Tag: banks
KING Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, whose nation is the world’s number one oil exporter, called on consumer countries to get used to high prices...
SHARES CRASH! – GM down $51bn in 3 years
YESTERDAY’S shares collapse across the globe was blamed by economists on record inflation, record oil prices and fears of more banks...
BIS predicts deflation and depression
LAST year the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was alone amongst banks in warning that the situation had similarities to that at the time...
News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference – Forward To A Workers...
‘IT is very clear that the collapse of the capitalist system has collapsed New Labour, that is the modern Labour Party’, News...
Henley New Labour Disaster – Less Votes Than The Bnp!
LABOUR’s fifth place at Henley, shamefully behind the fascist BNP, will go down in history as an example of a party being thrust into...
Forward to the Zimbabwe socialist revolution!
THE resolution of the United Nations Security Council condemning violence in Zimbabwe, carried with both China and Russia voting for the motion, ...
£400 Energy Rise On Way!
HUGE hikes in gas and electricity bills are coming this year, the energy privateers flagrantly announced yesterday. ‘Big Six’ energy bosses told MPs on the...
Fighting inflation means fighting capitalism
CHANCELLOR Darling said on Sunday that pay rises for people ‘from the boardroom to the shopfloor’ need to be ‘consistent’ with the 2% inflation...
Brown to rescue banks by slashing wages and jobs!
CHANCELLOR Darling has followed up his appearance before the bankers at the Mansion House on Wednesday night, where he pledged that wage rises would...
Defend jobs, wages and rights – bring down Brown government
PRIME Minister Brown’s alliance with the right-wing Democratic Unionist Party has paid off with the passage by nine votes of his amendment to the...
Support the Shell-HOYER tanker workers!
IN the last few weeks we have seen the road hauliers take to the streets against the massive increases in petrol and diesel prices...
FIGHT PAY CUTS! – call from public service rally
GIVE us a date for strike action and we’ll do it, the leader of the Prison Officers Association (POA) – whose members are banned...
Simpson Aims To Prop Up The Brown Government
AT a time when the working class is starting to roar like a lion and demand and vote by over 90 per cent majorities...
Come to the News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance conference
ON Saturday June 29, the News Line daily newspaper will be having a joint conference with the All Trades Unions Alliance, the body that...
250,000 IN NEGATIVE EQUITY! – as Ryanair announce 10% fleet cut
CITIGROUP bank has warned the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) against upping interest rates when it meets this week. It noted that already...
Build The Revolutionary Leadership Amongst Youth And Workers Worldwide
THE development of the world capitalist crisis is now affecting every section of the working class and the poor in every part of the...
Lorry Drivers and small hauliers rallied hundreds strong at Marble Arch in London yesterday to demand a government fuel subsidy or fuel tax relief...
African workers must unite for socialist revolution
THE violence against foreigners accused of taking jobs and working as cheap labour that has swept the South African townships has its source in...
NHS 32,000 Beds Loss!
‘My personal view is the unions should be up in arms over the number of beds lost in the NHS,’ East Surrey UNISON official...
Unions must purge Brown cabinet!
THE defeat of the Labour Party in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election – by 7,860 votes, making a 17.6% swing to the Tories from...
Crisis Hitting Jobs
Unemployment is set to increase sharply this year, economists have warned, after a Bank of England report showed more firms were looking to axe...
SOUTH AFRICA: Legacy of the revolution betrayed
THE fighting in Johannesburg and its surrounding black townships, over the past week – with more than 23 people being killed, pitched battles with...
Bank of England to ‘crucify the consumer’
NOT ONLY has the world crisis of capitalism now been accepted as the reality by even the most sceptical of the bourgeoisie, its different...
Free first class medical care and accommodation for the sick and...
ONCE again PM Gordon Brown and the Labour Party have revealed that while they rushed to handing over £150 billion to the bankers, they...
A Nest Of Opportunists!
THE class basis of the Blairite ‘Third Way’ politics is now being clearly revealed for all to see. It is a one hundred per...
Harassing youth and their parents – Labour’s ‘vote winner’
HOME SECRETARY Smith yesterday revealed Labour’s master plan, at a ‘We’re Not Having It’ outrage conference, held to try to claw back its lost...
The 20 Faces Of Bertie Ahern
BERTIE Ahern quit as the Irish Republic’s Taioseach and Fianna Fail leader on May 6th. Political Journalist JOHN COULTER analyses how he will be...
Oil Heading For $200 A Barrel
OIL reached a new record price above 120 dollars a barrel on Tuesday, with New York’s main oil futures contract, light sweet crude for...
May Day Message From The Iraqi Trade Unions
ON this day of international labour solidarity we call on our fellow trade unionists and all those worldwide who have stood against war and...
Working class turns on the Blair-Brown gang
LABOUR suffered a net loss of 331 seats in local elections in England and Wales on 1 May. It also lost out to Tory...
Brown’s Policies Are Helping The Tories To Return
BROWN’S ‘bad night for Labour’ was the direct result of a self-inflicted wound – Brown’s Thatcherite policies – that cost Labour up to...
CAPITALISM HAS TO GO! – say May Day marchers
‘Capitalism has had its day, it’s historically bankrupt. Now’s the time to bring it down and go forward to socialism.’ Workers Revolutionary Party General Secretary...
Answer World Crisis With The World Revolution
MAY DAY MANIFESTO By the News Line Editorial Board THE NEWS LINE editorial Board sends its May Day greetings for the year 2008 to the workers...
Brown Answers Nato Call
A BATTALION of 600 British troops will be sent to Kosovo, Defence Secretary Des Browne announced yesterday, after NATO requested extra soldiers...
What Should Be Done About Gordon Brown
DAVID Miliband yesterday urged the Labour Party to rally behind Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is facing mounting opposition in the working class because...
Crisis hit US tries WMD deception again!
THE depth of the capitalist world crisis has set the US juggernaut lurching forward once again. This time it is threatening Syria, and by...
400,000 strike against Labour pay cuts
Over 400,000 teachers, college lecturers and public and civil servants held a magnificent one-day national strike on Thursday, with a militant turnout on marches...
Organise a general strike! Bring down Brown government! Go...
THE leaders of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), the University and College Union (UCU) and the...
After April 24: Defeat pay cuts with an extended general strike!
TENS of thousands of teachers, college lecturers and civil servants are striking today against government-imposed pay cuts. As a result of the action by the...
‘Put an end to capitalism’ to solve the food crisis
WITH another 100 million people no longer able to afford the food they need to live, two international meetings were underway in London and...
The BoE and Brown gamble with workers wages jobs, homes...
THE Bank of England yesterday launched its government-backed scheme to allow the major banks to swap their dodgy mortgages for UK Treasury Bonds, in...
Bank Will Accept Credit Card Debt As Collateral!
The Bank of England yesterday launched a scheme to allow banks to ‘swap temporarily their high quality mortgage-backed and other securities for UK Treasury...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘The revolution will make...
Essays on Working-Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN 7. Internal Forces of the Russian Revolution (Appeared in the New York daily paper...
Darling Robs The Poor To Prop Up The Bankers
CHANCELLOR Darling yesterday admitted that the Labour government, cold-bloodedly, in the last budget, abolished the 10p tax rate for the lower paid, knowing that...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘Revolutionary anniversaries are days...
Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction 5. Revolutionary anniversaries REVOLUTIONARY anniversaries are not only days for reminiscence, they are days for...