Call a General Strike for Palestine!

Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists banner demanding the TUC call a general strike to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza

THE tuc issued the following statement in support of tomorrow’s Workplace Day of Action for Palestine:

‘The TUC and unions are supporting the workplace day of action calling for an immediate ceasefire on 28 November.
‘Members are encouraged to liaise with your union about solidarity actions in their own workplaces. Tens of thousands of trade unionists in Britain have already carried out an array of solidarity actions.
‘Palestinian workers have called on workers around the world to stand in solidarity with them.
‘The imposition of a system of oppression against all Palestinians by successive Israeli governments has been shown to meet the definition of the crime of apartheid under international law.
‘The TUC is calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners, and in line with our wider policy on the situation, for the UK government to:

  • Apply international pressure to help ensure access to essentials such as food and medicines in Gaza;
  • End all licences for arms traded with Israel – meeting international law;
  • Immediately recognise the State of Palestine.

‘The trade union movement has long called for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory, and respect for all human rights for Palestinians.
‘The TUC is calling for a ban in the trade in goods from the illegal settlements, for the UK to halt trade talks with Israel, and to suspend the UK-Israel trade and partnership agreement until the Israeli government complies with international law, UN resolutions and respects Palestinians’ human rights.
‘We share concerns expressed by the UN and others of the risk of a full-scale conflict in the Middle East, and we echo calls for de-escalation.
‘The TUC supports genuine efforts towards a just, lasting and comprehensive peace that is consistent with international law, and is based on a two-state solution, which promotes equality, democracy and respect for human and labour rights.
‘Discuss with colleagues in your branch what kind of action is best suited to your workplace and its circumstances. Take action in your own workplace and ensure all workers are treated respectfully. Some options are:

  • Take a photo with #ceasefire now messages and share personal statements of solidarity. These could be combined into a collage or video montage for social media;
  • Email your MP in support of the trade union movement’s calls on the UK government;
  • Lunch-and-Learn Sessions: Organise workplace discussions or virtual lunch-and-learn sessions about Palestine;
  • Wear something red, green, black or a Palestinian keffiyeh to visibly show solidarity. Photos from the day could be shared on social media, creating a visual display of support.’

While after a year of non-action over Palestine the TUC has been forced to call a meagre Day of Action, trade unionists must demand it calls a general strike now.
Only such action would challenge this Starmer government that supports Israel and bring it down.
Such action also stands firmly with the Palestinian revolution to bring an end to Israel’s genocide once and for all.