‘Smash Fees Restore Free State Education!’

Marchers with busworkers Unite union official John Hughes just before the march began on October 30 in Manchester
Marchers with busworkers Unite union official John Hughes just before the march began on October 30 in Manchester

THE Young Socialists March for Jobs and Free State Education set off early yesterday for the latest leg from Stoke to Stafford.

Hitting the road at 9.00am, the marchers received great support from passers-by for their slogans: ‘Education must be free! We won’t pay tuition fees!’, ‘Youth demand a future! Youth demand jobs!’, ‘Workers, students, youth unite! Forward to a general strike!’, ‘No cuts, no closures! Kick this government out!’

Today, the Young Socialists marchers are breaking off from their three-week march from Manchester to London to join the mass National Union of Students demonstration in London.

Young Socialists National Secretary Joshua Ogunleye said yesterday: ‘The Young Socialists are marching from Manchester to London for jobs for youth, free state education and we’re calling for a general strike to bring this government down and for a future under socialism.

‘We are doing this because there are no jobs for young people and we recognise that for youth to get a future, they must unite with workers to defend the jobs of today.

‘We do not believe that students should pay for the bankers’ crisis.

‘There is mass student support for this position despite the NUS leadership’s calling for a cap on tuition fees.

‘We believe education should be defended as a right.

‘So we call on students to march behind our banner and join our march.

‘On Wednesday night we’re returning to Wolverhampton and will arrive in London for a mass rally at Queen Mary College, Mile End, on Sunday the 21st.

Young Socialists marcher Lydia Ngala said: ‘Why should we have to pay for education? It should be a right.

‘Before 1997 it was free. Why should we pay now?

‘Calling for fees to be frozen is just a diversion from what is needed, to restore free state education.’

Young Socialists marcher Paul Childs said: ‘The Young Socialists march has been great.

‘We’ve had loads of support from cars and people on the streets.

‘Loads of other young people have joined us as we’ve been coming down from Stockport, Glossop, Chesterfield and Sheffield.

‘Everywhere we march, people agree with us.’

Young Socialist Editor Paul Lepper said: ‘There’s a stark difference between the policy of the Young Socialists and the current leadership of the NUS.

‘While the leadership of the NUS has consistently refused to come out against tuition fees, the YS has taken up the fight of all students, to scrap university fees and cancel student debt.

‘Students should not be made the scapegoat for the crisis of capitalism.

‘Education is a right.’

The Young Socialists march has constantly turned to the trade unions for support on the road.

On Monday late afternoon they got support from the West Midlands Region 5 of the TGWU (Unite) in Stoke-on-Trent, who provided refreshments and a financial donation.

Regional Industrial Organiser Neil Salter said: ‘I’m thrilled to see you.

‘You’re absolutely right that these terrible cuts today and those planned are taking away jobs from communities and in the future.

‘Our message is: cuts kill communities.’