Voting Wrp In Walthamstow

Walthamstow students show their support for WRP candidate Jonty Leff and WRP policies yesterday
Walthamstow students show their support for WRP candidate Jonty Leff and WRP policies yesterday

‘I AM voting for Workers Revolutionary Party candidate Jonty Leff because the WRP are the only party fighting for a future for young people,’ said student Tanischa Kargbo as she joined the WRP election campaign outside Waltham Forest College in Walthamstow yesterday afternoon.

She added: ‘University must be free. I am studying social work and am looking to go on to university. However, you are in debt until you die!’

Kelly, also studying social work, told News Line: ‘My son is autistic and we have both been put into temporary accommodation for the last two years. We are on the first floor and he has already had a fall down the stairs! It’s not safe!

‘They are pushing us through the bidding process. I am voting Workers Revolutionary Party because of their policy of council housing for all. They should not sell council housing to anyone.

‘Letting agencies are grabbing council properties and then they lay vacant because no-one can afford the private rents.’

Her friend Lianya Lewinson said: ‘I was born at Whipps Cross Hospital in Walthamstow and I am angry about what they are doing. They are trying to shut it down.

‘I support the Workers Revolutionary Party in this election because I agree with the policy on the leaflet: “Restore District General Hospitals, re-open the A&E departments and maternity services”.’

Rose Judith, also a student at Waltham College, who lives in Enfield, said: ‘My local hospital, Chase Farm has lost its A&E and maternity services. Our nearest hospital is North Middlesex in Edmonton. That hospital is already overflowing with a five-hour wait for A&E. I was following the struggle to keep Chase Farm open and that is why I support the Workers Revolutionary Party.’