‘We’re heading for a general strike’

CWU general secretary DAVE WARD (centre) took part in a very lively picket at the Camden Delivery Office in Barnby St NW1

‘WE’RE heading for a general strike,’ striking Royal Mail postal workers, members of the CWU told News Line yesterday.

At the Fulham Delivery Office CWU rep Brian Miller said: ‘This strike is a tipping point, we’re heading for a general strike.

‘We need a government that is for the working people.

‘Privatisation doesn’t work, private companies are getting contracts they just can’t handle.’

At another lively picket at the Earl’s Court Delivery Office, CWU member John James said: ‘People are finally waking up as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

‘We should all be out together, everybody out.

‘Even though the law is against us now they are being changed so that it will be harder to take any action legally.

‘Yet the Royal Mail bosses are handing out massive dividends to shareholders.’

Royal Mail ‘want to smash the union’, striking CWU Camden Unit rep Peter Donaghy warned yesterday.

Speaking to News Line at the Barnby Street NW1 picket line, he said: ‘We’re striking today over pay.

‘The picket line is growing every time we have action.

‘Members are very determined to resolve poverty pay.

‘The second ballot we’ve had with strike action due on 30th September and 1st October is over changes to our terms and conditions.

‘The company wants to change our start and finish times – tearing up people’s home lives.

‘There are cuts in sick pay and holiday pay.

‘Basically they want to rip up the company and sell off the profitable bits.

‘To do that, they want to smash the union and destroy all our terms and conditions.

‘They want to make us work harder, faster and cheaper.’

Camden NW1 CWU member and postlady Sandra Piper said: ‘We’re striking over pay. Royal Mail imposed a 2% pay increase which is in fact a pay cut.

‘It doesn’t meet anyone’s needs. It was imposed on us then taken back – we never got a pay rise anyway.

‘Through the Covid pandemic we were out serving the public, day in and day out, putting our families at risk.

‘They called us key workers but we got no support.

‘Royal Mail made £740m due to us and our work and dedication day in and day out with no thank yous.

‘Now we are treated as nothing and they want to change our working conditions. I agree with all the unions coming out on a general strike.

‘We need a government for the people and the future of our young people.’