Gate Gourmet pickets in confident mood earlier this month
Gate Gourmet pickets in confident mood earlier this month

The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign issued a statement yesterday claiming a victory in their fight for the full truth about the police murder of the innocent young Brazilian.

The statement said: ‘The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign expressed their delight this morning at news reported in the Guardian that the Home Secretary is planning to approve a separate investigation by the IPCC into the conduct of Sir Ian Blair following the killing of Jean Charles by police forces at Stockwell tube station on 22nd July 2005.

‘The request for an investigation follows a letter of complaint from the Menezes family to the IPCC on 11 October claiming that Ian Blair had misled the family and the public immediately after Jean’s death.

‘Patricia da Silva Armani, cousin of Jean, who lived with him in his flat in Scotia Road, Tulse Hill said: “This is a great step forward in our campaign for justice. I am so happy, we all are so happy, it’s the best news.”

‘The Menezes family maintain that Sir Ian Blair, as head of the Metropolitan Police, bears ultimate responsibility for the Menezes killing and that he deliberately tried to cover up what happened after Jean’s death.

‘Alex Periera, cousin of Jean said: “Ian Blair made me feel sick this week when he spoke about open and accountable policing after he had lied about what happened to Jean and tried to stop the IPCC investigation.

‘ “It felt like he was doing a party political broadcast. It was obvious he knew he had done something wrong and wanted to make excuses and cover up again. I hope this new investigation into his behaviour brings out the truth.”

‘But the family campaign voiced concerns about the remit of the IPCC report.

‘Patricia da Silva Armani said: “Ian Blair is just one part of the problem.

“We do not want any family to go through what we have gone through but if Blair’s secret shoot-to-kill policies stay then it could happen again. We want the shoot-to-kill policy to be investigated too.”

‘The family campaign is also concerned over expectations that the IPCC report will be made public by the end of the year.

‘The IPCC is expected to complete its report by Christmas and make recommendations to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

‘However, the report will remain secret while the CPS considers whether to charge any officers over Jean’s death, which could take months.

‘Furthermore, if the CPS do charge any officers, the report will only be released after criminal proceedings.

‘This means it could be years before the IPCC report is made public.

‘The family campaign believes that, given the significant political and constitutional issues arising out of Jean’s death the issues of how the police operate, whether Sir Ian Blair misled the public and the legality and guidelines of Operation Kratos need to be addressed immediately, as a matter of public interest.’

The police on Thursday did not deny reports that Jean Charles de Menezes was killed with hollow point ammunition (Dum Dum bullets).

A Home Office spokesman confirmed to News Line yesterday: ‘We can confirm we have received a request from IPCC chairman Nick Hardwick to appoint an investigating officer into the conduct of Commissioner Ian Blair.

‘The Home Secretary is due to reply shortly.’