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Tag: benefits

Blairites Joining Coalition!

Former Labour deputy prime minister John Prescott yesterday furiously lashed out at the queue of Blairite former ministers who are joining the Tory coalition. He...

Blairites for Cameron – Milburn joins Hutton and Field – with...

THE leading Blairite and Labour party member, Alan Milburn, who was forced to resign as Labour’s Health Secretary for his over-enthusiasm for complete NHS...

Graduating With £25,000 Debt

The University and College Union (UCU) yesterday warned against further increases to the cost of a university degree after a new survey revealed that...

Youth Unemployment Increasing In Two-Thirds Of UK

Youth unemployment is increasing in two thirds of local authorities across UK, warned the TUC on Wednesday. Office for National Statistics figures show that a...

Cameron-Clegg set the bounty hunters on the poor!

First it was people on various disability benefits who were the enemy. The Cameron line is that these people are dodgers who should...

Cameron ‘Bounty Hunters’ Condemned!

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) yesterday condemned the coalition government’s decision to use ‘bounty hunters’ to tackle alleged benefit fraud. The charity was commenting...

Chelsea Tories just could not wait to start evicting

JUST hours after Tory leader Cameron announced that council houses were no longer going to be ‘homes for life’ – but were to be...

Private Pensions Robbery!

UNISON yesterday called on private companies to act responsibly and provide decent pensions for their workers, instead of leaving individuals struggling to make complex,...

Furious Workers Force Bell Town Officials To Resign

Furious workers in the town of Bell in California have forced their city manager and police chief to resign over a scandal in which...

NO benefits – and NO jobs either – the Duncan Smith...

WORK and Pensions Secretary, ex-army officer Duncan Smith, yesterday addressed the world about ‘our broken benefits system’, when most people know what has broken,...

Cameron increases police powers for war on Welfare State

THE Tory-Lib Dem coalition government launched its White Paper Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people, on Monday. Home Secretary Theresa...

Capitalism cannot solve housing crisis – only socialism can!

IN his emergency budget Chancellor Osborne made it crystal clear that the Housing Benefit of those struggling to exist under crisis-ridden capitalism was one...

Uproar After Uni Pensions Referendum Rejected

THERE was uproar throughout the Universities and College Union (UCU) yesterday, after the employers threw out the union’s proposal that huge pensions changes should...

Cable Urges Privatised Unis, A Graduate Tax, 2-Year Degree Courses And...

TWENTY FIVE per cent funding cuts will mean 33,844 jobs being destroyed in English colleges. This news comes just a week after an analysis...

Settlement with Vale–but no final accord!

WITH a 75% ratification vote announced late on 7 July, Canadian nickel mining and processing workers represented by United Steelworkers (USW) Locals 6500 and...

Oppose BBC Pensions robbery!

‘Over the past few days the joint unions have held a number of packed meetings as part of our campaign to oppose the BBC’s...

Tory coalition aims to smash council housing and housing benefit!

IN his Emergency Budget, the Tory Chancellor Osborne said his government’s intention was to eliminate the ‘structural current deficit’ of the government by cutting...

CROW CALLS FOR GENERAL STRIKE! – no mandate for coalition cuts!

THE RMT’s Bob Crow yesterday called for ‘general coordinated strike action allied to community direct action’ to resist the ConDem coalition government’s...

Mass picket to defend Chase Farm Hospital

PATIENTS and staff yesterday expressed their determination to stop the closure of Chase Farm Hospital’s A&E, consultant-led Maternity and Paediatrics departments, and to reopen...


THE NHS would become both more cost-effective and equitable if it were operated on its founding principle of co-operation rather than competition, said a...

Look For Jobs And Lose Your Homes!

Work and Pensions Secretary Duncan Smith yesterday revived former Thatcher minister Tebbit’s savage ‘on your bike’ attack on the unemployed. Duncan Smith announced plans for...

Tories seek to inspire fear as they tell unemployed ‘get on...

EX-ARMY officer Iain Duncan Smith, the Tory Work and Pensions Secretary, was yesterday planning just how to force unemployed workers to give up their...

