NATO war criminals used depleted uranium weaponry in Libya!

The anti-imperialist Libyan Jamahiriya resistance fighters are growing in strength
The anti-imperialist Libyan Jamahiriya resistance fighters are growing in strength

JAMAHIRIYA NEWS has reported on NATO war crimes in Libya including deformities in new born babies due to the use by NATO of depleted uranium bombs.

It states: ‘Regarding this depleted uranium report below, we brought in the first sophisticated radiation detectors with us on our fact finding commission in May of 2011.

‘Libyans knew that depleted uranium was being used by NATO in their bombing raids and they were very concerned.

‘There is no doubt that NATO/US broke every agreement imposed by the Geneva Convention.

‘War crimes against humanity in Libya by NATO and its member countries is unmatched in the world.

‘This is a crime beyond the wildest imagination. Libya was a naive country, no drugs, no AIDS, very few birth defects, very small number of cancer patients – look at the evil left behind by the psychopaths of the one world order.

‘A new report from Human Rights Watch (better later than never, after backing the US-NATO propaganda during the entire aggression against Libya) has expressed deep concern with the confirmed information of the use, by both France and Britain, of Internationally prohibited weapons on raids in Libya in 2011 under the UN Resolution 1973.

‘Resolution 1973 authorized NATO to bomb sites for military yet there were 60,000 bombing raids against civilian targets, The Great Man Made River, hospitals, hotels, homes, schools, power plants and on and on.

‘Those NATO countries were bombing Libya with cluster bombs with depleted uranium radioactive metal, used for its ability to penetrate the concrete.

‘As a result of this saturation, agricultural crops, livestock and water sources have become seriously polluted with radiation resulting in the appearance of grossly deformed newborns in Libya as well as grave cancers amongst Libyan citizens.

‘In Libya, as now being recorded by the WHO (World Health Organization), there is the highest deformation in foetuses, which has reached 23% of newborns and also a high incidence of new forms of cancer that were not known among ordinary Libyans and now amount to 18% of the total of cancers that have been diagnosed by the organization’s branch in Libya.

‘Despite this serious health disaster countries involved with NATO are now demanding that Libya pay them one billion seven hundred million dollars for their help in toppling the Gadaffi regime.

‘This is beyond absurd, first they stole 500 billion of Libyan money in the EU and the Fed and used it to destroy Libya with bombs laden with radiation.

‘They destroyed the infrastructure, the government and left Libyans with terrorists in charge of their country, 2 million in exile and Libya should pay for this!!!

‘The leaders in these corrupt governments are so arrogant they think they can destroy a country and make that country pay for it – Libya already paid and paid – 500 times over.

‘Despite the fact that these weapons were originally intended for disposal and the US was supposed to pay for the disposal, they should be compensating Libya because they used it (illegally) to get rid of the dangerous weapons arsenal overflowing in storage by the British and French.’

Jamahiriya News of the 28 February 2014 reports that ‘The commander of the Libyan “Desert Legion”, Brigadier General Mansour Mozainy, has revealed that some Libyan mercenaries tried to send a shipment of mustard gas to their brothers, “Obama’s cannibals”, in Syria via shipment, but he explained that these terrorists have been caught and the shipment was confiscated.

‘Brigadier Mozainy said to the Libyan international television channel that “Some Libyan terrorist groups tried to send a shipment of mustard gas to Syria, but some brigades of the Libyan army confiscated this shipment”.

‘He added that some Libyan officials, NATO loyalists, asked for the release of the shipment.

‘This shows how things are changing in Libya and that the Green Resistance, always more stronger in the south of Libya, can now count on the collaboration of some sectors in the army formally under the control of Tripoli and Benghazi, that do not agree with arming the terrorist groups.

‘Libya became, after NATO attacked the Jamahiriya in 2011, according to dozens of news reports, an attraction centre for fighters to be re-sent to Syria after receiving the necessary training.

‘Several intelligence reports revealed the accession of a number of armed Libyans with armed groups in Syria under the name of “jihad”, where many of them were killed during the operation by the Syrian Arab Army against the terrorist groups.’

The Libyan Free Press reports that ‘The latest developments from the South, demonstrate the growing ability of the reconstructed military and political resistance Patriots.

‘The flame of resistance is again powered and on, the intellectual direction of the resistance combines a fruitful balance of the objectives achieved in its unexpected eruption of regained consciousness, reborn from the hunger and longing to return to Libya’s dignity and sovereignty, clean the nation of mercenaries and traitors, make tactical moves to protect civilians and embrace new troops loyal to the newly formed provisional Jamahiriya army.

‘The Senior Green High Command warns all to maintain important security precautions and measures to protect the mujahads of the Green Resistance and all the people in general.

‘The High Command recommends Resistance fighters, reporters, analysts to maintain a careful use of social, mobile or any media to avoid forces and logistics being detected by the invading enemy supplied by Israel through the West with high-tech devices to detect resistance.

‘It recommends people to avoid conflict areas and not to become cannon fodder since the enemy is only to be engaged in an appropriate, planned and systematic manner by members of the resistance.

‘The people, the supporters of the green resistance and its fighters must be patient and wait for the time when the Green Resistance can convene from the shadows, emerging into the light of day as fully armed and ready divisions.

‘According to reports reaching us some tribes of Zintan have agreed to a temporary cease-fire, avoiding unnecessary conflict with NATO rats who want to engage the Zintan. Naturally the Zintan want to repel attack by mercenaries from Misrata and Libyan ‘army’ servile evil slaves of the enemy known as NATO in any area of the South.

‘This agreement allows us to avoid further bloodshed of civilians and their important electrical and water facilitates in favour of a more intelligent and targeted realignment of Resistance into new methods of battle scenarios.

‘The Resistance announces it will continue to maintain control of the South and continue its targeted attacks on figures of the Libyan puppet international bankers “government”.

‘The Libyan Jamahiriya resistance has managed to establish several bridges and advanced lines, recovered abundant war material which has now been moved into secret and safe locations, has removed hundreds of foreign mercenaries and captured dozens of them in the Southern areas facing a minimum loss of Green Resistance fighters.

‘Our disciplined forces have demonstrated military superiority on land while facing up to constant aerial bombardment by NATO and Qatar fighter planes. Our plan is to use our knowledge of the area on the ground to intelligently stake out our analysis of any military movements as the only way to achieve liberation by Libya’s armed insurrection against overwhelming foreign assets.

‘The Jamahiriyia forces media’s objectives are once more being achieved in all corners of the world as exiled Libyans, faithful internet support fighters and millions of people have returned in the last few days to talk about the suffering of the Libyan people and their destruction in the hands of a de facto occupation government in Libya.

‘Resistance calls on our good friends the non-Libyan bloggers to once more take up the call to arms on their keyboards and youtube channels and muster support and awareness of the struggle for Libya which never died but just went underground to restructure and await the time when Libyan fools who bowed to the NATO lie would once more awake to their criminal usage by liars, traitors and thieves.

‘And we call to the journalists and politicians who stood for us but now are silent fearing our demise.

‘Demonstrations of solidarity with the Resistance in dozens of Libyan embassies around the world have been observed some of whom have even raised once more from their rooftops the Jamahiriya Green Flag.

‘The struggle of liberation of Libya is now irreversible!

‘Peace, mercy and the blessings of God are with men loyal to the country and the Libyan Jamahiriya.’