government’s...
Defend NHS with occupations and a general strike to bring down...
Yesterday saw the second reading of the Tory-led coalition’s Health and Social Care Bill in Parliament, a bill designed to facilitate the wholesale closure...
‘NHS Not For Sale’
‘NHS not for sale,’ angry health workers chanted outside parliament yesterday, as the Health and Social Care Bill got its second reading. ‘This bill is...
Decision Taken To Close Chase Farm Hospital
NHS London has given the go-ahead for plans to close Chase Farm Hospital A&E and the consultant-led Maternity and Paediatrics departments, despite massive opposition...
BMA Council votes to call special conference
The following motion was passed by a large majority at the BMA (British Medical Association) Council meeting in London yesterday. ‘This meeting recognises that legislation...
‘Liberating The NHS’ – Bma Responds To Coalition Privatisation Plan
‘THIS response details the BMA’s position on the specific areas for reform contained in the consultation Liberating the NHS: Greater choice and control, building...
‘It will be hard for GPs to keep one eye on...
Nurses and Midwives have strongly criticised the Health and Social Care Bill published last week, calling it a toxic prescription for patients and a...
THE chairman of the BMA’s GP committee has warned that the Tory-LibDem government’s health plans will leave poor, elderly, infirm and terminally ill patients...
Staff and patients at Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, yesterday showed their support for an occupation to stop the closure of its accident and emergency,...
RISKY AND DISASTROUS! – warn health union leaders
The scale and pace of the government’s planned NHS ‘reforms’, combined with £20bn cuts, is ‘extremely risky and potentially disastrous, warned the leaders of...
NHS White Paper Means Hospital Closures
Hospitals could face closure to make space for private providers, warns a new report from the NHS managers’ organisation. Ahead of the publication on Wednesday...
Managers oppose the ‘enormous risk’ of the NHS White Paper
NHS managers have warned in a report from the NHS Confederation that the Lansley NHS White Paper will lead to hospital closures and constitutes...
Doctors demand vote on White Paper
THE BMA council is set to hold a crunch vote on holding an emergency representative meeting to decide its stance on the government’s privatising...
NHS White Paper means ‘rapid and drastic removal of care!’
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has failed the first test of his promise to let GPs lead NHS reforms, doctors say. Lansley has backed plans to...
Open letter to chairs of BMA and BMAGPC
Dear Dr Meldrum, Dr Buckman and all members of the BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) Following the publication of the health White Paper earlier this...
‘PLAYING A DANGEROUS GAME’ – Scottish BMA condemns coalition
The leader of Scotland’s doctors has yesterday warned that a series of direct attacks on the medical workforce is testing the goodwill of the...
‘CUTS TO NHS ‘RISK TO LIVES’ – warns RCN leader
‘We don’t comment on leaked documents but our concerns remain about the competitive elements in the government’s NHS reforms,’ a British Medical Association (BMA)...
Government ‘Ignores Bma Warnings’
Health Secretary Lansley’s decision to push ahead with the coalition’s massive attack on the NHS, in the teeth of fierce opposition, is ‘a...
STOP THE CLOSURE! – get ready to occupy Chase Farm Hospital
MORE than 400 people joined Saturday’s march through Enfield by the North-East London Council of Action to keep Chase Farm Hospital open. The march was...
50 GP surgeries taken over
New private health company ‘The Practice’ has taken over ChilversMcCrea Ltd to form a group that now runs 50 GP practices in England and...
‘NO one can deny this is the biggest economic crash – eclipsing 1914 and the 1929 Wall Street crash. And this crisis is driving...
Medical Students Face £70,000 Of Debt
Medical students will be left almost £70,000 in debt under government plans to allow universities to charge up to £9,000 in tuition fees, the...
Leaving university £70,000 in debt!
MEDICAL students will be left almost £70,000 in debt under Government plans to allow universities to charge up to £9,000 in tuition fees, the...
