Tag: bma
5-day strike actions for Junior Doctors!
AN ESCALATING programme of five-day strikes, every month until the end of the year, has been authorised by the BMA, as junior doctors take...
Grampian NHS Huge Increases In Private Nurses
NHS Grampian in Scotland has spent vast amounts of taxpayers’ money on private nurses in the last five years – almost two million pounds...
Fight NHS Savage Cuts And Privatisation!
‘THE TUC must take action including a general strike and be prepared to call out workers to defend our NHS. ‘It is...
To stop Tories axing the NHS, TUC must call a general...
SECRET plans have been uncovered to cut £23bn from the NHS. Such a cut, if it is allowed to proceed would mean the closure...
THE GENERAL Practitioners Committee has abandoned balloting GPs for industrial action despite being mandated by their own conference to do so. A motion at the...
Tories use ‘winter crisis’ to scrap thousands of ops!
THE TORY war on the NHS is continuing with thousands of operations to be cancelled and senior doctors diverted from operating theatres under the...
Msf Evacuating Staff From Hospitals In Saada And Hajjah Provinces
FOLLOWING the 15th August aerial bombing of Abs Hospital in Yemen’s Hajjah Governorate, which killed 19 people and injured 24, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without...
NHS has a privatisation & closure plague!
A PRIVATISATION and closure plague is being spread rapidly throughout the NHS. United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has closed its accident and emergency department at Grantham...
Actu Fighting For Wage Justice For All Indigenous Australians!
AUSTRALIA’S Turnbull Government is backing laws that force Indigenous people into work, not for wages, only welfare. The ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions), including...
Junior Doctors industrial action – reject proposed new contract in full
JUNIOR doctors are set to renew their strike action in a ‘rolling programme of escalated industrial action beginning in early September’. The new chair of...
The working class in its essence is Trotskyist – Now build...
WORLDWIDE the class struggle is being driven forward by the deepening world crisis of capitalism. This dictates to the bourgeoisie that its survival depends...
Unions Must Take Action To Defend The NHS!
HOSPITAL managers are to shut an NHS accident and emergency department down at night in order to combat a staffing crisis, caused by the...
‘Unacceptable’ Says Bma
GP LEADERS yesterday slammed as ‘unacceptable’ the decision by St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to suspend the non-urgent referral of patients to local...
Hunt steps up war on NHS
THE Tory drive against doctors and health workers throughout the NHS was reaffirmed last week when re-appointed health secretary Jeremy Hunt confirmed that GPs...
Barts rally to defend NHS!
ONE hundred and fifty doctors, nurses, health campaigners and their supporters marched and rallied in London to defend the NHS on Thursday evening. The protest...
May Refuses To Sack Hunt And Commits Herself To Class War...
PM MAY, under the guise of adopting a ‘one nation’ policy which treasures the poor and the needy much more than the rich, has...
58% of Junior doctors reject Hunt contract!
JUNIOR doctors have voted to reject the latest contract by 58% on a 68% turnout, a contract which doctors rightly insist is ‘unfair’ and...
Junior Doct0Rs’ Struggle Is Not Over – Reject Barber’s ‘New...
JOHAN Malawana, the Chair of the Junior Doctors Committee, addressing the BMA annual conference in Belfast, told delegates that: ‘This was the year when...
Bma Slams Tories And Privatisation!
IN his speech to the BMA’s ARM, Dr Mark Porter, BMA council chair, said: ‘The government is in denial. The chancellor says...
Trade unions must unite to defend bursaries and stop hospital closures!
TWO very important NHS trade union conferences are currently taking place this week, the RCN, nurses union, and the BMA doctors. Already the RCN supported...
LED by the RCN, a coalition of over 20 health care trade unions, charities and professional colleges yesterday called on the government to...
80% don’t trust Tories over NHS!
THE vast majority of the public are worried about the future of the NHS and a majority believe it is heading in the wrong...
Throw out ‘new’ Junior Doctors’ contract
JUNIOR Doctors must vote from tomorrow to throw out the junior doctor contract agreed by the BMA and the Department of Health on 27...
