‘We fight on till we win’

Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers picketing despite the cold weather
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers picketing despite the cold weather

LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers are furious that the TGWU’s head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, has gone back on his promise to provide the picketing workers with a winter shelter.

They told News Line yesterday that they would not accept this and want action from the trade union movement to win their struggle.

Parmjit Bains said ‘Many people are angry. Brendan Gold said this morning that there should be no more picketing and there would be no more hardship fund after December 16th.

‘We are all angry and we are not going to accept it.

‘He said that they are not giving us the winter shelter that he promised and we have not even got the tent we had previously.’

Mrs Judd said: ‘They said that the dispute is finished on the 16th and that they are going to stop the hardship cheques.

‘We are not going to let them. We need shelter. We are marching on the fourth of December through Southall, to show that we are strong and united.’

Mrs Jasbir Upta added: ‘We are so angry with them.

‘Last week Brendan Gold said that he would sort out the winter shelter. This week he said that the dispute is finishing and we don’t need it.

‘We told him that this dispute is not finishing.’

‘They keep extending the dates. There is no settlement. They have no shame. Our march is to show we are still fighting and that the dispute is not over.

‘We are fighting for the whole of the working class. What has happened to us will happen to everybody.’

Mrs Lakhvinder Saran said: ‘They are desperate. That is why the date is being changed all the time.

‘We are telling all of our friends to stand firm and not to give in.’

Mrs Jasbir Brar said: ‘Our senior shop steward, Mrs Atwal phoned me at home and tried to persuade me to sign the compromise deal.’