
International news from outside of the United Kingdom

‘We’ll step up our struggle!’ – vow Iraqi protesters after 5 killed

AT LEAST five demonstrators have been killed in Baghdad, Karbala and Baqubah in Iraq as security forces opened fire on the mass protest of...

Mexican forces attack caravan

CHILDREN went missing yesterday as a US-bound caravan of refugees clashed with Mexican forces under instruction from President Trump to block them from entering...

Both EU and US sending coalitions to Gulf!

EIGHT EU nations: France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands and Portugual will support a European-led naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz,...

LEBANESE REVOLUTION! – masses opposed to all sectarianism

HUNDREDS of people have been wounded in Beirut after security forces used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds of anti-government protesters trying...

‘Blatant act of annexation’ – Ashrawi slams Israeli ‘nature reserve’ land grab

ISRAEL is creating ‘nature reserves’ in the occupied West Bank and this is ‘a blatant act of annexation and land theft that violates international...

RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT RESIGNS – Medvedev to be deputy head of Russian Security Council

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly yesterday. According to Putin, the birth rate in the...

Johnson willing to scrap Iran deal for ‘Trump deal’

TORY PM Johnson, yesterday morning stated he is willing to scrap the Iran nuclear deal in favour of a ‘Trump deal’. Then, in a move...

How the US government murdered Soleimani!

NBC News has revealed details of Washington’s assassination of Iranian commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, saying the terrorist operation used Israeli intelligence and was...

France rises up against Macron – Doctors, nurses lawyers and teachers join 36th strike...

FRENCH doctors, nurses, lawyers and teachers were among the millions on the march yesterday joining the 36th day of transport workers strike action, bringing...

US Was Given Notice Of Attack!

IRAN’S Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) say none of its missiles were intercepted during Wednesday’s heavy strike that targeted two US bases inside Iraq...

Trump – more Iran sanctions – urges NATO involvement!

PRESIDENT TRUMP told a White House Press conference yesterday afternoon that while he was president of the USA, Iran would never be able to...

Iran & Iraq united against US attack

THE US ATTACK on Iran and Iraq will cement the unity of the two countries, Iranian President Rouhani said in a phone call with...

‘US Troops Must Leave Iraq’ Say 170 Lawmakers

ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY IRAQI lawmakers have signed a draft bill, demanding the withdrawal of US military forces from the country following the assassination...

‘Get Out Of Iraq’ – US Abandons Citizens After Its Terror Attack

THE US Embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad has urged all American citizens to run for it and get out of Iraq. This is after...

Iraqis storm US embassy

HUNDREDS of Iraqi members of the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) and their supporters stormed the US embassy in Baghdad for the second day in...

UK committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ over Chagossians return

THE UK committed ‘crimes against humanity’ by refusing to allow Chagos Islanders to return to their homes on the Chagos Islands, which is now...

‘Day of Rage!’ Mass pension strike shuts France down!

FRANCE was totally paralysed yesterday with flights, trains, the Metro and buses all cancelled during the mass ‘Day of Rage’ over President Emmanuel Macron’s...

Tens Of Thousands March Against Athens Riot Police

TENS of thousands of school and university students demonstrated last Friday in Athens and in all Greek major cities against the oppression and violence...

FRANCE PARALYSED BY GENERAL STRIKE! – as workers defend pensions

FRANCE is paralysed by a nationwide general strike by transport workers, teachers and other trade unions, supported by the mass of the working population. This...

Palestinians ready to break off all relations with the USA and to report Israel...

ISRAELI Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier pledged to ensure the extension of Israeli sovereignty to the Jewish settlements of the Jordan Valley after US Secretary...

West Bank Explodes As Abu Diyak Dies In Israeli Jail!

HEEDING the calls by political factions, mainly President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, thousands of Palestinians rallied in several West Bank city centres to protest...

Israel Attacks Palestinian Journalists!

DOZENS of Palestinian journalists have suffered excessive tear gas inhalation after Israeli military forces attacked a peaceful sit-in staged in the northern sector of...

Greek students march against riot police

SEVERAL thousand Greek university students marched victoriously and defiantly on Monday night in Athens after they had forced the armed riot police ‘storm-troopers’ off...

