SPEAK UP CORBYN – urged to condemn Labour council

Part of Sunday’s 2,000-strong rally in Victoria Square, Birmingham, supporting striking binmen
Part of Sunday’s 2,000-strong rally in Victoria Square, Birmingham, supporting striking binmen

TWO THOUSAND Birmingham binmen and their supporters from all over the country demonstrated yesterday in a Unite national rally in Victoria Square in front of the council offices.

There were banners and flags from Unite, Unison, BFAWU, PCS Midland Region, UCU, the West Midlands Pensioners Convention. There was also a delegation from Bromley Council and McDonald’s workers showing solidarity after their low pay strike.

Unite Branch Secretary for Birmingham City Council, Harry Harris told News Line: ‘Stella Manzie (unelected Birmingham City Council Chief Executive) got QC advice and said that the leader of the council did not have the authority to make an agreement.

‘She said there was an equal pay risk. We are fighting for the safety-critical role of the binmen.’

The council want to hand over responsibility for safety from the crew to the drivers and reduce crew size. Statistics show that accident rates dropped drastically since crews were brought in.

‘We are talking about the safety of the public as well as people on vehicles. Grade 3 workers are to be dismissed. That means a three to four thousand pound drop in pay. The council is expecting £1.4 million in savings, but have already spent £1.8 million in breaking the strike. They want to break binworkers and then turn on grade 3s in the rest of the council.

‘Stella Manzie thinks she’s Maggie Thatcher – untouchable. Len McCluskey says he is ripping up the rule book, but for now our hands are tied. People have come from France to support us. The local Labour Party condemned the council last week. I’m for a general strike.’

Binman’s wife Zita Hadley spoke up for her husband who is under a gag order from the council. She told News Line: ‘We have to stay out on strike. Stella Manzie has worked for a couple of councils, cutting jobs. To keep the lads on grade 3 costs the council very little. But they’re spending £400,000 per week on breaking the strike.

‘It’s ten weeks now. There’s a more sinister plot going on against the council workforce. Just this morning we got a message of support from Southampton on Facebook. The pickets are supported by the public. Why isn’t Corbyn getting involved? He’s a Labour leader and this is a Labour Council.’

Speaking from the platform at the rally, Unite General Secretary McCluskey said: ‘It’s a privilege to bring solidarity greetings from our executive. We stand shoulder to shoulder. I am confident that solidarity across the nation will secure victory.

‘Chopper Manzie has a cutting reputation. She has met her match here in Birmingham. Unite has no intention of losing this dispute. You are not going to be starved back to work. We’ll look after you. Don’t insult us by saying there’s no money. Of course there’s money. It is the greedy bastard rich who don’t pay their taxes.’

Caroline Johnson, Unison Branch Secretary Birmingham City Council, said: ‘A victory for binworkers will be a victory for all council workers. Let’s make it impossible for this government to carry on.’