TO DIE BY MISTAKE by Brazilian writer Urariano Mota translated by...
There are various ways of dying by mistake. All of them against one’s own will. Not so long ago I believed that we could...
Qurei Rejects Gaza ‘State’
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei, also known as Abu-Ala, last Saturday said that an independent and sovereign Palestinian state will inevitably be established on...
West Bank settlement expansion ‘undermines Gaza gains’
PLO Executive Committee member Yasser Abed Rabbo has called on the European Union to take a firm stand against moving the Zionist settlers evacuated...
Clarke’s New Security Measures . . . ‘Violate Human Rights’ Says...
‘The new measures, proposed today by the UK government, targeting non-nationals considered to be threatening public order, national security and the rule of law,...
Gadaffi – Swinging To The Right
THE swing to the right by the Libyan regime, led by Colonel Gadaffi, is now taking place at breakneck speed. The man who once...
‘BRING POLICE KILLERS TO JUSTICE’ – de Menezes family demands of...
Over three hundred friends and supporters of the family of Jean Charles de Menezes – the young Brazilian electrician murdered by Metropolitan Police firearms...
‘LONG LIVE PALESTINE’ – says Saddam Hussein in a letter from...
Imprisoned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has vowed in a letter to sacrifice himself for the cause of Palestine and Iraq. He urged Arabs to...
IRAN ‘HAS NOT VIOLATED PARIS AGREEMENT’ – on resuming nuclear activity
Last Saturday evening, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Asefi outlined his government’s position to the foreign media on a number of issues, beginning with...
’REBUILDING WORKER POWER’ – Global union UNI 2nd World Congress 22-25...
Union Network International (UNI), a federation of unions from across the globe, will convene more than 1,500 delegates from six continents, 140 countries and...
‘I want to meet bush face to face’ says Cindy Sheehan
‘I want to meet with Bush face-to-face’, says Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq. She vows to camp outside the...
‘Water And Electricity More Important Than Constitution’ Say Iraqis
Iraq’s newspapers warned Tuesday of the risk of the total collapse of basic services like electricity and water, saying upgrading them was more important...
Gaza Withdrawal Begins
The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) officially began a historic evacuation of the Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip at midnight Sunday, reported the Palestine...
GET US TROOPS OUT – says mother of dead soldier, as...
Several hundred people joined an anti-Iraq war protest outside President George W Bush’s holiday ranch in Crawford, Texas, on Sunday, as the American...
‘SERIOUS ATTACK ON HUMAN RIGHTS’ – Ammesty condemns Blair’s measures
Amnesty International has expressed considerable alarm over the onslaught on basic rights announced by Prime Minister Blair on Friday 5th August to deal with...
CAFTA – a disaster for US workers’ jobs
Backers of the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) claimed the bill would increase US textile jobs – but a new study by...
Qatar Student Sues Rumsfeld Over Inhuman Detention
A lawsuit filed last Tuesday against US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld reveals the gratuitous cruelty inflicted on a foreign student held without charges...
THE WORLD’S LARGEST PRISON – what Israel has in mind for...
Vindicating Palestinian fears of transforming the Gaza Strip into the world’s largest prison, Israel on Monday ruled out giving the Palestinians their own gate...
Eight UN experts on Monday called for the Israeli separation Wall being constructed on Palestinian land to be dismantled. The UN experts were marking the...
US releases frozen aid to Colombia – Rights groups slam ‘blatantly...
Three days before Colombian President Uribe was scheduled to meet with President Bush on August 4th at his Crawford, Texas ranch, the State Department...
TORTURE AND SECRET DETENTION – Testimony of the ‘disappeared’ in war...
America is ‘complicit in torture’ carried out in secret detention centres around the world, accuses Amnesty International in its latest report. Torture and secret detention:...
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Minister of Civil Affairs, Mohammad Dahlan has revealed a plan regarding the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Dahlan, who also heads the...
Seven US Soldiers Killed Near Haditha
Seven US marines have been killed in western Iraq, the US military said yesterday. The soldiers were killed on Monday near Haditha, a town...
