Woodley To Visit Visteon Plants

Sacked Visteon workers on the picket line at the Enfield plant
Sacked Visteon workers on the picket line at the Enfield plant

Unite joint general secretary Tony Woodley is due to visit the sacked workers at all three Visteon factories this week.

The Unite convenor at the occupied Belfast factory, John McGuire, told News Line yesterday: ‘Tony Woodley says he is meeting (Ford Europe CEO John) Fleming on Monday and that he is going to visit the plants on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

‘I know he will be here in Belfast on Thursday, I don’t know in which order he is going to the Enfield and Basildon plants.

‘The lads are standing firm until Ford sort out the mess they’ve put us in.

‘They are also wary of where these talks are going.’

Kevin Nolan, Unite convenor at the Enfield plant, said yesterday: ‘Support is pouring in.

‘I went to the South East Region TUC meeting at Congress House on Saturday.

‘I spoke and got a standing ovation.

‘They did a collection and said they will raise our case at their workplaces.

‘We had great support.

‘I also spoke at the Tolpuddle march event in Islington afterwards, after Billy Bragg was on stage, and got a big welcome there.

‘Tony Woodley is meeting with Fleming this week, so we are waiting to see what the outcome will be.

‘Our members had a successful day yesterday leafleting Ford showrooms up and down the country – several of them had to close for the day.

‘And myself and (Visteon Basildon factory convenor) Frank Jepson are going to see the convenor at Ford in Bridgend tomorrow.’

Frank Jepson told News Line: ‘We’re still fighting. We had a lot of support in the town centre on Saturday.

‘We collected a lot of money.

‘People came up and spoke to us. They responded generously to our call for support.

‘We’ve a benefit on at a local pub on Wednesday evening and Kevin Nolan and I are going to see the Ford Bridgend convenor tomorrow.

‘Meanwhile, RMT leader Bob Crow and the local RMT convenor are visiting the lads on the picket line at 9.30 tomorrow morning.

‘We are continuing to stand strong and resolute. We will continue until we get what is justifiably ours.’