Tag: banks
‘DON’T BANK WORKERS’ JOBS MATTER!’ – Accord condemns Brown and Darling
‘IT seems to me that bank workers are treated as second-class citizens as though their jobs don’t matter.’ This is what Ged Nichols, general secretary...
MASSIVE JOBLESS RISE – greatest since 1992
Responding to yesterday’s unemployment figures, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘Today’s figures show that unemployment is starting to accelerate and it now...
Capitalist crash drives HBOS into the arms of Lloyds TSB
THE Federal Reserve Bank’s $85bn ‘rescue’ of AIG was carried out to stave off an immediate international financial and business collapse. It has turned...
HBOS share price falls 50% in two days – as world...
QUEUES formed around the Singapore offices of an AIG subsidiary yesterday, as the world’s biggest insurance company collapsed, losing 70% of its share price. At...
Bank shares fall while AIG and HBOS live on borrowed time!
SHARE price collapses continued yesterday after the bankrupting of the fourth largest US investment bank, Lehman Brothers, and the ‘rescue’ of Merrill Lynch by...
CRASH GOES WALL ST! – Capitalism over the brink!
Wall Street shares fell 2.4% when trading opened in New York yesterday, in the midst of the financial turmoil caused by the bankruptcy of...
Wall Street crashes. Capitalism goes over the brink!
LEHMAN Brothers and Merrill Lynch, two pillars of the capitalist world’s banking system, have gone. The first declared bankruptcy, after the US Federal Reserve...
There Will Be No Labour Leadership Election Says Tony Woodley
TONY Woodley, the Unite joint general secretary, has stepped into the row over the demand for a Labour Party leadership debate and a leadership...
Nationalise the energy companies to end fuel poverty
PM Brown has rejected out of hand the trade union demand for a Windfall Tax on the oil, gas and energy companies, that are...
Britain, Germany, Spain And The US Poised On The Brink Of...
THE European Commission stated yesterday that the UK, Germany and Spain, key members of the EU, with Germany being the world’s biggest exporter, are...
‘Let them eat cake!’ Brown turns his back on the...
ADDRESSING the bosses of the Scottish CBI, Prime Minister Gordon Brown assured them that his government will not be giving workers, the poor and...
Defend jobs, pay & services: Lobby the TUC! Build councils of...
THE Bank of England (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee decided yesterday to make no change in its base interest rate and to leave it at...
The Brown government has so far this year handed over more than £200bn to cash-strapped banks, it was claimed by a leading Swiss banker...
Pound drops and inflation rises as recession grows
THE pound fell to an exchange rate of $1.77 yesterday, its lowest level for two-and-a-half years. In June sterling was trading at $2, but...
BUILD COUNCIL HOUSING – workers reject Brown package
In a bid to prop up the banks and construction industry, prime minister Brown and chancellor Darling yesterday promoted a £1.6bn housing rescue package. This...
Britain hardest hit by world capitalist crisis
YESTERDAY’S reports on the state of the economy reveal more about the catastrophe gripping British capitalism, part of the world crisis. • The Bank of...
THE HOUSING CRISIS: Nationalise construction companies and banks!
AVERAGE house prices in Britain are now 10.5 per cent lower than they were a year ago, according to figures published yesterday by Nationwide,...
‘The TUC leaders must act to defend jobs or make way for those who will,’ Dave Wiltshire, national secretary of the All Trades Union...
Bankers gripped by fear are relying on ‘hope’!
THE new Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), Charles Bean said yesterday that when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ began last August central...
UK Economy Gripped By Slump And Inflation
UK economic growth ground to a halt between April and June, according to the latest official data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS)...
‘FURTHER ACTION IN THE NEAR FUTURE’ – pledges Matt Smith of...
‘If there is no movement then we will have to look to further action in the near future,’ UNISON Scottish Secretary Matt Smith told...
BIG BANK SET TO FAIL – warns IMF former chief
SPEAKING at a finance conference in Singapore yesterday, former IMF chief economist Ken Rogoff woke up slumbering listeners when he predicted: ...
