EU leaders installing a Greek puppet government


A SUMMIT of all European Union members planned yesterday was cancelled to allow the Eurozone Finance Ministers to resume their talks held to decide the future of Greece.

The marathon talks on Saturday had ended without agreement and Eurogroup leader Jeroen Dijsselbloem described negotiations as ‘very difficult’. He added: ‘We have had an in-depth discussion of the Greek proposals, the issue of credibility and trust was discussed and also of course financial issues involved, but we haven’t concluded our discussions. He added: ‘It is still very difficult but work is in progress.’

Greece is now being trampled over by the bankers as an occupied country, owned by the EU Commission, in a way that has not been seen since the Nazis invaded the Sudetenland and then Poland. The Greek government has been got down onto its knees and has agreed to the massive austerity cuts of all kinds, that the huge 61% ‘NO’ referendum victory decided to reject at all costs.

Greece no longer has a government since the Syriza Party is split, and now the EU as the occupying power is seeking to establish a puppet government of Quislings. Having got their way over the austerity measures, the bankers, that is Greece’s creditors, plus the IMF and the European Central Bank are raising the issue that the Greeks ‘cannot be trusted’ to carry out the required ‘reforms’ to get back their money.

The sight of the planet’s bankers raising the issue of ‘trust’ is an obscenity in itself. After all, it was their South Sea Bubble speculations that collapsed the banks and the world economy in 2007, to the point where the lives of hundreds of millions of ordinary people were smashed in order to rescue them, in a forced rescue operation, since they were held to be ‘too big to fail’.

Now these bankers are saying that they can’t trust the Greeks! This means that they will not be content with a Syriza, New Democracy, Pasok coalition since the latter two parties have the responsibility for the Greek debt in the first place.

They want to have an EU Commissioner sitting in the Greek government cabinet, issuing the orders of the day, perhaps with the assistance of a few colonels. However, there are millions of Greek workers, pensioners and youth who voted ‘No’ and are not going to sit idly by and watch their votes and Greek democracy being turned into nothing by the diktats of the Troika.

They will rise up to fight the super austerity that is to be imposed by the new Greek regime, and fight it tooth and nail. The kind of trust that the ECB, the IMF and the bankers want is a military-police-style regime that will force the Greek working class to sweat the blood needed to provide the bankers with their pounds of flesh.

In this crisis situation, the Greek working class, the youth, the trade unions, the pensioners have little alternative but to call an indefinite general strike to bring down the remnants of the Greek government and to go forward to a workers and small farmers government and socialism.

Workers councils must be formed in every town and city and all the major industries, banks, rail networks, seaports and airports must be occupied and put under workers control and management, as must be the country’s reserve food stocks.

Propaganda must be got out to distribute to the ordinary soldiers to urge them to side with the people against those who want to see the Greeks put under the iron heel of the EU for a generation and to help to establish workers militia from the working class and the youth.

Appeals must be made to the working class of Europe to come to the support of the Greek workers, and to take action to expropriate the bosses and bankers in their own countries.

Forward with the Greek general strike! Forward to a workers and small farmers government!

Forward to the European socialist revolution and the Socialist United States of Europe!