Surge in privatisation threatens NHS – warn health unions

Junior doctors marching on Saturday to defend the NHS – NHS workers will not allow free healthcare to be abolished through privatisation by the Tories
Junior doctors marching on Saturday to defend the NHS – NHS workers will not allow free healthcare to be abolished through privatisation by the Tories

‘A SURGE in privatisation is threatening free NHS treatment,’ unions say.

With contracts worth £5.5bn going to private firms, health sector unions warn of a slide to US-style system in which level of care depends on ability to pay.

Trade unions representing half a million NHS workers have warned: ‘There is a real danger that if we continue down this road we could end up with a repeat of the American experience where income, rather than need, dictates the level of care a patient can expect.’

The warning from nine leaders of NHS staff, including midwives, nurses and radiographers comes as updated figures show the scale of NHS privatisation.

Contracts monitored by the NHS Support Federation campaign group show that private firms have won £5.5bn worth of NHS clinical contracts since April 2013 – more than a third of the total value of contracts put out to tender.

So far this year, private companies have won 37% of the £6bn worth of clinical contracts awarded. Others worth £5bn remain in the pipeline.

Dave Prentis, from Unison, the biggest health union, said: ‘Even such monumental failures as Hinchingbrooke have done little to dampen the government’s zeal for the market.’