Sterling disaster – it crashes against the $ and the €
BANK of England governor King’s report, on the immediate prospects for British capitalism has produced a run on the pound – so precarious is...
it’s your money for your life says NICE
IF NICE and the ‘NHS health reformers’ have their way, free health care at the point of need is destined for the dustbin of...
US inspired attack on South Ossetia backfires
THE correct intervention of the Russian army to defend the people of South Ossetia against the onslaught of the Georgian army has initially been...
RBS BANK CRASHES! – from £5bn pfofit down to £802m loss
The Royal Bank of Scotland yesterday revealed a half-year net loss of £802 million, the second biggest in British banking history. This was after...
The ‘Duplicitous Traitor’ Strikes Again
LABOUR MP Bob Marshall Andrews, recently called the Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband a ‘duplicitous traitor’, after Miliband published an article in the Guardian...
Take Strike Action To Halt Closure Of Automated Mail Centres
ROYAL MAIL, acting on its brief from the government has announced the closure of major automated sorting centres which will affect Liverpool. Oldham, Bolton,...
£3 billion more of state aid for the Northern Rock
THE Northern Rock bank, recently nationalised by the government has made a £585m loss for the first six months of the year, but the...
£3billion more for Northern Rock – while 1,300 to be sacked...
The government is to inject another £3bn into Northern Rock, Chancellor Darling said yesterday. As the nationalised bank announced a loss of £585.4m in the...
Banks are crashing while 140,000 repossessions loom at Northern Rock
THE HSBC bank has just declared a 28 per cent, $3.9bn fall in half year profits. It has written off another $3.7 billion...
Defend living standards! Nationalise the oil and gas companies!
JUST a few months ago the UNISON leadership accepted the government’s below inflation wage cutting deal over three years. Now the union has had...
Union Leaders Refuse To Fight – Working Class Will Pay The...
THE Labour party and the trade unions released a joint statement from the Warwick policy conference yesterday. This revealed why the Prime Minister was able...
UNIONS must purge Labour Party of Brown and the Blairites
AFTER the Labour party defeat at Glasgow East, one of the safest Labour seats in the country, the Prime Minister Gordon Brown has stated...
Labour victimises the unemployed!
INCAPACITY Benefit will be abolished under the Welfare Green Paper just published by Works and Pensions Minister, James Purnell. The 2.7 million people receiving Incapacity...
Labour squeezing poor and cutting services to prop up the banks
CHANCELLOR Darling has told his cabinet colleagues there will be no more money made available for schools, hospitals or transport. These vital services face cuts,...
Price Explosion threat to working class
ENERGY bills will rise by more than 60% within the next few years, a report for the UK’s biggest domestic energy supplier Centrica said...
Trade union action to beat ‘stagflation’
TODAY 800,000 local council workers, members of the UNISON and UNITE trade unions, begin a two-day strike against a government-imposed wage cut, an offer...
Labour marshalling its strikebreakers
THE capitalist state has had to admit that its war on two fronts means that it cannot rely on the British army for strike...
Brown Speeding Up The Privatisation Programme
THE reaction of the Brown government to the eruption of the capitalist crisis has been to champion the interests of the banks, pledging to...
Britain Is Ripe For Socialist Revolution
THE British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) quarterly report has just discovered a situation that every worker and every shopper has been acquainted with for...
Anti-union laws and wage cuts will stay – Brown tells trade...
Prime Minister Gordon Brown yesterday gave a fitting reply to all those trade union bureaucrats who were saying that he could be forced to...
The Banks Are All Northern Rocks!
TEXAS PACIFIC GROUP’S decision to cut and run, taking with it the £179 million that was to be used to buy 23 per cent...
Oil $146 A Barrel – Gm Is Going Broke
The price of oil continued to soar yesterday, with Brent crude rising above $146 per barrel (p.b.) for the first time ever. Brent crude...
KING Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, whose nation is the world’s number one oil exporter, called on consumer countries to get used to high prices...