‘The entire labour movement must fully support the RMT’

RMT banner on Saturday’s 100,000-strong TUC march

THE RMT issued the following statement on the forthcoming rail and Tube strikes yesterday.

‘In the past few weeks, discussions have been taking place at senior level with Network Rail, Train Operators and London Underground.
‘Despite the best efforts of our negotiators no viable settlements to the disputes have been created.
‘It has to be re-stated that the source of these disputes is the decision by the Tory government to cut £4bn of funding from our transport systems – £2bn from national rail and £2bn from Transport for London.
‘As a result of this transport austerity imposed by the government, the employing companies have taken decisions to:

  • Savage the Railway Pension Scheme and the TfL scheme, cutting benefits, making staff work longer, and poorer in retirement, while paying increased contributions.
  • Thousands of job cuts across the rail networks.

• Attacking terms, conditions and working practices in a form of internal fire and re-hire.

  • Cutting real pay for most of our members through lengthy pay freezes and below RPI inflation pay proposals.

‘In the face of this massive attack on our people the RMT cannot be passive.
‘So today, having heard the reports on the discussions that have been taking place we are confirming that the strike action scheduled to take place on 21st, 23rd and 25th June will go ahead.
‘We want a transport system that operates for the benefit of the people, for the needs of society and our environment – not for private profit.
‘We call on our members to stand firm, support the action, mount the pickets and demonstrate their willingness to fight for workplace justice.
‘Every worker in Britain deserves a pay rise that reflects the cost-of-living crises. All working people should have the benefit of good negotiated terms, conditions, working practices and occupational pensions that will ensure their living standards in retirement.
‘We call on the entire labour movement and the working people to rally to the support of the RMT and our members in this struggle.
‘The RMT will support every group of workers who organise and fight for these aims and we call for joint campaigning and coordinated action to achieve a better deal for workers and a fairer society.
‘RMT remains available for discussions that will settle this dispute and ensure our transport system can operate without disruption.’

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