The TUC has published the Preliminary Agenda for the 137th annual Trades Union Congress, taking place from 12-15 September in Brighton. Very little action is...
ABD-AL HAQ-AL ANI, counsellor for the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s defence panel, has revealed that an assault took place on the Iraqi leader at...
STOP SHOOT-TO-KILL – demands De Menezes family
‘Please help us in our quest for justice,’ Allessandro Pereira, cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes told a vigil in Parliament Square last Friday...
Bush, Blair And Ahern Welcome Ira Statement
The IRA announced the end of the armed struggle against British imperialism in a statement issued on Thursday. The statement said: ‘The leadership of...
Ira End Armed Struggle!
The IRA yesterday announced the end of its armed struggle against British imperialism. The IRA statement said: ‘The leadership of Oglaigh na hEireann has formally...
APOLOGISE! – demands GMB union after sick worker’s sacking ends in...
The GMB trade union Tuesday called upon DHL management to publicly apologise to the family of one of its employees, whom it ‘callously sacked...
SEIU and Teamsters quit AFL-CIO
American trade unions, SEIU and the Teamsters have disaffiliated from the national AFL-CIO confederation, and four major unions – the Teamsters, Food and Commercial Workers, UNITE...
ISRAELIS PLAN WEST BANK GRAB – as Rice gives Sharon the...
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) says it got no answers about Israel’s intentions from the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, during Rice’s latest...
PNA will be the sole Gaza administrator– after Israeli pull-out, says...
THE Palestine National Authority will be the sole administrator of the Gaza Strip after the Israeli withdrawal in August, the Palestine Liberation Organisation Executive...
LOW PAY NO WAY! – MPs support cleaners strike
‘OUR battle will go on until we get justice for our people,’ said the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) General Secretary Tony Woodley...
HSC bows to Brown’s ‘enforcement-lite’ demand
‘The Health and Safety Commission says it is seeking “the right balance of enforcement and advice”, in line with the “enforcement-lite” approach sought by...
Don’t Let Colombia’s Paramilitaries Off The Hook!
The British government should not support Colombia’s new paramilitary demobilisation law, which Colombian President Alvaro Uribe will promote when he meets with Tony Blair...
Russia launches a new 10-year space programme
The Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) is about to start its Kliper launch vehicle project, the head of the agency told a Moscow press conference...
PNA and Hamas condemn Israeli ‘meddling’
Israel’s military escalation is ‘an attempt by Israel to meddle in our internal Palestinian life,’ Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned in a press...
PNA appeals for ‘calm’ during Gaza pullout
Amid a flurry of diplomatic visits aimed at securing a smooth Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and military escalation by the Israeli Occupation...
Karzai Officials And Advisors ‘Implicated In Major War Crimes’
Numerous high-level officials and advisors in Afghanistan’s US-backed puppet government are implicated in major war crimes and human rights abuses that took place in...
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Civil Affairs Minister Muhammad Dahlan met with a Hamas leadership delegation comprising Isma’il Haniyah and Sa’id Siyam, in Gaza, at...
‘Labour history was made in Chicago last July’ – UNITE HERE...
‘Labour history was made in Chicago last July with a merger that has paid real dividends for American workers’, says the UNITE HERE trade...
US DISBANDS TIKRIT FORCES – for joining protesters
The puppet Iraqi Oil Ministry announced Saturday that fire had erupted in the oil tanks of Al-Dawrah Refinery, southern Baghdad, last night. A ministry spokesman...
The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, last Thursday condemned the London blasts, urging an end to the ‘injustice and bias against the Arab nation’. Commenting...
Israeli Forces Bulldoze West Bank Villages
ISRAELI occupation forces demolished four houses, razed land and arrested Palestinians in the West Bank last Wednesday. They demolished one house that was still under...
Gleneagles Protesters Condemn Police Assaults
ANGRY protesters have condemned police tactics at the G8 Alternatives demonstration in Auchterarder, outside Gleneagles on Wednesday, when riot police, mounted police and police...
‘We cannot fashion the future of Africa by begging’ – Colonel...
Members of the 53-nation African Union held a summit meeting in the Libyan coastal town of Sirte last Monday and Tuesday, on the eve...