Chase Farm ‘needs its A&E back – not a new sign!’

The new 30x6ft banner erected outside Chase Farm Hospital that replaces the 3x3ft sign that was there when a 2-year-old child was taken by his mother to what she thought was the A&E, only to find the door to the Urgent Care Centre was locked. The child di
The new 30x6ft banner erected outside Chase Farm Hospital that replaces the 3x3ft sign that was there when a 2-year-old child was taken by his mother to what she thought was the A&E, only to find the door to the Urgent Care Centre was locked. The child di

ON 15th January a two-year-old child died at North Middlesex Hospital after having been taken to Chase Farm Hospital.

The baby’s name was Muhammad Hashir Naveed. The child died there because the A&E had been closed down.

When the mother got the child to Chase Farm she discovered that the A&E had been closed down and a nurse came to assist, and tried to resuscitate.

Then an ambulance was called to take the child to North Middlesex Hospital. But it took too long. They were unable to save the baby and he died.

Bill Rogers from the North East London Council of Action told News Line yesterday: ‘I have just seen them erect a new sign outside Chase Farm Hospital that must be 30ft long by 6ft tall saying that it is only an urgent care centre and that the A&E is closed.

‘The previous sign, with a similar message was only about 3ft by 3ft, tiny in comparison.

‘It’s not signs that are going to save lives, nor will a bigger sign remove the government’s responsibility for future deaths.

‘The government that removed the A&E remains responsible for the deaths this causes!

‘The Accident and Emergency Department at Chase Farm must be reopened at once.

‘It is vitally important that this A&E is reopened and that lots of people join our march through Enfield this Saturday to emphasise that this is what people want.

‘It is also vitally important that the trade unions take strike action to see that the A&E is reopened. Lots of people’s lives are at stake!

‘Join us on the march this Saturday. We are meeting at 1pm at Enfield Green war memorial.’