Tag: banks
Greek Trotskyists Call For Indefinite General Strike
THE Greek working class delivered a most powerful notice to all concerned last Tuesday with a militant 24-hour general strike called by the GSEE...
Brown, Keynes and revolution
AFTER actively assisting in the creation of trillions of debt, and showing its contempt for the concept of value by selling almost half of...
Brown’s Record Deficit!
The UK government borrowed a record amount in September, in a bid to boost its finances, Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures published yesterday...
GREEK GENERAL STRIKE – Tuesday October 21st
Tuesday’s 24-hour general strike called by the GSEE (Greek TUC) against the government’s policies takes place in an explosive period. The world economic collapse has...
Banking Panic In The Ukraine
THE Abkhazian and South Ossetian parliaments have been unanimously granted permanent observer status at the 34th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia...
Crs Riot Police Attack Weather Service Workers
CRS riot police were used against striking Meteo-France weather service workers who were picketing and blockading the organisation’s Toulouse site at 22.30 on...
COUNCILS CRISIS – government refuses to guarantee funds
The Brown government has pledged to do all it can to help recover public money held in failed Icelandic banks but has refused to...
HUGE JOBLESS RISE! – warning of 3 million unemployed
The number of unemployed people in the UK rose by another 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, according to the latest government...
To fight mass unemployment bring down Brown government
The number of UK unemployed rose by 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, taking the official unemployment rate to 5.7% from...
Union leaders in Brown’s top pocket
The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure leapt from 4.7% in August to 5.2% in December, with the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which includes the...
DEBT CRISIS! – UNISON writes to all local councils
UNISON has written to all local councils demanding to know what steps they are taking to recover cash invested in Iceland banks and how...
No sackings, or wage ‘holidays’ for bankrupt banks and councils
YESTERDAY the Brown government was emphasising that it had no interest in running the three banks that it was ‘part-nationalising’ (rescuing) with £37bn of...
BANKS FACE WIPEOUT! – Labour hints at state takeover
The first banks to get money under the UK government’s £500bn bank rescue plan are expected to do so this morning. Over the weekend, the...
The Capitalist System Deserves To Perish
THE run on shares last Friday, particularly bank shares, devastated capitalists and capitalism. The Royal Bank of Scotland saw its shares crash by 25 per...
‘SORT OUT OUR WAGES!’ – demand London busworkers
Over 6,000 bus drivers were out on a 24 hour strike yesterday to protest at the huge pay disparity between the eighteen London bus...
Get rid of bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism!
CHANCELLOR Darling flew to the US yesterday to meet with fellow finance ministers, and Federal Treasury Secretary Paulson, for the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting. Yesterday...
Brown and Darling yesterday announced a £500bn package of measures aimed at rescuing the banking system. The equivalent of $880bn, it means they are handing...
brown proposes to rob the workers to rescue the bankers
YESTERDAY saw the big international push get under way to try to rescue the bankers of the world from the crisis of their capitalist...
BANK SHARES COLLAPSE! – Brown and bankers meet at 10 Downing...
Billions more pounds were wiped off UK bank shares, yesterday, in the wake of Monday’s falls which saw £93bn wiped off the London Stock...
Eu Shares And Banks Crash
UK share prices crashed yesterday, wiping over £85bn off the London Stock Exchange, with the FTSE 100 index crashing 391 points or 7.85% to...
CAPITALISM IS SICK – admits Mandelson
NEW Business Secretary Peter Mandelson admitted yesterday that he had checked in with his old boss Tony Blair before he agreed to take up...
Brown’s National Economic Council ‘war cabinet’ will be making war on...
‘WE have agreed to make a solemn engagement as heads of state and government to support banking and financial institutions faced with the crisis,’...
Brown brings back Mandelson to fight the trade unions
WITH the financial storm clouds starting to burst around him, Prime Minister Brown has established with his cabinet reshuffle that he means every word...
Turmoil in the global economy has increased the urgency for a fair and balanced industrial relations system, said Australian Council of Trade Unions (actu)...
