Greek Concentration Camps For Illegal Immigrants


THE Greek Assistant Minister for Public Order M Othonas said on Wednesday morning that the first concentration camp for alleged ‘illegal immigrants’ could be ‘ready to function within 30 to 45 days’.

Last Monday the Minister for Public Order Michalis Chrysochoides spoke to a meeting of the ten Greek Regions and demanded that they would supply him with three locations, preferably ex-Greek Army military compounds and camps, so that 30 concentration camps be set up throughout Greece.

Chrysochoides said that this matter was not going to be discussed in the Vouli (Greek parliament) but it will be imposed through a Government Order.

If this Greek government plan goes ahead, then the first purpose designed concentration camp for ‘illegal immigrants’ would be operational at the very time of a general election due for either the end of April or beginning of May.

According to Chrysochoides these concentration camps will be ‘under the supervision’ of the Ministry for Public Order but they will operate with private security guards.

He said that he had 250 million euros to spend on camps for the 2011-13 period and he is negotiating for more money to fund new camps in 2014-20.

According to the Greek police, these concentration camps would have a triple three-metre-high fence installed with CCTV. 150 armed Greek police guards would be stationed on the walls, but the ‘internal’ running of the camps would be carried out by 300 private security guards. Camps will be divided in four sections each holding 250 persons.

There has been fierce resistance to the concentration camp schemes by local farmers and people living in nearby villages and cities. Chrysochoides arrogantly stated that ‘laws are voted upon and they are valid for all citizens.’ But no such law on concentration camps has been voted upon by the Vouli.

These concentration camps are meant not just for ‘illegal immigrants’ but also for the thousands of youth and workers fighting against the EC-IMF-imposed bankers’ government in Greece.

In every mass demonstration hundreds are arrested by the armed riot police. Could be that the Greek government intend to inaugurate the privately run concentration camps, where most likely Greek Law would be waived, with arrested youth and workers ‘pending trial’.