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Teachers Hostility To Government Policy Has Soared

Teacher hostility to the government and its policies has increased dramatically in recent months, according to a YouGov survey of 804 teachers, which was...

Benefits cuts frenzy grips coalition

THE New Year has kicked off with a frenzied attack by both Tory and their LibDem coalition partners on the low paid, unemployed, the...

BRING DOWN COALITION IN 2013 – victory to World Socialist Revolution

2013 Manifesto – STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the year 2013 to the...

‘Vile police’ and Tory grandees battle it out!

A PETTY incident – the refusal of Downing Street police officers to allow the Tory chief whip to ride his bicycle through the gates...

Only answer to banking crisis is expropriation!

THE COALITION government’s policy to ‘ring-fence’ the banks is at best a cosmetic attempt to appear to be trying to protect retail banking, and...

Time to expropriate the banks and jail the bankers

THIS week has seen the essence of the banking fraternity emerge after HSBC, Europe’s largest bank, which was rescued by the UK taxpayers in...

World crisis hits eurozone

THE announcement by the unelected Italian prime minister, Mario Monti, that he is quitting the job  sent the Italian economy into a massive crisis...

‘We Will Have The Last Word’ Say Greek Youth

THOUSANDS of school students in all Greek cities participated in militant mobilisations against the government’s austerity laws and police violence on Thursday, the fourth...


COMMENTING on the Chancellor’s autumn statement, TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘When you are self-harming you should stop, not look for better sticking...

Answer Osborne with Councils of Action and a General Strike

In an interview on Sunday the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, made it absolutely clear that as far as the coalition government is concerned there...

Ten Million Households Are Suffering

TEN million households are suffering from the financial and political crisis says Which? as it calls on the coalition government, ahead of its Autumn...

UK banks £60bn black hole

THE UK’s ‘big four’ banks face a financial black hole of up to £60bn from regulatory demands, hidden losses, and potential mis-selling costs that...

By-elections spell out depth of the coalition crisis

LABOUR has won three by-elections, holding Croydon North, Middlesbrough and Rotherham, while the coalition governing parties were wiped out. The Tories came behind UKIP, their...

Struggle over General Strike at 20,000-strong Dublin rally

20,000 people took part in last Saturday’s march in Dublin organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions. The aim of the protest was to...

British Capitalism Admits Its Bankruptcy

THE final proof that British capitalism is beached on the rocks has arrived. The situation is so grave, and the reputation of UK bankers so...

Output Down As Banking Crisis Deepens

THE CBI bosses organisation said yesterday that UK manufacturers expect to reduce output over the next three months, driving another nail into the coffin...

Irish Union Votes To Repudiate Bank Debt!

The Technical Engineering and Electrical Union is to contact ‘like-minded unions’ to seek ‘international legal opinion regarding the possibility of mounting a successful legal...

Victory to Hamas! Defeat Zionism and imperialism!

THE murderous, cowardly missile attack by Israel on Gaza, which killed Ahmed al-Jaabari along with 10 other Palestinians including two children, was a long-planned attack...

Europe Is Rising Up!

YESTERDAY millions of workers across Europe took strike action against the austerity programmes of ‘their’ bosses, bankers and governments. These programmes are creating millions...

Comet collapse and private equity

Last Friday the administrator brought in to wind down the collapsed electrical retailer chain Comet announced that 330 staff would be made redundant with...

HSBC new ‘dirty money’ laundering allegations

THE HSBC bank, the biggest bank in Europe, says it is looking into allegations that it has set up a large number of offshore...

OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT! –demand hundreds of thousands of Greek workers

HUNDREDS of thousands of Greek workers and youth congregated on Wednesday evening and late into the night outside the Vouli (parliament) in...

Obama Heading For The Fiscal Cliff – US Workers Beware!

OBAMA’S re-election is a product of the refusal of US workers to allow an all-out robber baron of capitalism, Romney, to have control over...

