Massive Support For Visteon Occupiers

Workers on the roof of the Visteon plant in Enfield are becoming more determined to win with every hour of their occupation
Workers on the roof of the Visteon plant in Enfield are becoming more determined to win with every hour of their occupation

the occupied Visteon factories received massive support from workers in their areas yesterday, as workers in Belfast, Enfield and Basildon struggled to defend their jobs and refused to quit their plants.

Seventy workers at the Visteon car parts factory in Enfield were occupying yesterday.

News Line spoke to the workers.

Unite member Lev Abnan said: ‘We were sacked at six minutes’ notice on March 31.

‘They made us work the Monday and Tuesday and we were told we won’t receive wages for those days.

‘We’ve been sitting in since Wednesday.

‘The unions have a meeting with Ford today and by all accounts they are not happy with the situation.’

He said that administrators would not let some of the workers in to collect their own tools on Wednesday and this caused a lot of anger.

‘We came to collect our tools and personal belongings on Wednesday and the administrator KPMG told us when they’ve sorted things out they’d let us in.’

Speaking outside the factory, Marisa Glenday, another Unite member, said she had come down to support the occupation.

She said: ‘I was away on holiday.

‘I got texts and phone calls from friends telling me what happened.

‘I was told by friends I would be able to come in today to collect my belongings.

‘But with all this going on, I’ve not been able to get in.

‘I’m here supporting the guys and if I can get in there, I’m going to get in.

‘I am devastated by the situation.’

One of the workers inside the occupation, called Martin, told News Line: ‘We’re still here.

‘We’ve managed to bring Ford to the negotiating table.

‘Union officials and Ford officials are flying to Detroit next Tuesday to meet Ford and Visteon officials in America.

‘They fly back Wednesday and we hope there will be some sort of resolution.

‘People will stay here until we get a satisfactory outcome.’

Another occupying worker, David, added: ‘I’ve worked for Visteon for 20 years.

‘On Wednesday they hired bailiffs to try to evict us.

‘The bailiffs had a notice for our old address.

‘So the eviction could not legally take place.

‘There was a court hearing at 2.00pm to get another eviction order but we haven’t heard anything.’

Winston Harriott, another Unite member, told News Line in the occupation: ‘I’ve been here all night from Wednesday.

‘I haven’t moved and I’m not moving until I hear something positive.’

Shane Cooper, also in occupation, said: ‘I think it’s disgusting. I’ve been thrown out of work after 23 years.

‘Some people have been here 40 years.

‘We should be getting full Ford terms and conditions for life.

‘That was what was promised and signed up to when Ford spun Visteon off.

‘We are getting tremendous support from other unions and the local community.

‘We’ve had food parcels, blankets, everything we need, as well as cash donations from Dagenham and the teachers’ union.’

Unite Regional Industrial Organiser for the north of Ireland, Davy McMurray, told News Line that Visteon workers are continuing their occupation of the company’s Belfast factory.