STRIKE-BREAKERS!– being organised for Thursday’s NHS strike
WITH talks between the NHS trade unions and health secretary Hunt due at 2pm today, in a bid to avert Thursday’s NHS strike, efforts...
THE UNIONS will call off next week’s NHS strike if a ‘tangible offer emerges as a result of current talks with Tory health secretary...
Bombardment Of Gaza Civilians Condemned By Report
ISRAELI conduct during their 50-day war on the Gaza Strip last summer greatly increased the number of civilian casualties, an independent report has...
‘We’re fighting for our rights!’ say West Hendon tenants
OVER 250 tenants and supporters at the West Hendon estate in north London yesterday packed the community centre on the estate for a meeting...
EU to throw 1.26 trillion euros at the banks
EUROPEAN Central Bank chief Mario Draghi yesterday launched the bank’s ‘expanded asset purchase programme’, to buy bonds from banks to try...
Defend West Hendon Homes!
TENANTS and residents at the West Hendon Estate in Barnet, North West London, are holding a meeting, a march and a giant banner drop...
Keogh Predicts End Of NHS!
SIR Bruce Keogh, medical director of NHS England, says that the basic principles of the NHS, ‘free healthcare at the point of need’ must...
Greek Workers & Small Farmers Occupy!
WORKERS and small farmers are in occupation for over a week now of the large state owned EBZ sugar-beets factory in Thessaloniki, northern Greece,...
‘LET’S CONTINUE!’ say Lambeth College strikers
LAMBETH College UCU began an indefinite strike yesterday in their escalating struggle against the imposition of new contracts. The new contracts would take away both...
‘A&E SERVICES ARE AT BREAKING POINT!’ – due to government changes
HEALTH Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has agreed to the relaxing of ambulance response times for some ‘Red 2’ category patients, which include those with...
‘NHS being collapsed by coalition!’
THE very minimum number of nurses required for A&Es to function safely was published yesterday in an attempt to address the acute staff shortage...
RMT pledges to fight cuts in oil workers’ jobs
FOLLOWING a global collapse in the price of oil, oil giant BP yesterday announced it is to cut 300 jobs in its North...
Ambulance Cuts Are Costing Lives!
EAST of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST) management operated a policy of downgrading target response times for 999 emergency calls from December 18th...
‘£31,000 For All Bus Drivers!’
‘WE are rock solid!’ Unite leader Len McCluskey declared yesterday during the 24-hour London-wide bus strike that brought the capital to a standstill. He was...
London Bus Strike Today
BUS workers across London are on strike today over an escalating battle over pay. The 24-hour strike is over the refusal of London’s 18 bus...
1.1m households can’t afford to pay for heating!
1.1 MILLION households who cannot afford to heat their home to a comfortable level are in work, according to a new report by the...
Hinchingbrooke Hospital privatisation disaster
CIRCLE HOLDINGS, the first privateer to take over the running of an NHS hospital, quit the management of Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire yesterday, leaving...
Private University £162,000 Degree!
STUDENTS and trade unions yesterday condemned next Monday’s opening of the first private medical school since the 1940s, charging students an astronomic £162,000 for...
Lambeth College strike strengthens!
LAMBETH College UCU (University and College Union), resumed their strike action yesterday against the imposition of inferior work contracts, by Lambeth College management. This week’s...
NHS A&E Crisis
HEALTH unions responded angrily to figures released yesterday showing the worst NHS waiting times in decades. This unprecedented crisis, the unions said, is a result of...
Labour announces plans to cut public services year on year
‘WE HAVE got to make our case, explaining our vision house by house, street by street, town by town’, Labour leader Ed Miliband...
Millions fear eviction!
OVER three million people fear missing rent or mortgage payments this January because of ‘sky high housing costs’, putting them at risk of...
Labour Pledges Repeal Of Health & Social Care Act!
THE NHS ‘cannot survive a second term of Tory-led government,’ the Labour Party’s Chair of General Election Strategy, Douglas Alexander, said yesterday. He was echoing...
