Greek Youth Tv Takeover

School youth lead a mass demonstration through Athens in protest at the police shooting of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos
School youth lead a mass demonstration through Athens in protest at the police shooting of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos

Throughout Greece last Tuesday school and university students continued with demonstrations and occupations against the right-wing government of Kostas Karamanlis.

Virtually all schools and all university departments are occupied in the Athens-Piraeus area.

Once again students marched through Athens districts demonstrating outside police stations.

In the Exarchia district of Athens, where the 15-years old school boy was killed by police on December 6, residents staged a mass rally demanding the closing down of the police station.

Scores of youth attacked with stones and petrol-bombs the riot police HQ in Athens; some 10 police vehicles and buses were burnt and the police made use of tear-gas and stun bombs to repel the attacking youth. In Salonica thousands of students marched through the city centre and attacked the Ministry for Northern Greece building


Dozens of students and young artists invaded the studio of the state television channel NET in Athens during the mid-day news programme and unfolded two banners stating ‘free all arrested youth’ and ‘stop watching TV – everybody out in the streets’.

In a statement the group of ‘artists-creators’ said that ‘the media spreads fear; they do not show proper news but propaganda’.

The director of state TV Christos Panagopoulos condemned the disturbance. The Greek Communist Party (KKE) stated that ‘this form of protest cannot be ruled out’ but condemned protesters for not bearing the name of their group in their banners.

Last night the KKE were holding a mass rally in Athens.

In nearly all Greek main cities school and university students have invaded TV and radio stations broadcasting their demands and condemning media coverage.

They organised a protest rally outside the main Athens Courts complex yesterday demanding the release of all arrested youths.