CGT calls Day of Action on June 6th!

CGT and Force Ouvriere banner on the march against Macron's pension attack in January

FRENCH trade union federation, the CGT, says a new day of action is scheduled for June 6 at the call of the inter-union, which asks workers to maintain a rolling fire of initiatives and actions in companies and public services.

Over two million people took to the streets of France on May Day.
The CGT said on Thursday: ‘For a fallacious reason, the Constitutional Council is again rejecting the possibility of consulting citizens on raising the retirement age.
‘For the CGT and the inter-union, the fight continues at least until June 8, date of examination in the National Assembly of a bill to repeal this reform rejected by the vast majority of citizens.
‘A little more than two weeks after having invalidated a first request for a referendum of shared initiative (RIP), the Constitutional Council takes refuge behind a false quibble to defeat this democratic exercise.
‘No, the pension reform has not reached the end of its democratic process, contrary to what the government insists.
‘A reform without a vote in the National Assembly and by the grace of Article 49.3 of the Constitution, is not democratic.
‘And it continues with the decision of the Constitutional Council which rejects for the second time the possibility of a referendum on the age limit for retirement at 62.
‘The first request for popular consultation filed by the left before the Constitutional Council fizzled.
‘Invalidated on April 14. On May 3, the second request, still filed by the left, and aimed at prohibiting the legal retirement age beyond 62, was no more fortunate.’
‘The only possibility given to the population to express themselves on such a central subject has been flouted twice. It’s a democratic scandal,’ reacts Thomas Vacheron, confederal secretary in charge of the inter-union pensions.
Tye CGT continued: ‘A new denial of democracy which adds to the long list of sprains since the executive power decided to force through its pension reform. Against all odds.
A grotesque decision
‘Two days after the massive mobilisation of May 1 under the sign of work and pensions, the members of the Constitutional Council did not give parliamentarians the possibility of triggering a RIP.
‘To argue their decision, those who are called the “Wise Men” of Rue de Montpensier judge, that the referendum “does not relate to a reform relating to the social policy of the Nation”: in short, at the time of the filing of the referendum request, the retirement age was 62, so according to them, the RIP is irrelevant.
‘A grotesque decision since the law was enacted just after, and the starting age is no longer set at 62 but at 64!
A non-event
‘We will do without a referendum. For the CGT, its rejection by the Constitutional Council is “a non-event”. The victory to obtain the withdrawal of this unjust and unjustified reform passes through unitary mobilisation.’
‘More than two million demonstrators marched on May 1st, everywhere in France: these were the biggest parades since the post-war period,’ resumes Thomas Vacheron.
The CGT added: ‘And the inter-union does not flinch: it calls to continue the fight at least until June 8, date of the examination of the bill of the group Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-mer et Territoires (Liot) in the Assembly national government to repeal the pension reform.
‘Until then, a new day of action is scheduled for June 6 at the call of the inter-union, which asks workers to maintain a rolling fire of initiatives and actions in companies and public services. The struggle continues!’
In a separate statement, the CGT declared: ‘Under cover of counterparts such as the increase in the minimum amount of pensions, the 2023 reform is in fact even tougher than the abortive one of 2020.
‘If applied, it would be more quickly unfavourable to employees and would accelerate the decline in pensions.
‘The Pensions Guidance Council estimates that the purchasing power of retirees could eventually drop by 20% compared to that of active workers.
‘The “guarantee” of a minimum pension of 1,200 euros is only an illusion, because it would only be effective for full careers.
The CGT proposes another reform
‘We must rely on public opinion to move from discontent to collective action.
‘This is not only to oppose the Macron-Borne project, but also to share the CGT’s proposals to improve the existing pension system:
Return to a departure at 60,
Minimum pension at minimum wage level of 2,000 euros,
Taking into account the years of study.
How? By seeking new funding;
Ending contribution exemptions;
Increasing the contribution rate;
Professional gender equality.’

  • On May 4, 2023, an extraordinary CSE (Social and Economic Committee) was convened in Lyon with on the agenda the dismissal of three elected CGT members from the company Sonelog – Sonepar, le Pontet (Vaucluse).

The employees of Sonelog le Pontet led an exemplary struggle for a full month to improve their remuneration conditions.
They demanded a bonus of 1,000 euros.

  • A full month of strikes, 7 days a week, days and nights in all weathers, without pay.
  • Despite several attempts at negotiations by elected CGT officials, the company chose to rot, going so far as to threaten the strikers.
  • Questioned by the CGT, the departmental labour management tried to organise mediation meetings, without result.

The CGT noted: ‘At the request of the prefect of Vaucluse, the PACA regional labour department took charge of the file via a conciliation commission on April 14, bringing together the stakeholders as well as representatives of employees and “neutral” employer organisations.
‘An end-of-conflict agreement was signed that day, responding in part to the demands of the employees (800 euros) and ending the conflict.
‘At the end of this full day of negotiations, everyone seemed satisfied.
‘Monday, April 17, 2023, the employees returned to work to the applause of the comrades of the interpro CGT.
Sonelog – Sonepar did not intend to stop there
‘The whole week went well until Friday … On Friday, the vengeful spirit of management manifested itself: a dozen employees were hand-delivered letters of summons prior to sanction which can go as far as dismissal, accompanied by temporary layoffs as if the employees presented a danger to their colleagues.
‘Since then, the number has increased to 25 sackings, including three elected from the CGT.’
‘These acts come in complete violation of the terms of the exit from the crisis. These employees will therefore suffer the double penalty for having claimed a legitimate increase in view of the company’s turnover,’ said Fred Laurent, Secretary General of the CGT de Vaucluse.
Present in 40 countries, the group claims without any qualms that 2022 will be remembered as the best year ever.
Sonelog – Sonepar stated: ‘We achieved the best performance in our sector. The Group reached a new record with a turnover of 32.4 billion euros, an increase of 28% compared to 2021, and an autonomous growth of 18.5%.’