‘Unfunded and unsafe!’ –BMA condemns Tory plan for 7 day working
DOCTORS will not sign up to the Tory government’s proposals for a seven-day-a-week, 24-hours-a-day NHS service because the plans are ‘unfunded, undefined’, ‘wholly unrealistic’...
Ashrawi Condemns The ‘Shameful Abstentions’
PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi condemned Tuesday night’s UN Security Council abstentions on a motion to end the Israeli occupation of...
RMT slams ‘bandit capitalism’
THE RMT is demanding action after Better Capital has confirmed that it expects its £20 million investment back while City Link staff and sub-contractors...
‘We want to work for NHS!’ – say striking pathology staff
PATHOLOGY staff struck for 24 hours yesterday, at King’s, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospitals in a determined struggle against venture capitalist encroachment in the...
Pathology Staff Strike
PATHOLOGY staff at King’s College and Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals are today striking against privatisation at all three hospitals between 9am and 5pm. Pathology...
Universal Credit to hit the poorest!
THE Tory-led coalition is deliberately using Universal Credit to worsen the plight of poor families. A new report shows that millions of lower income working...
XMAS DAY SACKINGS! – RMT pledges taking action
RMT general secretary Mick Cash yesterday condemned as ‘disgraceful’ the Christmas Day sackings of 2,727 City Link workers. The announcement said that parcel delivery firm...
Greek Government Is On The Way Out
THE Greek coalition government has once again failed in a parliamentary vote to elect its candidate Stavros Dimas as the new President of the...
‘Just 15 Minutes Of Care!’
ELDERLY and vulnerable people are receiving just 15 minutes of care during homecare visits because of savage 40% council budget cuts, Unison warned yesterday. Unison...
Poor being hit hardest!
BRITAIN’s Tax system ‘hits the poorest families hardest’. They are paying a staggering 47 per cent of their gross income in taxes, the TaxPayers...
Plans to double ambulance times condemned!
DOCTORS’, nurses’, ambulance staff leaders and Labour yesterday slammed plans to more than double target times for ambulances to reach some seriously ill patients. A...
NHS New Year’s Strike!
AMBULANCE workers are to strike for 48 hours on January 29th 2015, across the whole of England and northern Ireland as their pay dispute...
Defeat For Greek Government!
THE Greek coalition government’s presidential candidate right-winger Stavros Dimas received the votes of just 160 parliamentary deputies last Wednesday night in the first round...
END OCCUPATION! – Resolution goes before Security Council
THE PLO on Wednesday presented a draft UN resolution laying out terms for a final peace deal with Israel but sought to avoid a...
Al Sweedy witchhunt!
DEFENCE Minister Fallon yesterday announced that there would be an investigation into solicitors who represented Iraqi complainants at the Al Sweedy inquiry. He made...
Lambeth College strike action!
LAMBETH College UCU strikers held a lively picket and rally yesterday, on the last strike day of 2014 and stressed their determination to...
Hague plans ‘English Veto’
PROPOSALS for English Laws for an English parliament were set out yesterday by Tory cabinet member William Hague, Leader of the House of...
‘We will continue the fight’ – says FBU
THE government’s plans to make firefighters in England work until they are 60 and to increase their pension contributions was backed by MPs, 313...
Privatise Fire Service & NHS plus wage & job cuts – Tory plan for...
HOSPITALS and fire services will be run ‘outside the public sector’ Francis Maude, Tory Cabinet Office minister revealed yesterday, speaking to the Daily Telegraph. Firefighters...
Hand over redacted UK torture material! – MPs committee tells US administration
THE House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee is to request that the US hands over any material documenting the UK’s role in the...
PATIENTS are suffering as pressure on the NHS reaches a historic high, the BMA warned yesterday. Tthe publication of NHS England’s ‘winter health check’...
Greek Stocks ‘Meltdown’
THE Athens Stock Exchange collapsed again by 7.35 per cent on Thursday wiping 13 billion euros off shares. In the last three days it has...