500,000 Public Sector Jobs To Be Slashed
TORY Chancellor Osborne confirmed yesterday that the coalition government was pressing ahead with the most savage attack on the working class since the Second...
Fight Tory class war programme – bring down the Coalition!
OSBORNE began his spending review speech yesterday by saying that: ‘Today’s the day when Britain steps back from the brink’. In fact, his speech represented...
Doctors’ leaders on Tuesday warned the government that increasing tuition fees could result in medical students facing a debt bill of potentially £100,000 –...
‘Devastating’ Oldham Redundancy Notices
EIGHT hundred redundancy notices have been issued at Oldham Borough Council. Officials of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council have confirmed to the GMB that the council...
NHS White Paper – ‘No Democratic Mandate!’ Says Unison!
The NHS white paper, which heralds the rapid privatisation of the health service, has no democratic mandate from the public, Unite said on Monday. Unite...
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has warned that the scale and pace of change contained in the government’s health White Paper risks...
‘WE WILL NOT GIVE UP UNTIL WE WIN!’ –Lakhinder Saran tells...
TWO HUNDRED youth and workers took part in a rally and celebration of five years of the sacked Gate Gourmet workers’ struggle in...
BMA ‘WHITE PAPER’ CRISIS! – ditches its unconditional support
THE mounting anger of GPs and consultants over the Lansley NHS White Paper has forced the British Medical Association (BMA) Council to retreat from...
Bma White Paper ‘Concerns’
THE BMA has been shocked and shaken by the resistance of its members to the Tory-LibDem NHS White Paper which seeks to make GPs...
Stop Sidcup NHS Closing
THERE was uproar in south-east London yesterday, after the announcement of plans to shut the Accident and Emergency and maternity departments at Queen Mary’s,...
‘White Paper Like Floating NHS On The Stock Exchange’
THE future of the NHS is at stake, delegates to the TUC conference in Manchester were warned in a debate on Tuesday. However, the TUC...
BMA collaborating with Tory White Paper!
Leaders of the British Medical Association (BMA) are pressing ahead with assisting GP commissioning, as outlined in the government’s White Paper to privatise the...
£65bn PFI Nightmare for the NHS!
THE PFI Private Finance Initiative was brought in by the Major Tory government, and while it was opposed by Labour in opposition, it was...
DEATHS WILL RESULT – from attacks on ambulance service
‘TINKERING with ambulance response targets could lead to unnecessary deaths,’ the GMB union, which represents ambulance drivers, warned yesterday. The union added that the government’s...
BMA leaders collaborate with NHS privatisation plans
The Chairman of the doctors union, the BMA, wrote a letter to the medical profession on 30th July regarding the new health White Paper...
NHS WHITE PAPER – BMA leader writes to GPs and students
BMA Council Chairman, Dr Hamish Meldrum, wrote to doctors and medical students yesterday, following publication of the health White Paper for England, which proposes...
NHS IS AT STAKE! –says DoH picket
OVER 50 people joined a picket of the Department of Health yesterday, demanding that the government honour a pledge from Tory Health Secretary Lansley...
NHS trusts proceeding with £20bn cuts
NHS bosses have started to implement the £20 billion savage cuts programme, officially described as ‘efficiency savings’, that the new Tory government insists must...
Coalition Privateers To ‘Liberate NHS’: Part Two
THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government’s White Paper on the NHS contains plans for sweeping changes. NHS Commissioning Board The sole commissioners for the NHS will...
‘We are going to create the largest social enterprise sector in...
PRIMARY CARE Trusts are to be abolished and replaced by Federations of GPs who will purchase healthcare for their patients from both the public...
Lansley pledges NHS privatisation!
Health Secretary Lansley yesterday outlined coalition plans to step up the privatisation of the NHS, announcing the White Paper titled Liberating the NHS. In his...
Tories want GPs to do their cuts dirty work!
The coalition government is pressing ahead with plans to make GP practices responsible for purchasing health care in England, replacing Primary Care Trusts and...