‘we Are Fighting Union-Busting’

BA cabin crew pickets at Heathrow yesterday determined to win their struggle
BA cabin crew pickets at Heathrow yesterday determined to win their struggle

STRIKING British airways cabin crew are completing their latest five-day strike at midnight tonight and will be resuming their next five days action at midnight on Friday night.

On the picket lines around Heathrow airport yesterday they expressed their determination to win, whatever it takes.

They spoke to News Line using pseudonyms to avoid victimisation.

Joanna said: ‘We are hanging on in there and determined to win. ‘Walsh doesn’t want a deal with us and we don’t want a deal with him. We want him OUT!’

Steve continued: ‘The rest of BA should be called out on strike because they’re next.

‘We have given so much that we must continue.

‘Walsh is out to smash the union’.

Unite Rep David said: ‘We are determined to see this through to the end until we get a reasonable negotiated settlement.

‘Our sacked and suspended colleague must be reinstated.’

Jennifer said: ‘Anyone who scabs should be thrown out of the union. Why should they be represented?’

Her friend Greg added: ‘BALPA should be chucked out of the TUC. What they are doing is a disgrace.

‘They claim they are taking a neutral stand but they are not.

‘They are allowing their members not just to fly the planes, but to act as scabbing crew as well.

‘The EEPTU was thrown out of the TUC for what it did at Wapping, and BALPA should receive the same treatment’.

Maggie said: ‘I think the rest of BA are already in this fight, so many of us have partners who work in different departments. The problem is, the man will only speak with who he wants to speak to and at the moment he will only talk to Woodley.

‘You can’t punish staff for taking lawful industrial action. Walsh is a bully.’

Unite rep Philip said: ‘We have just been donated a big box of crisps and a box of soft drinks from a nearby shop. We have had so much support, several taxi drivers have taken out small union flags to put on their cabs. These are fellow unite members.

‘A number of colleagues from various departments in BA have come down to offer support, bringing doughnuts, cakes, ice creams and all sorts.

‘Inevitably this struggle is going to affect everyone in the company.

‘I think Walsh wants to get rid of the union at the airport.

‘So it is not about money, it’s about union busting.’