Two-day Greek General Strike – time for all-out indefinite action!

LAST week the two main Greek trade union organisations representing workers in the public and private sector called a two-day general strike starting today...

‘OUTRAGEOUS!’ – ISS pays no insurance contributions

ASSOCIATION of Teachers and Lecturers President Hank Roberts yesterday condemned as ‘outrageous’ an offshore company employing thousands of supply teachers avoiding the payment of...

Manufacturing contracts in October for sixth successive month

AFTER all of the Tory propaganda chatter about the ‘recovery has begun’ the reality is that the slump is deepening. The UK’s manufacturing sector,...

Cosatu, the CP, the NUM and the police attack the Lonmin...

ON 27th October the Minister of Education and South African Communist Party General Secretary, Blade Nzimande, along with Cosatu and National Union of Mineworkers...

An all-out assault on the working class and the poor

TORY attempts to convince the working class, the middle class and the poor that the ‘recovery’ has begun and things are looking better, are...

‘Consign capitalism to the Natural History Museum!’ –Jonty Leff tells Anniversary...

More than 200 workers and youth got massive support from residents and shoppers as they marched through east London on Sunday, to a rally...

Afghan defeat for UK imperialism – now smash them at home

AN influential group of MPs have finally admitted publicly what everyone already knows – that the invasion of Afghanistan by NATO troops, led by...

Ford and GM shutting down in Europe

THE US motorcar giants GM and Ford were rescued from bankruptcy by President Obama who ‘nationalised’ them, so that the US taxpayer could get...

FORD PLANNING CLOSURES – in Belgium, Germany and the UK

FORD is planning to close its plant in Southampton which makes the Transit van and employs 500 workers. A meeting between Ford’s management and unions...

Overthrow the government, the troika and the Greek austerity accords

STATEMENT of the Ergatiki Antistasi (Workers Resistance), newspaper of the Revolutionary Marxist League (RML), Greek Section of the International Committee of the Fourth International. FOR...

‘The solution is uprising’– say 120,000 Athens workers!

CHANTING ‘It’s their crisis – the solution is uprising!’; ‘Down with the government and the troika of the EC-IMF-ECB. The time has come...

Call general strike! Bring down coalition! Forward to workers government!

TODAY’S march called by the TUC must not be just another mass demonstration against the drive by this coalition to bail out the banks...

World Crisis Of Capitalism Requires World Revolution

CAPITALISM is a worldwide system dominating the whole planet, in which there is no national solution to the problems brought about by the latest...

After the Peace Prize – let battle commence!

AT the same moment as France and Germany were being given a Nobel prize for keeping the peace in Europe, ie not going to...

Press TV campaigns against attack on Iranian satellite TV!

PRESS TV has launched a Facebook petition to save the news channel across Europe after European satellite provider Eutelsat SA stopped the broadcast of...

110,000 Using Food Banks!

THE NUMBER of people seeking emergency food aid in the UK has doubled in the past six months, the largest organiser of food...

FOOD BANKS becoming the rule in poverty-stricken UK

THERE are currently 270 food banks across the UK where poverty-stricken workers and youth are directed to get subsistence amounts of food. As the capitalist...

Financial Crisis Worsening, Says The Imf

IN its just-published Global Financial Stability Report, the IMF has found that ‘Confidence remains fragile despite recent policy actions’, and that the ‘Euro area...

US will fall off fiscal cliff

THE US economy will fall off the ‘fiscal cliff’ when automatic spending cuts and tax increases kick in at the beginning of next year,...

Osborne pledges to hammer the poor and the unions

IN an attempt to show some class war steel, Chancellor Osborne began his speech at the Tory Party conference with an assault on a...

Osborne out to grind workers and youth into the ground

IN HIS speech to the Tory faithful yesterday the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, made it absolutely clear that he is going to grind the...


SIPTU President, Jack O’ Connor, last Friday condemned a call by the Central Bank for more pay cuts across the economy. He said the...