Prosecute George Floyd’s murderers – demand millions of workers across the world

Part of the over 5,000-strong demonstration on Sunday in Trafalgar Square showing their support for the US protests against the police killing of George Floyd

‘WE SEND solidarity to the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) members and support the AFT’s call for the US Justice Department to conduct a civil rights investigation into the murder of George Floyd,’ Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union said yesterday.

Courtney continued: ‘The NEU sends its solidarity to the family and friends mourning George Floyd.

‘We condemn the systemic racism that caused George’s death and we support the urgent demands for justice for George Floyd, for his family and his community.

‘The NEU supports the demands by our sister union, the AFT, for urgent action to build racial justice in the USA and deliver safety and social justice for Black Americans.

‘All elected politicians must acknowledge that such acts of race hate are not new, unique or disconnected.

‘They represent a serious crisis in society. This inhumane treatment of Black citizens is outrageous.

‘It’s shocking and unacceptable. It must not be normalised.

‘In the UK, the global health pandemic has reminded people of the centrality of Black workers to our NHS and our care homes, to our transport systems and food supply, and to education and to every profession and sector of the economy.

‘We must challenge racism in society and racism in workplaces, and the systemic stereotypes that perpetuate race inequality and racial hierarchies.

‘We cannot be bystanders.

‘The NEU supports Justice for George Floyd.

‘We must collectively organise to challenge racism, everywhere.’