POOR HAMMERED! – by Osborne budget says the IFS

CONTRARY to Tory Chancellor Osborne’s claims that his Emergency Budget is ‘fair’ and ‘progressive’, it is actually unfair and regressive, hitting the poorest hardest. That...

BMA PRIVATE SCREENING WARNING! – call to strengthen rules

Doctors’ union the British Medical Association (BMA) and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges are today, calling on the UK government to take action...

Osborne launches savage attack!

TORY Chancellor Osborne’s Emergency Budget included measures to smash the spending on public services and smash the social security system, with the biggest spending...

20% VAT AND SAVAGE CUTS – imposed by Tory Lib-Dem Budget

TORY Chancellor Osborne yesterday confirmed the government’s intention to savagely attack child benefits, disability benefits and housing benefits in his Emergency Budget, whilst pushing...

£85bn cuts and tax rises in budget!

Labour leadership hopeful Ed Balls yesterday accused the Tories of wanting to take Britain back to the conditions of the 1930s. Trade unions are bracing...

‘A CHILLING ATTACK ON THE PUBLIC SECTOR’ –Prentis condemns government cuts

‘Prime Minister Cameron’s plans to slash public spending will hit the poor and the vulnerable,’ TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber warned yesterday. Commenting on ...

Defeat Cameron’s Savage Cuts With A General Strike

PRIME Minister David Cameron promised yesterday that there are ‘painful cuts ahead’ that will last for years, and that he would be carrying out...

‘Thousands of seriously sick people are being put under pressure by...

On the eve of the new Tory Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s announcement of plans to drive the unemployed and sick off...

Tories Savage Unemployed!

The Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) yesterday slammed plans by new Works and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith to force five million people...

Tories to slash benefits to unemployed & sick

TORY Prime Minister David Cameron’s coalition government unveiled its plans to target the unemployed and others on benefits, depriving them of their entitlements, or...

Queen’s Speech leaked as axe set to fall on public sector...

THE leaking of the Queen’s budget speech is unprecedented, and is an expression of the depth of the split and the cynicism in the...

Russell Group’s ‘nightmare scenario’ will leave students with mortgage-style debt –warns...

The University and College Union (UCU) on Monday warned that lifting the cap on tuition fees would be ‘the most regressive piece of...

Field Joins The Tories!

Birkenhead MP Frank Field yesterday became the first Labour right winger to defect to the Tory-led coalition with the Liberal Democrats. Field, who is an...

Tories Declare Class War – By Permission Of The Liberal Democrats

The draft coalition agreement reached by the Tories and the Liberal Democrats published on Wednesday makes clear their number one priority is to make...

‘Peoples Of Europe Rise Up!’

GREEK workers in the public and private sectors are preparing for today’s 24-hour general strike which is certain to be one of the biggest...

HUGE WAGE AND PENSION CUTS – hundreds of thousands to lose...

IN a press conference on Sunday afternoon, May 2nd the Greek Finance Minister Yiorghos Papakonstantinou announced yet another set of austerity measures verified later...


The College of Emergency Medicine (CEM) yesterday warned that is it misguided to downgrade or close hospital Accident and Emergency departments. The college stressed that...

US Unemployment Rises Along With Repossessions!

THE number of US workers signing up for unemployment benefits and leaving non-farming payrolls has risen sharply for the second consecutive week. The US Labour...

Yates Demands A Heavily Armed Paramilitary Police Force!

BRITAIN’S top counter-terrorism officer, Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Yates, has demanded that paramilitary police forces be established in the UK, and insists that they...

4.5m on the housing waiting list!

THE National Housing Federation (NHF) complains that the government has missed its home-building target for the last seven years and that the housing crisis...

PAY FREEZE – NO WAY! – unions demonstrate outside LGA

More than 100 members of the three local government unions, Unison, GMB and Unite, held a noisy demonstration over pay, job and service cuts...


Cabin crew resumed their determined strike against British Airways’ attempted union-busting at Heathrow, Gatwick and the other airports at midnight last night. They are taking...

Workers strikes hit the Sarkozy regime

FIRST of all the French electorate gave the right wing Sarkozy regime a bloody nose, and now yesterday’s general strike by the public sector...