‘Lebanon cannot be a soft spot for harming Syria’ – nor vice versa says Hezbollah

Demonstration in London against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in July 2006
Demonstration in London against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in July 2006

‘Lebanon cannot be a soft spot for harming Syria and the latter cannot be a conduit for harming Lebanon,’ said Hezbollah’s Sheikh Na’im Qasim in Damascus commenting on USA/Israel, ties with Syria.

‘Normal Lebanese-Syrian relations is the solution and what is required,’ he added.

‘The resistance has foiled the new Middle East plan former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wanted to implement starting with Lebanon,’ Qasim the deputy secretary general of Hezbollah said at an Iftar Banquet held by the Islamic Resistance Support Association in Damascus (IRSA).

‘The strength of Lebanon stems from the strength of Syria and the strength of Syria stems from the strength of Lebanon, and both need each other.

‘Lebanon cannot be a soft spot for harming Syria and, likewise, the latter cannot be a conduit for harming Lebanon.

‘We need this Lebanese-Syrian relationship and we thank God for the wisdom of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who remained patient all this time, and for the wisdom of the opposition, which proved to all that restoring normal Lebanese-Syrian relations is the solution and this is what is required.’

He continued: ‘Who can help us politically to liberate Palestine, the Shabaa Farms, the Golan Heights, or any other occupied area?

‘Shall we go back to the Security Council and the United States, which is the big international sponsor or the thief who created Israel in our region? ‘If so, we will then be running after mirage.

‘Imagine that the United States is the honest broker that will return the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories.

‘The Security Council sees Israel killing, destroying, annexing Jerusalem land, and expanding every day, but it remains silent. Will these support us? Never.

‘Who created Israel in the region? It was Britain in agreement with the big powers.

‘The United States later sponsored it because Israel is wanted to be a thorn in the side of the Arabs in order to control their destinies, resources, and policies, and to be the heavy stick used by the arrogant to subjugate us to their policies.

‘Can these restore the land, liberate Palestine, or return the holy places?

‘No, they cannot restore anything. Therefore, I believe that any settlement will be a mere mirage that is not possible to reach.’

He added: ‘Now the United States is moving like a shuttle to stun the world and fill the pages of newspapers with news that Mitchell is putting pressure on Israel to stop settlement construction.

‘The Israelis, in turn, are discussing the possibility of freezing settlement building for three or six months.

‘In return for this, the Arabs from the Euphrates to the Nile are required to normalise their relations with Israel, allow the Israeli planes to enter Arab airspace, and establish normal Arab-Israeli relations.’

He asked: ‘Do you know what it means to normalise relations with Israel?

‘It means that there will be no Arab cover or support for the Palestinian rights, and the resisting Palestinians will remain alone in the field exposed to international and Arab plotting instead of at least being protected by the Arabs.

‘We have repeatedly said we do not want the Arabs to support the Palestinian cause but only avoid harming it.

‘We do not want them to sacrifice for it instead of the Palestinians. If they remain silent as they are now, that will be enough for the Palestinian cause. We do not want them to trade with this cause.’

He added: ‘Resistance is the solution. It was resistance which liberated the land.

‘What happened in July 2006 was a great victory, and we can say it was a divine victory,’ Qasim said.

He continued: ‘The Islamic resistance foiled the new Middle East plan former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wanted to implement starting with Lebanon.

‘It also strengthened the will of opposition by our Palestinian and Arab people. All Arabs and Muslims got hope that they can liberate Palestine from the sea to the river, including Jerusalem and every particle of its soil.

‘This resistance has created the culture of dignified life. With resistance we no longer accept to be submissive or surrender or accept the conditions they impose on us. We will remain in the field so that our people can live an honourable and dignified life.’

Qasim added: ‘This resistance has deterred and scared Israel and made it think a thousand times before embarking on any new aggression because it knows very well that its aggression will not pass easily.

‘Therefore, the resistance is ready to confront any Israeli aggression. Had it not been for the victory of resistance, Israel would have daily entered Lebanon to kill, occupy, and take captives.

‘But because it fears the brave resistance men, it is satisfied with making threats. In any case, they have stopped their threats because these adversely influenced their people instead of us.

‘We in Lebanon have always underscored the need for Lebanese-Syrian relations. Voices in Lebanon objected to this and dealt with Syria as if it were an enemy. That was wrong and posed a serious threat to mind and thinking.

‘Syria, however, stood fast, We, too, in Lebanon stood fast. All in Lebanon today speak about the importance of establishing Lebanese-Syrian relations as stated in the Al-Ta’if agreement, which called for distinguished relations because the strength of Lebanon stems from the strength of Syria and the strength of Syria stems from the strength of Lebanon, and both need each other.

‘We need this Lebanese-Syrian relationship and we thank Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who remained patient all this time, and for the wisdom of the opposition, which proved to all that restoring normal Lebanese-Syrian relations is the solution and this is what is required.’

He added: ‘We are today waiting for the formation of a Lebanese government of national unity.

‘We have always been positive because we do not want to take advantage of our position for personal gains.

‘We want Lebanon to be strong and able to manage its affairs.

‘Therefore, we agreed in the Doha agreement on the formation of a national unity government.

Afterward, we held the parliamentary elections.

‘There were some problems related to the money that was paid (to voters) and the follow-up method. Nevertheless, we said we accept the results of the parliamentary elections.

‘Later we agreed that the formula of national accord would be the one used to form the government. We did all this because we care for Lebanon and for the cooperation of all. Yes, we have paid a great deal for the liberation and strength of Lebanon and we do not regret that.

‘It should be clear that only accord can succeed in Lebanon because the game played by the majority proved its failure in the past and turned into a monopoly of power, thus alarming political forces that have their weight in the country.

‘We stress the importance of dialogue and communication to overcome obstacles.’

Concluding, he said: ‘We will always be on the side of national unity and a strong Lebanon, and will support efforts to consolidate political stability and address the social and economic conditions of the people.’