Ecuador revolutionary victory! Moreno forced to cancel IMF loan!

ECUADOR’S President Lenin Moreno has been forced to back down and cancel the country’s IMF loan after the revolutionary uprising sweeping the country won a...

Turkish invasion escalates! – condemned by 13 UK unions

ON THE SECOND day of the Turkish invasion of Syria, after a massive bombing raid striking northern Syria over 180 times, killing at least...

70th anniversary of Chinese Revolution!

CHINA has celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding with a massive military parade in Beijing showing off some of the world’s most advanced...

US, UK & France ‘complicit in possible Saudi war crimes’ – Amnesty

A NEW report by Amnesty International reveals that precision-guided bombs made by the United States have been used in Saudi-led deadly airstrikes against civilians...

World Climate Strike!

MILLIONS of youth supported by trade unionists walked out of their schools, colleges and universities yesterday, in one hundred and fifty countries across the...

‘If Iran is attacked it will be all-out war!’ – warns Zarif

IRAN’S foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned yesterday that any attack on his country after a series of missile strikes on Saudi Arabia’s oil...

China Hits Back At US Trade!

China launched countermeasures against the United States’ trade war attacks yesterday, with the Chinese People’s Daily saying that Beijing ‘will never waver in its...

US BEGINS NEW ARMS RACE! – as Senate agrees to spend £1.37 trillion next...

THE US has begun a new arms race with President Trump’s announcement of the US’ formal withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). This...

Day four of Harland & Wolff occupation – South African unions send international solidarity...

THE OCCUPATION of Harland and Wolff, in Belfast in the north of Ireland, is going from strength to strength, now into its fourth day...

‘Free Sudanese journalist Sadiq Rizaigi now!’ – NUJ

‘SUDANESE generals must free journalist Sadiq Rizaigi now!’ the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland demanded yesterday joining calls from...

NISSAN WILL SACK 12,500! Sunderland’s future hangs in the balance!

NISSAN is to cut 12,500 jobs worldwide as it reduces its production capacity and the number of models it produces by 10% by the...

PLO slams US-sponsored Bahrain conference

THE PALESTINE Liberation Organisation (PLO) issued a statement slamming the US-sponsored conference in Bahrain on its second and final day yesterday: ‘The PLO Executive Committee...

Palestine and Lebanon erupt as Bahrain conference opens ‘US conference is to plan Gaza/West...

THE FUTURE of Palestine cannot be drawn up by the White House, Jared Kushner or anyone else, Palestinian presidential spokesman Abu Rudeineh insisted in...

Greek Bankworkers Fight Sackings

GREEK bankworkers at the Piraeus Bank went on a national strike last Friday against mass sackings. On the orders of the EU all Greek...

Hezbollah – a strategic threat to Israel

NAIM Qassim, deputy secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, has underlined the continued resistance against the US and Israel will never surrender. ‘The only...

Tsipras Calls General Election

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called a general election for June 30 following the heavy defeat in last Sunday’s Euro elections of his...

Prosecute Netanyahu For Fraud Demands Tel Aviv Mass Rally

Thousands of demonstrators rallied in Tel Aviv on Saturday against moves by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to secure immunity from prosecution on fraud...

Huge rise in US military spending

THE US senate has unveiled a draft bill that would authorise Washington to modernise its nuclear weapon arsenal, in a move to counter China’s...

Hamas Condemns Bahrain Conference

A HIGH–RANKING member of the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, said yesterday that the Palestinian nation vigorously rejects US President Donald Trump’s controversial proposal for...

Iran at Bay – ‘Russia not fire brigade’ – Putin

THE chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said Iran does not seek war but is not afraid of one either. Making a...

Trump declares National Emergency! – ‘US will never crush us’ says Huawei boss

PRESIDENT Donald Trump has declared a National Emergency to protect US computer networks from ‘foreign adversaries’. He signed an executive order which effectively bars US...

Sweden to re-open Assange investigation

YESTERDAY Sweden’s deputy director of public prosecutions, Eva-Marie Persson, announced that an investigation into a rape allegation made against WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange in...