Tens of villages and towns in Aleppo liberated by Syrian army!

Troops on the road celebrate their victories

The Army and Armed Forces General Command announced that tens of villages and towns in Aleppo western and northwestern countryside have been liberated.

The liberation comes after a series of concentrated military operations against positions and fortifications of the terrorist organisations which are on the list of terrorism according to the international law.
In a statement on Monday, the Army General Command said: ‘With carefully considered steps and concentrated special operations, heroes of the Syrian Arab Army have continued their advance while determined to uproot terrorism and eliminate the killers who wanted to usurp the will of our people in the area and to take them as hostages and human shields to impede the advance of the army and to delay the elimination of armed organisations which are on the list of terrorism according to the international law.’
Army General Command added: ‘Heroes of our army have been able to accomplish their tasks with high efficiency and in a record time and regained full control over dozens of villages and towns in Aleppo western and northwestern countryside.’
The statement indicated that the villages and towns liberated by the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army included ‘al-Sheikh Ali town, Regiment 46, Urm al-Kubra, Urm al-Sughra, Kafr Naha, Kafr Dael, Kafr Hamra, Bshantara, Babis, Ma’aret al-Artiq, Oaijail, Hritan, Hayyan, Anadan, Byanoun and Alleramoun, and a large number of residential compounds, factories, roundabouts and strategic hills, in addition to opening the crossings of Miznar and Mujairez in Aleppo western countryside and Saraqeb city for securing a peaceful exit of civilians and for putting an end to the nightmare of Takfiri terrorism.’
The statement continued: ‘The Army and Armed Forces General Command announces the liberation of these new areas of the homeland’s soil, and it affirms that the army will continue its field advance and that it is determined to continue its sacred and noble tasks in eliminating the rest of terrorist organisations wherever they are across Syria.
‘Terrorism will not remain on the Syrian territories regardless of how much support provided to it by its backers and sponsors, and the Syrian Arab Army will remain a watchful eye and fortress that will protect the security of the homeland and the citizens.’

  • Head of the Czech Parliamentary Committee for Friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic affirmed that the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in the provinces of Aleppo and Idleb are the way for ending the war and realising peace and stability in Syria and the region.

Grospic, in a statement to the SANA correspondent in Prague on Tuesday, asserted that these victories represent a turning point in the continued liberation of the Syrian territories from the last strongholds of terrorism.
He called for intensifying the international efforts to help the Syrian people and to contribute to the reconstruction process in Syria.
Grospic underlined the necessity to end the criminal unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people by the European Union and the US.
He expressed condemnation of all the military and political attempts which aim at hindering the advance of the Syrian Arab Army and the liberation of the rest of Idleb Province.
Grospic said that defeating terrorism in Idleb is an important issue not only for Syria, but for the Middle East region and its surroundings including Europe.

  • The Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Shura Council, Ali Larijani has affirmed that most of the Syrian territories have become safe after the triumph over terrorism, noting that the presence of terrorist pockets in some areas came as a result of the foreign interference, but a significant advance has been achieved in ending the spread of terrorism.

Iranian News Agency (IRNA) quoted Larijani as saying in a statement on Tuesday that the cooperation between Iran and Syria in combating terrorism has achieved significant results as they have dealt a strong blow to terrorism.
Larijani noted that his country has gained great achievements in consolidating sustainable security in the region.
Larijani indicated the stability of the situation in Syria paves the way for the reconstruction process and investment.
He pointed out that his country possesses potentials in the commercial, agricultural and industrial fields which can be benefited from in Syria, describing his visit to Syria and Lebanon as ‘positive’.