Brown, Cameron & Clegg unite to rescue bankrupt capitalism
THE manufacturing sector of the British economy shrank last month at the fastest rate for 17 years, that is since 1992, according to figures...
NATIONALISE! – to save jobs says ATUA national secretary
‘Industries must be nationalised under workers control and with no compensation to the failed former owners,’ said All Trades Unions Alliance national secretary Dave...
Bush’s Wall Street Bail-Out Defeated
PRESIDENT George Bush’s Bill for a $700bn package of measures to bail out the Wall Street banks and large financial institutions in the United...
KEEP CHASE FARM OPEN – as an acute District General Hospital
THE Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) has endorsed proposals to close Chase Farm Hospital as an acute District General Hospital (DGH). This is in order that...
WALL STREET DIVES! – as Congress argues over Bush plan
THE Treasury yesterday confirmed that Bradford & Bingley’s (B&B) £50bn mortgages and loans will be nationalised. The mortgage bank’s £20bn savings unit and branches...
Capitalist collapse continues while Brown vows ‘to save the system’
YESTERDAY two major banks had to be nationalised to prevent a run on the UK and EU banking system. They were the Bradford and...
B&B TO BE NATIONALISED – to head off run on the...
Mortgage bank Bradford & Bingley is to be nationalised to prevent a run on the bank and its complete collapse, possibly spreading...
No To Propping Up Backward Capitalism – Overthrow It With Socialist...
BOTH Washington and London were yesterday involved in a desperate race against the clock. Labour let it be known, Sunday mid morning, that it will...
Bush Bail Out Plan Attacked By The Working Class And By...
REPUBLICAN representatives walked out of the crisis talks with President Bush on Thursday night, denouncing him as a socialist for launching his $700 bn...
BUSH – NO DEAL! – as capitalism crashes
Bush made a two-minute statement on the White House Lawn yesterday following his failure to get agreement on Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s massive $700...
‘US RETREATING FROM ATTACKING IRAN’ – claims Iranian newspaper
The US is retreating from an attack on Iran, says an article in Iran’s newspaper Jaam-e Jam, published last Tuesday. It reports: ‘The Israeli Haretz...
BUSH WON’T MEET BROWN! – as banks scramble for B of...
Prime minister Brown met Wall Street fund managers yesterday, officially for talks on how best to protect savings and pensions during the current global...
pass Bill or face financial panic, bank closures and ruin –...
THE US president George Bush has been so frightened at the prospect of a 1929 collapse and a 1930s depression gripping the US that...
BANKRUPT BROWN – No policies to deal with crisis
Prime Minister Brown yesterday revealed he has no policies to deal with the economic crisis in the interests of workers. In his keynote address to...
Brown’s empty words cannot hide he is the bankers’ man
‘I want to talk to you about a new settlement for new times. A fair Britain for the new age. . . my unwavering...
NO PRIVATISATION! – Postal workers march on LP conference
MORE than 800 postal workers from all parts of the country, from Plymouth to Scotland, marched on the Labour Party conference in Manchester yesterday...
Darling can’t explain the crisis and he cannot resolve it
YESTERDAY at the Labour Party conference the leaders who not so long ago announced to the world that they had conquered the essential tendency...
The Brown government is for the bankers and the bosses!
THOUSANDS of trade unionists will be marching in Manchester today to the Labour Party conference to protest at the ‘breadline wages’ that public sector...
‘Fools Gold’ Sends Stock Markets Rocketing Upwards
BOTH Wall Street and the London stock markets made record advances yesterday. The FTSE 100 index rocketed upwards on Friday morning adding £80billion to share...
‘DON’T BANK WORKERS’ JOBS MATTER!’ – Accord condemns Brown and Darling
‘IT seems to me that bank workers are treated as second-class citizens as though their jobs don’t matter.’ This is what Ged Nichols, general secretary...
THE LEADER of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has delivered a revealing analysis of the current political situation and spoke candidly about his organisation’s increasing...