Defiant cabin crew marching around Heathrow to show that they are looking forward to the next round of the struggle with BA union-buster Walsh
Defiant cabin crew marching around Heathrow to show that they are looking forward to the next round of the struggle with BA union-buster Walsh

THOUSANDS of British Airways cabin crew marched around Heathrow Airport yesterday afternoon waving flags, chanting: ‘Willie, Willie, Willie! Out! Out! Out!’ They received enthusiastic support from passing motorists and other airport workers.

Yesterday was the last day of the latest round of strike action by the 11,000-strong BASSA (British Airways Stewards and Stewardesses Association) members of Unite.

They had attended a lunchtime meeting at their strike base, Bedfont Football Ground, where Unite deputy secretary Len McCluskey told them: ‘We’re trying to work with the company to reach an honourable settlement. But what CEO Walsh wants to do is crush the cabin crew.

‘Walsh rushes off to court every five minutes trying to break our struggle. There are a good number of our people currently under discipline, sacked and suspended. He’s an individual who had a separate agenda. This dispute is going to get dirty. But my message to Willie Walsh is a simple one: This dispute will only be resolved through negotiation, not litigation or intimidation.’

He added to the meeting: ‘They thought you were going to be a walkover. It’s like you’ve been fifteen rounds with Mike Tyson but not only have you not been beaten, you are up for a re-match. You have become synonymous with everything that is good and honourable in a trade union. Keep the faith, justice will prevail!’

Local Hayes and Harlington Labour MP John McDonnell told the enthusiastic audience: ‘We’ve had problems in the industry before and have always been able to negotiate. But we’re in a completely different ball-game now. We’ve got a management that’s prepared to bring the company down, just to break the union.

‘What is our response to this bully? Our response is solidarity. You are demonstrating to all the other sectors of workers who are coming into struggle that united action can win.’

Former London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, told the meeting: ‘This is a turning-point in a political era.

‘Anyone can see Willie Walsh wants to smash the union. Without equivocation, I say this today: You have my support even if you go on strike every day of the year. Let’s unite not just to defeat Walsh but to set the agenda for a decent future for our children.’

On his way into the meeting, John McDonnell told News Line: ‘Many of these striking cabin crew are my constituents. Walsh is attacking them and destroying the company. I want him out! The Unite union should spread this action to win the fight!’

Earlier, on the picket line, Bruce told News Line: ‘The company have offered every scab a £100 payment to cross the picket line. The rest of BA must be balloted.’

Cabin crew said they were concerned that the ballots for the next round of action should be held immediately. Carol said: ‘I’m confident that there will be a “Yes” outcome of the ballot. But we needed to be organised straight away while we’ve still got the momentum.’