Austerity has produced the healthcare crisis says BMA
THE GP funding crisis is seeing patients in the most deprived areas of England facing poorer levels of care due to an over-reliance on...
Junior Doctors Must Reject Hunt’s New Contract!
ON 18th May the doctors union, the BMA, announced that it had agreed a new contract for junior doctors. The BMA had completed eight days...
Junior doctors to vote ‘NO’!
JUNIOR doctors urged their colleagues yesterday to vote ‘NO’ and reject the so-called ‘deal’ struck by Tory health secretary Hunt and the...
Stevens intervention slammed!
NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens has intervened in the referendum debate to declare that leaving the EU could damage the NHS. Citing Bank of...
BMA industrial action ballot agreed!
‘THE government can’t afford another battle with doctors, so let’s put down a marker,’ Tower Hamlets GP Dr Jackie Applebee urged the BMA Local...
‘End 7-Day Open Obsession’
‘FOUR months ago in this very hall the profession declared that General Practice is in a state of emergency,’ BMA GPs Committee (GPC) Chair...
Junior doctors will vote to reject rotten Hunt-BMA deal!
THE BMA leadership have allowed themselves to be taken for a ride by Health Secretary Hunt! The government that imposed provocation after provocation onto the...
‘No deal’ over junior doctors contract
BMA Junior Doctors’ Committee Chair Dr Johann Malawana admitted on Saturday that despite gigantic efforts to find ‘common ground,’ no agreement could be reached...
Junior Doctors Conference Gagged
THE decision last week by Tory Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and agreed by the BMA to extend the ‘talks’ over imposing new contracts on...
NO IMPOSED CONTRACT! – Hunt must resign
TODAY junior doctors meet at their conference in central London to decide the next step in their battle against Tory health secretary Hunt’s imposed...
Government failing NHS – says BMA leader Mark Porter
THE BMA doctors’ union and the RCN nurses’ union joined hands in denouncing the Tory government’s onslaught on the NHS yesterday, after the...
Junior doctors must reject imposed agenda and call new strike actions...
THE Junior Doctors Committee of the BMA is meeting this Saturday to respond to Tory Health minister, Hunt, who has been forced to agree...
Tories must be made to withdraw junior doctors’ contract and abandon...
THE proposal, made by 22 medical colleges and faculties for a five-day pause in the drive to impose new junior doctors’ contracts in England,...
Hunt agrees to talks!–as junior doctors call to scrap new contract
HEALTH Secretary Jeremy Hunt took a step back yesterday and said he is willing to pause the imposition of the junior doctors’ contract in...
Demand TUC take action! – Anna Athow tells BMA’s Representative Meeting
BMA chair Dr Mark Porter told the union’s Special Representative Meeting yesterday that ‘Twenty-four years ago, it was the first reforms that established an...
New junior doctors imposed contract is illegal
THE NEW contract being imposed by the Tory health secretary Jeremy Hunt on junior doctors is ‘potentially illegal’, an equal rights watchdog reported yesterday. The...
10,000 Junior Doctors And Supporters March To Downing Street!
‘SAVE our NHS! Jeremy Hunt doesn’t care! Doctors and teachers unite and fight!’ shouted junior doctors, teachers and their supporters on a 10,000-strong march...
Recall The Tuc Congress To Call General Strike To Support...
THE latest two-day strike action of the junior doctors has been a resounding success with massive picket lines, and huge public support, while the...
Take Action To Support Doctors!
‘VICTORY to the junior doctors – kick the Tories out! TUC get off your knees – call a general strike! No privatisation – defend...
Massive doctors picket lines –answer the Cameron-Hunt threats
THE TUC must organise a national day of action in support of the junior doctors’ dispute and our NHS, the Public and Commercial Services...
‘Total support for junior doctors’ – 102 CONSULTANTS WRITE TO SIR...
102 CONSULTANTS have written an open letter to Bruce Keogh, Medical Director of NHS England, in support of the junior doctors. It reads: ‘OPEN letter...
Full support for junior doctors! – –Hunt threatens to illegalise strikes
THIS MORNING for the first time in history, junior doctors launch their full walk-out, taking the government head on. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn responded yesterday...